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Everything posted by L-B

  1. :happy:

    Yeah... :LOL:

    They're amazing :p

  2. Okay, and yours :D

    I love the seperate convo's again :LOL:

  3. :LOL: Same

    Good and yeah i'm okay thankyou :happy:

  4. :chuckle:

    1984 :LOL: It's quite a good book actually, I havnt read any of it in like 2 weeks though D:

    :) Coool

    How are you ?

  5. :awesome: It would be amazing! and so funny :chuckle:

    Goood :)

    Not really just homework and reading, I'm so boring, you ? :p

  6. :happy:

    Yeah It made me laugh, at first I was like, whos filming :wtf: Then he laughed I was like.. It's Matt :LOL:

    :chuckle: That was funny :awesome:

    I'm great thanks, and yourself :p ? :D

  7. :yesey: I will :ninja:

    Haha same :p I love all the spinny things they do when they try to hit the ball, then when chris nearly plots it through the windows and their excuse is just ''sorry...English'' :chuckle:

    No problem :D

    Hah thankyou :happy:


    Dom's I think :chuckle:

  8. Yeah, sounds like a good idea :LOL::awesome:

    Yeah It's so funny :D

    Haha, Nice to meet you Ailish :D your names so pretty :p

    I'm Lucia :p

    Nah don't be sorry.. The introduction is just.. fashionably late :LOL:

  9. same :happy:

    Haha yeah :LOL:

    I just found out my brothers getting an xbox for his birthday, I NEED GUITAR HERO :awesome::ninja:

    :'( aw noes, it's so funny aswell. Matt's laugh (I'm presuming it's matts :p ) Half way through it cracks me up :chuckle:

    Erm, I just realised all this time we've been talking I never asked you your name. Sorry I was kinda rude :(

  10. Aww, I have sympathy , I want to go back !! :D

    I failed afew posts back, no worries :p

    It is funny though :LOL:

    Same haha, watching the videos of Matt chirs and dom trying to play golf on twitter :p

  11. :yesey:

    Haha yeah :p

    I know, when we left I was like :supersad:

    Yeah It was funny at the time, then he started crying :chuckle:

    What you been up to ? :happy:

  12. :happy:

    It is O_O I have it at least 4 times a week :LOL:I'll get fat one day :noey:

    Haha , they are amazing though ;)

    Yeah we were only booked into the hotel for a week :supersad:

    It was funny though the automatic doors went wierd and closed on this boys head in my year, he couldnt go to sleep for 2 hours incase he got a concussion! :LOL:

  13. Cool :)

    same :yesey:

    I just realised , the Lol on that other message failed XD

    I can't help it though!! :chuckle:

    Yeah, really, they diddnt let me :noey::supersad:

  14. LOL: sounds it :D

    aw thats a shame :(

    Mmm :) I have this undying love for pasta :chuckle:

    :LOL: The funny thing is that I did say that :p

  15. :happy: I have days like that , I just stay in and do nothing :)

    Italy :yesey: I went on an arts trip to italy with school last year for a week It was my birthday while i was there :awesome:

    We went to venice, verona this little village and lake garda

    venice was beautiful so was lake garda :happy:

    It was so perfect , when we left I was like :supersad:

  16. :yesey:

    :chuckle: At least It wasn't cold then :happy:

    I know :( I want to move abroad when I'm older :awesome:

  17. Indeed they do :LOL:


    Its been raining here for a week :( , but it was quite warm today :dance:

  18. :LOL: that was the idea :awesome:

    Erm maybe 3 or 4 friends idk yet :happy:

    Cool, the weather here's crap lately :LOL:

  19. :LOL:

    Same I need them so I can show everyone the awesome :awesome:

    Erm Just town I think , I need to organise it first though :chuckle:

    You ? :happy:

  20. :D

    Wow :stunned: you wasn't joking when you said it was big :chuckle:

    I have all their studio albums but not HAARP and hullaballoo :(

    I'll get them tomorrow :yesey:



  21. Yeah it is :p haha :LOL:

    It was ok , but footballs not really my thing :indiff::p

    Im going to see if HAARP and hullabuloo are on sale :awesome: . Lmao what cds ? :chuckle:

    Good + yeah im good thankyou :happy:

  22. :happy:

    Haha I do that :LOL: with friends of course :p

    Hull city haha, we drew the referee was rubbish :noey: I dont even like football :LOL::ninja:

    There's a sale on at HMV :awesome: I'm going in town tomorrow :p

    How are you ? :happy:

  23. Heyyy :happy:

    How are you ? :)

  24. Haha sorry i'm replaying like a day late


    Cool , do you like sports then ? :happy:

    not a lot , going to the football match today :)

  25. Ooh lucky you :p

    :) haha thankyou , it just keeps mounting up though because everyone else dosn't really care because they diddnt pick art so they rush through everything barring about 4 people :LOL:

    What you been up to ?:happy:

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