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trem vs non trem


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Hey guys,

I am getting a manson replica made and I'm debating over a 2 point trem and hardtail. I use the trem for KoC but i like to drop d or a for a couple of their songs.

With the trem i assume that i would have to set up the guitar for drop d.


What do yo guys think would be better?

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If you have a stratocaster style trem, they are a lot easier to work with.. You can convert them to hard tail with a piece of wood pretty easily. On my strat I just have the tension springs a bit tighter then normal. It isn't floating bridge so it won't do anything with stable tuning. Then you can drop d, half step everything, or do some crazy timings that require more tension like open G. The extra tension on the bridge will keep it in place no matter what.


I am building my own replica and I went hard tail cause I just prefer them. Having a trem for just one song you cover isn't necessary.. Especially KoC.. I just just a trem effect or a vibrato to give a roughly similar sound

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What the others said, with the addition that a hardtail usually gives a bit more sustain than a bottomed-out trem, but that's a pretty subtle point anyway.


Oh - if you want to go down to drop A, are you figuring in the thicker than standard bass string? That could make it a little trickier to set up as a jack of all trades.

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