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Everything posted by secofsci

  1. At first I didn't like Psycho. I even spent my Friday night grumbling about how I dislike it on my Line TL (i even use the strong 'hate' word). I shortly fell asleep after those grumblings thing, and had a dream of watching Muse live. The next day when I played Psycho again, I didn't despise it anymore. Wtf, Muse had successfully brainwashed me and turned me into THEIR human drones.:LOL: The fact that I don't despise it anymore doesn't mean that I like like it, though. So I answer 'maybe' to the poll.
  2. halo, blh gabung? kykx kok sepi bgt.. kykx sih udh g mo ke indonesia lagi, pernah baca di artikel dimanaa gitu katanya mereka punya bbrpa pengalaman buruk di indonesia. tapi berdoa ajalah semoga mereka dateng ke indonesia lagi
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