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Quick Reply broken?

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I seem to be having trouble with the "QR" and "Quick Reply" parts of threads. I click on the "QR" button on a post, and it does nothing, whilst clicking on "Quick Reply" at the bottom of a thread takes me to the normal "Reply" page.


Is this a board-wide bug, or just my computer playing games with me?



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as far as i'm aware it's only happening to you. do other dynamic parts of the site work? (like if you click on my username to the left does a pop up menu appear?) what skin do you use? has that recently changed?

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as far as i'm aware it's only happening to you. do other dynamic parts of the site work? (like if you click on my username to the left does a pop up menu appear?) what skin do you use? has that recently changed?


Bugger :( Nah, I click on your username and it takes me to your user page.


Also, some of the "links" are broken ie. the Muse logo in the top left just says "Muse Messageboard" and sometimes the "QUOTE" says "Reply with Quote". :(


Bugger, it's probably just my internet or computer being strange. I use the Stars skin and I've not changed that in ages! It seemed to be that last night, when the board was having another tantrum last night (database error and busy servers), this all happened after it.


*sigh* I suppose I'll just wait it out a few days and check it over.


Thanks anyway kev! :D

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sounds like the javascript hasn't been initialised, i guess either you've got a problem accessing the files (which might be why some images aren't coming through) or you've accidently disabled javascript some how. try pressing ctrl+f5 on a page see if that helps incase you have any cache problems?

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sounds like the javascript hasn't been initialised, i guess either you've got a problem accessing the files (which might be why some images aren't coming through) or you've accidently disabled javascript some how. try pressing ctrl+f5 on a page see if that helps incase you have any cache problems?


ctrl+f5 has done the trick!! Must remember that for the future!


Glitch sorted, thanks kev! :happy:

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Guest Chizzleface
HAHAA! Just used it again! :LOL: I swear though, it'd hadn't struck me as a button you push.

It was the only button I could reply with when I was stuck in Chesterfield behind a scummy filter :LOL:

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