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Status Updates posted by JadeLovesMuse

  1. maybe, if I get the rest figured out :D


    :yesey: yes, yes he is

    :chuckle: don't dis hobbits :LOL: they're awesome :LOL: [spoiler=Hobbits!]Sam_Pippin_Frodo_Merry.jpgSat Down: (Left)Samwise Gamge - Saun Astin, (Right) Peregrin[Pippin] Took - Billy Boyd.

    Stood Up: (Left) Frodo Baggins - Elijah Wood, (Right) Meriadoc[Merry] Brandybuck - Dominic Monaghan :D


    I fall on stairs too! :eek: that happens to me when I see someone cute! I stutter! :LOL:

    :chuckle: it is weird :)

    :phu: lucky! Our new uniform is blazers and ties! :noey:

    :supersad: aww! I hope you feel better soon!! Do you have any flu symptoms?

    Love you!


  2. (:

    (: Supermassive on Doctor Who :musesign:

    :awesome: I can't play by ear very well, I'm getting there though! I figured out the beginning to Witchcraft by Pendulum:D

    :LOL: I love the Red Bull scene :chuckle:

    :awesome: I remembered a couple more too! Gerard Way (How could I forget him?!), Billy Boyd (only as the character Pippin in Lord Of The Rings, he looks cute as a hobbit :chuckle:) and Elijah Wood (again only in Lord If The Rings, looks cute as a hobbit :chuckle: they both have awesome hair in the LOtR :yesey:)

    Hmm, you haven't told me your embarrassing moments :)

    Pretty good day thanks! It's Pirate day at school tomorrow :facepalm: all the teachers are coming dressed as pirates :facepalm:

    We saw the new school uniform today :vomit: it looked gross :vomit:

    How was your day? :)

    Love you!


  3. :)

    It's too hard to pick! It was all so good! I lol'd near the beginning where he kept trying to get the cream cakes :) and the cherry :chuckle:

    :) your dads a good cricket player then? :)

    I've just been watching films and playing my piano! :D I'm watching Yes Man now :awesome:

    Love you!


  4. Hey hubby :happy:

    My weekend's great thanks! Pirates 4 was awesome!! :awesome: did you see it? :D

    What else have you done this weekend? :)

    Love you!


  5. Just wanted to say:


    I love your username! I'm watching The Return Of The King Now :awesome:

  6. :)



    :LOL: I'm trying to think of who else I like, my minds going blank :chuckle:


    Now THAT is a hard question :LOL: I have so many! Here's a few of mine: falling up the stairs on the way to my seat at the Paramore Concert I went to, getting lost in Wembley (:facepalm: I couldn't remember what block we were in :LOL:), falling up the stairs in the cinema (lots of times), accidentally telling Liam that I fancied him (:facepalm: he was stood behind me when I told my friend), screaming on a little kiddie rollercoaster (my dad took a pic of me screaming, so he shows it to everyone!), year 6 prom, riding my bike into a ditch and doing a front flip off of it! Oh and there was this one time where I was in the car with Hollie and she told my dad just about every secret I ever told her :LOL: my dad gave me "the boyfriend talk" shortly after she left :chuckle:


    What's your most embarrassing moment? :D


    Love you!


  7. :)

    haarp is such an amazing album :yesey:





    :awesome: what genre are they? :D


    :chuckle: I love Hayley! She's so awesome!

    I have a few, Matt, Dom (don't get me wrong I LOOOVE Chris but I don't find him as attractive as Matt and Dom ;)), Billie Joe Armstrong, Josh Farro, Chris Hemsworth... This list goes on for a while longer :LOL:


    Your turn for a question ;):chuckle:


    Love you!


  8. :happy:

    :happy: yeah, I'm quite pleased with my results :)

    :yesey: my favourites are The Breaking Of The Fellowship, Concerning Hobbits and The Steward Of Gondor (Billy Boyd, the hobbit Pippin, sings in that one <3 he has a great voice) :D I can concentrate when I listen to Blackout too! If I listen to other Muse songs I end up getting distracted and drumming with my pen :LOL:


    :chuckle:;) I'm fine now thanks :happy:


    :eek: how do you fit all your concert organising in with your school work and other stuff?



    I have a random question: Who's your celebrity crush? :D


    Love you!


  9. :D thanks

    I still need to get 2 English papers back, then I have all if my other exams,

    :awesome: sure! At the weekend I'll take a pic of my Musey picture that I did for art :D

    The Lord Of The Rings Soundtrack is a REALLY good album to listen to when you need to concentrate :yesey:


    He does usually act weird, but not as weird as today :chuckle::happy: yeah, I'd stand up for him, I'd probably faint afterwards though or have a heart attack:LOL:


    :):awesome:!!! Does anyone help you organise? Or is it just you? :D that sounds really awesome! :awesome:

    What genre is the band you booked? Are they like Muse? :D


    Love you!


  10. :happy: I'm seeing it Saturday! :D


    Had another mock one today, another A :) I got the results back for that bight GCSE paper, got a C! Which is really good considering we weren't supposed to take it for another year!

