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Posts posted by Gohenko

  1. All true I'm sure, but I would find 3/4 mids too high for Muse. If you listen to the likes of the New Born riff when Matt plays it live, it sounds like the mids are really quite low.


    Same for the majority of the Drop D riffs.


    I always thought Matt boosts his mids with the MXR 6 band EQ for stuff like New Born riff, Plug In Baby riff, Stockholm Syndrome riff...basically for the melodic parts of songs, when guitar has to stand out from the mix.


    +Matt always talks about boosting his mids, and from all his amp pictures that I've seen, the middle control seems to be pretty high up.


    But, it's late and I'm tired, so chances are I'm just talking rubbish. :LOL:

  2. But OMG, Matt doesn't like it! That means I automatically hate it!


    Well, I like the color purple, no matter what Matt says.


    EDIT: And as you can see from my signature, they do still use purple color live.

  3. Ok, so I had just come back from my friends house and I was exhausted so I went to my bedroom to have a nap. Anyway, so I think I fell into this weird dream cause I was listening to Super Massive Black Hole.


    So Matt, Dom and I were kinda in space I think and there was, well, a black hole I guess and we were hovering around it. So we were just talking through our space suits and then Spyro (you know the purple dragon carton thingy) comes out of the black hole towards us and eats Dom. Then I woke up.:eek:


    Where was Chris?:LOL: But you seriously got a weird imagination to come up with dreams like that. I wish I could dream like that. I mean, Spyro and Muse in the same dream? Is that normal? :)

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