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Princess of Promise

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Posts posted by Princess of Promise

  1. Yeah, people on Youtube can be real dicks, especially when it comes to music. It's something about "genuine fans" being there "ever since the beginning" and "knowing all the songs down to the T" and "owning everything they've ever done in physical form." If you ask me, they're just really insecure and looking to remedy that by lording themselves over new/casual fans.


    Also, why do people shit on people telling them to go back to "their own music" when they're from/already part of another fanbase?? I just don't understand it. Just because you watch a show or movie or read a book or such doesn't mean it'll automatically connect you to a certain artist or music genre? and dan+phil actually like muse so their logic is seriously flawed; anyway...


    It doesn't actually fix anything. It makes them look like shit (which they probably are) and makes others feel like crap (which they don't deserve to). It doesn't matter if you just like one song to death or know all of them by heart - you still don't deserve to get shit on for not knowing every song or liking something else before liking Muse. It also doesn't matter what you liked beforehand I liked COUNTRY MUSIC and TWILIGHT (at the same time) before listening to Muse for crying out loud...and as far as the "immature" thing, that's bullshit.


    If Muse/being part of the fanbase makes you a happier person, then I see no problem with listening to their music. It is completely irrelevant what they say/think about you and your place in the fanbase/what you like besides Muse. It's what you listen to and what you like. If someone wants to shit on you for it, then they're just a sad excuse of an asshole. They can't decide what you like and on what terms you like it.


    In other words: they need to shush. Your interests are valid, no matter if you just know Uprising or every single song they're ever done. Welcome to the board! Always good to see new people here :happy:


    And that's not the worst post ever. I've done far worse in my day :LOL: You don't have to apologise for making this post :3


    homophobes, ugh

  2. 1- Quote 3 songs you have discovered again in 2015 and which remain in head :

    - Time is Running Out

    - Blackout

    - Resistance

    2- 3 songs you used to love but you don't listen to anymore (in 2015):

    - Citizen Erased

    - Hate This And I'll Love You

    - Guiding Light


    3- 3 songs you have listened to the most in 2015:

    - The Globalist

    - Blackout

    - Isolated System


    4- 3 best lives of the year (full show):

    - ? (I don't pay much attention to the live shows anymore; i'm still sore about missing a particular show)


    5- 3 best songs live of the year:

    - Again, i don't know. I heard Uno is good live though.

    6- 3 best surprises of the year:

    - Older songs coming back

    - The new stage design!!

    - The Globalist

    7- 3 disappointments of 2015:

    - Dead Inside, Mercy, Revolt

    (Nothing like what I expected them to sound like; still sore about it)


    8- 3 importantes dates of the year:

    - Psycho dropped

    - Drones released

    - Found out that, of course Atlantic Canada won't be anywhere close to a show. I mean it figures but...merr

    9- 3 wishes for 2016:

    - Longer shows (attempt to play the Globalist live, or at least part of it?)

    - I hope they bring back Bliss again. That was A+

    - Less focus on if a single sounds good to a general audience. The beginning of Drones makes this point quite well. Though Psycho is pretty good at avoiding this (it still sounds a bit tailor-made to be a GA single though; just my opinion)


    10- 3 things you'd like to say (10 is better than 9...)

    - I still like Muse.

    - Feeling like the experience has lost some of the glamour/old unexpectedness, though

    - Atlantic Canada has played host to a lot of different (big) bands. I sound like an asshole rn; I don't care.

    Used the quote for my opinions.

  3. Takeaway points from the radio interviews:


    • Dead Inside is about losing love, takes the album into a dark place
    • After Psycho the album keeps getting progressively darker
    • Mercy and The Handler in particular are really dark
    • Defector and Revolt are when the protagonist starts to fight back, regains self control
    • Aftermath is the end of the brainwashing story, about finding love again
    • The Globalist is the CE sequel, a "10 minute prog nightmare," about the rise and fall of a dictator, end of world, WW3
    • Dead Inside and Psycho are the two extremes of the album, melodic and heavy
    • The album leans more towards heavy side
    • This is their return to being a three-piece band

    Chris also claims the Psycho tour has the band talking about doing more intimate gigs, says there is "something missing" in playing big arenas etc.

    I thought Defector would be the dark one but hey. (called it with mercy yes)


    A CE sequel? Hmm. Not sure if good or bad.

    World War D(rones)


  4. Good I can't make a claim for (i belong to you, i'm looking at you. big freeze, i'm looking at you.) and cohesive I can't necessarily make a claim for, but I don't think it'll ever reach the level that Clockwork did (though we got pretty close with the older albums). But if Drones is as good as people think it's gonna be, there's still a little bit of hope to be held.


    To be honest, the last two albums felt like your typical, run-of-the-mill single albums. Hope that doesn't happen here.

  5. Also, unrelated but I feel like Dead Inside is gonna be poppy in the same way that TiRO is poppy. Not quite Starlight or Madness level..


    I would actually hope so because that was a pretty decent sound for TiRO and if even a smidge of it made it into Dead Inside it would be a nice intermediate between the old work and more recent songs. Old fans = happy; new fans = happy.


    At least, that's how I feel about it, anyway.

    *pops into thread randomly*


    I kinda have my hopes up for The Globalist, does anyone else?

    1. Dead Inside: Much akin to Execution Commentary.
    2. Drill Sergeant: Not much, just some guy screaming at you about Amazon drones. Also something about condoms.
    3. Psycho: Your ass literally belongs to him now.
    4. Mercy: A stranger version of

    5. Reapers*: The Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy theme song.
    6. The Handler: feat. radiohead
    7. JFK: JFK screaming at you about Amazon drones.
    8. Defector: Dead Star pt.II. Easily the best song on the album.
    9. Revolt: just fuck me up bro
    10. Aftermath: Guiding Light pt.III
    11. The Globalist: The song that everyone likes for some reason
    12. Drones: The sound of Amazon drones flying in and out of the warehouse. This lasts for four and a half minutes. Nothing else happens. The end.


    *have yet to hear it so i dunno*

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