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Status Updates posted by Chidorifool101

  1. I know :awesome: I've never heard Asa's voice until just today, and lemme tell you: IT'S ADORABLE :awesome:




    hohoho ;)

  2. Yes!! With the Muse forum, you have smilies for every reaction :awesome: That's why I love it so much :phu::chuckle:


    My friend actually made the :fancy: smiley! She's such an awesome person :awesome:

    That's great though that you are feeling quite :fancy:.


    And :LOL: at the humidity! Don't you just love it? (oh the sarcasm) :chuckle:

    I'm so glad it's finally getting cold over here. No humidity AND I can bring out my sweaters :cool: If there's one thing you should know best about me, it's that I LOVE sweaters :awesome:


    I don't have much planned for this week actually :supersad: But next week!, yes I do :cool:



    And how about you, my fair lady? :awesome: Anything happening this weekend?

  3. I actually have been procrastinating on catching up on my Youtube videos :$ Instead I just did some daily stuff on the computer and FINALLY. FOR THE LOVE OF THOM. WATCHED HUGO. :eek:


    One of my mates, Asa Butterfield, is the main STAR in that movie and I've been dying to see it since CHRISTMASS :awesome: It was such a good movie :happy:



    I've always wanted to take pictures of random things, as strange as that sounds :stunned: I really want a camera of my own, but I will never get one :noey:


    Jared? :eyebrows: He does look quite well in those fedoras ;):chuckle:

  4. Thank Thom ;):chuckle:


    I'm doing quite good today :yesey: My morning was terrible because of my excuse for a stomach/digestive system [idk which is the problem honestly], but I'm all good now :awesome:


    HOW'RE YOU?? :awesome::kiss:

  5. :chuckle: This is just the best forum, isn't it? :awesome:


    I'm doing pretty good actually :happy: I had a terrible morning, but everything has settled down, and I'm feeling quite happy :awesome:


    How're you? :fancy:

  6. :supersad:


    Thom wants you to be happy and bored-free :awesome:


  7. Same :noey:


    I have to catch up on watching Youtube videos all day, so I'll probably only be on here for a few more minutes :noey:

  8. OMG HI :awesome:


    I'm happy you found me on here :chuckle:



    I LOVE your profile picture :awesome:

  9. :awesome: He sounds amazingggg :yesey:



    I think I may have gave my crush the sort of feel as if I didn't like him at all. I was in such a bad mood and I don't know :facepalm: I feel like I scared him away and made him feel like I was disgusted to be sat across from him at lunch, but I just HATED EVERYTHING YESTERDAY :supersad:


    And when I spoke to my friend at the other end of the lunch table, she was asking me if I spoke to him yet, and I obviously didn't.


    So when I got home I told my sister this, and she said, "Dude, he probably heard you talking about him. He has ears like a bat, always open for anything". :facepalm: So now I really think I may have scared him away.



    I just hope on Monday, everything will be better :noey:

  10. Lucky :p I'd love to stay home tomorrow.... but then again I don't want to :shifty:



    You see, I have grown a crush on a certain someone [in my sister's grade. Junior. In my lunch tomorrow] and he LOVES Radiohead :awesome: and from what my sister told me about him personality wise, he sounds absolutely LOVELY. He writes fricken DEEP POETRY. Man.


    DUDE. Do you know how much I love him because of that? That's everything I ever wanted. Omg.


    And he's so frickeeeen pretty. His eyes are gorgeous :eek:





    And I think he is fascinated in me :awesome: He keeps looking over at me, and whenever I look at him, he looks away :awesome: and then one day I was in the lunch room in line waiting to buy my food, and I looked over at my table to look for my sister from the opening of the lunch room, AND HE WAS STARING AT ME :awesome:



    Yes. It sounds pathetic, but really. I'm gunna try to talk to him tomorrow about Radiohead :awesome:

  11. I KNOW :awesome:


    How was your day, fine madam? I had a half-day at school and then afterwards I went with my sister's friends [my sister didn't want to go. She was really grumpy] and we made cupcakes :awesome:

  12. YES :awesome:


    I only got to see the last two songs though :noey: BUT IT WAS AWESOME :awesome:



    OK. YEAH.





  14. Ah. I'll be wondering that too eventually.


    I'm just stressing how I procrastinated again and I need to start my homework now. :noey:

  15. I know :chuckle:




  16. It is such a great show :awesome: and yay for dressing up :awesome:


    I think I need to do that more often :stunned: -watch marathons on shows or movies or something. The last time I had a marathon to myself, I threw up.





    dang Harry Potter marathon :LOL:

  17. LYOKO :awesome:


    And yes :eyebrows: you could save that for another night.. but by the time you read this message it's probably already too late :chuckle:;)

  18. Maybe :eyebrows:





    But yeah, speaking of sleep, I'm going to bed right now! :happy: GOODNIGHT :awesome:

  19. I know :awesome:





  20. :chuckle:


    AND I just noticed I used the :eyebrows: smiley three times in my last message :awesome::chuckle:

  21. Ohohoho? :eyebrows:



    well, I've actually been pretty good too. like, really good :eyebrows:



  22. Oh my :fancy::awesome:


    I am doing pretty well, besides the load of homework :indiff: thanks for asking :awesome:


    and how're you, milady? :fancy::eyebrows:

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