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Everything posted by rainer219

  1. Right? It's just a very Musey song - elements from OoS, Absolution and BH&R all at once. Bliss, Stockholm Syndrome, TIRO, Starlight, Glorious. It's all groovy, heavy and uplifting all at the same time! Sure, it's a simple song, but it sounds like it's been executed beautifully. It's quite refreshing having a BH&R-esque song pop up again in almost 10 years, 5 years if you also consider Neutron Star Collision as being BH&R-similar.
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by Citizen_Eraser View Post Matt in multiple interviews - The first half of the album is very dark and then it brightens up as it progresses Yes - this! Every fan that wants the heavy album "because they promised" should see this!
  3. Sorry but Dead Inside to cement the heavy aspect? Dead Inside was more 80s funk pop rock. If they wanted to cement any aspect of heavy, they would have released Reapers a single. My guess is that they wanted to first release a song that would stir everyone up in good and bad ways - Psycho - and then release a more conventional song that's also got some controversial qualities to it in regard to what they had the fans anticipate - stuff that's heavier than 80s sounding pop rock. Don't get me wrong, though, I like the two songs, but not as much as Mercy and Reapers in the first half of the album.
  4. The Handler saviour of the first half? Only because you haven't got what you expected, which is fair enough. Reapers with rock cliches? What in it is cliche, exactly? Is it just the riff with a straight rock beat? Have you heard the guitar solo? Definitely nothing cliche about - it's actually quite technical.
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