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Posts posted by FingerFud

  1. People in other threads are saying standing is £71 but Ticketmaster for this gig states £49.50-£82.50.


    The gig is also exactly 3 days before my dissertation is due. Shower of bastards. Think this is the first time since I became a fan I'll be missing them in Glasgow. Silly price, horrendous timing.


    Wtf. That's insane!!

  2. dat low end


    what series is it from? I know it's a jazz bass. (I figured that out all by myself)


    And I'm not sure Tom! but I rarely see people put a fender logo on their squier for example.


    Why? Probably because it wouldn't make sense... :erm:


    Having said that, I know EVH once had a gibson sticker on his strat's headstock...proper legit.


    I've seen that done before! A Fender sticker on a Squier P-bass!

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