    :awesome: I can be a good drawer, when I REALLY REALLY concentrate! :chuckle:

    Average day again ;) this boy in my tutor really creeped me out today, he came up to me randomly and shouted at me "IM GOING TO CUT YOU OPEN! BECAUSE YOU ARE A CURSE TO US ALL!" :eek: he didnt say it in a joking way, he said it in a very serious way. I was slightly scared :( Liam heard what he said and stood up for me, he said "you touch Jade and I'll knock your head off." :eek: I was surprised to hear him say that!

    How's your day been? :D

    Love you!


  11. :happy:

    :yesey: i watched half of the second one today :D

    It is actually quite good, I didn't think I'd enjoy it but I am! :happy:


    I got an A in my mock Tech exam, got my pwoper one next Wednsday!


    I've not done much today. Double volleyball, drew Dave Grohl in art, Geography assessment, just the usual stuff ;)

    Love you!


  12. Hi! Sorry I haven't replied, I've been a bit busy :$ I've been at Hollie's, had loads of homework/revision, I've been reading the Hobbit, and tonight I watched the Lord Of The Rings: Fellowship of the Ring. It's a bloody long film! 3hours 40mins!

    How've you been?:happy:

    We had a pwoper hard high level 8-10 GCSE paper today :'( didn't go well, I'm only level 6-8! I got my results for the Maths I did last week, I got a C. Not too bad I suppose :(

    What have you been up to?


    Love you!!


  13. :D:LOL:

    A couple of things, :D we have to do Blood Brothers in drama. We were doing the scene where Mickey and Edward meet, I'm Edward, Liam's Mickey. When they become blood brothers they have to kind of hold hands :D Liam was so eager to hold my hand :happy: oh and the other day we were armwerestling, I only agreed to armwrestle Liam so that I could hold his hand for a few seconds :LOL: he beat me within about 3 seconds :noey: I'm weak :chuckle:

    :LOL: that's a good idea!

    I loved the film, when he was getting dressed it made me love it even more! :LOL:

    :chuckle: school is a bitch :yesey:

  14. :awesome: jack :happy:

    Im having a great weekend thanks :) you?

    I didn't :$ I was watching Doctor Who, BGT and Foo Fighters at Radio 1's Big Weekend :$ I had a lot to watch :chuckle:

    I went to the cinema! To see Thor :D Chris Hemsworth <3

    What have you done this weekend?


    Love you!


  15. Oh, don't worry about it! ;)

    What did you two talk about? :eyebrows:


    :LOL: Jack's apprentice, I have to wait until Saturday to see it now! It comes out Thursday right? :D

    I've been gooood thanks! I went to the cinema today! To see Thor! Thor is right fit! Muscles![spoiler=Thor (Chris Hemsworth)]Chris%2Bhemsworth%2Bshirtless%2Bin%2BThor%2BMovie.jpg




    How've you been? :)

  16. :yesey: it does!


    :) hopefully it'll come soon! :D


    I might watch it, I'll have to look when it's on! I'll search it later!


    I use the Muse App too! It's :awesome:!


    If you could take a year off and go travelling, where would it be?




    What else have you done today?


    Love you!


  17. :D I really want to learn Cross-Pollination! It's so hard though!



    :$ I haven't kissed anyone either. I only get hugs :$ out of my group of friends there's only me, Hollie and Lea that haven't kissed anyone yet :$ don't worry, you're not alone!


    Is it the Eurovision Song Contest? I think u e heard if that. :happy:


    Love you!


  18. :D

    Deffinately redemption, it's good to fall asleep too! :happy: what's your favourite part? :)

    :chuckle: I cantt believe that nothing unlucky has happens to me today! I'm happy about that :D did anything unlucky happen to you? ;)

    Ok, I googled random questions and it came up with a list, I'll just go down the list :chuckle: here's the first:

    Who was the first person you ever kissed?


    I've never seen it before :unsure::$ what is Eurovision? :$

    Love you!


  19. :supersad: try and convert them! :yesey:

    Exogenesis :awesome:

    I will :D


    Anything planned for today? It's Friday 13th :unsure:

    Love you!


  20. ;)


    :( do you have any Muser friends? :)

    :) I love listening to classical music when I need to relax :happy:


    I think we're going to watch Thor at the cinema! The week after I'm going to see the new Pirates Of The Caribbean film with Hollie :D

    Do you have any plans? :happy:

    Love you!


  21. It was just Monday and Tuesday ;), the other ones are in the next few weeks ;)


    :( I love my Set 1 teacher, he's a Muser! :chuckle:

    :chuckle: I've never listened to Hugh Laurie, is it a good album?

    Going pretty well thanks! I've had 2 hugs from him in the past 3 days! :D


    Love you!


  22. :) I've had piles of homework, and all those exams to revise for :$

    :D I felt a lot better today thanks!

    :D I really need a good grade! Or else I'll get moved down a set :(

    :awesome::eek: 2,500 words! That's a lot!

    I've just had boring days at school too, I've been listening to a lot of music lately though ;)


    Love you too!


  23. Hi! Sorry I didn't get time to reply to your last message. I've only been in here for about 5 minutes today :$

    I'm feeling a bit better thanks, still not 100% though, the test today was actually pretty easy! It was a level 6-8 mental Maths paper ;):D

    Nightmare is an amazing album :yesey: the song is amazing too!


    What have you done today?



    Love you!


  24. :noey: really not good :'( I think I messed them up big time! :'( they were just so hard! And I felt really ill during one of them, my stomach was killing me! I will have got a bad grade like an E or something :noey::( I have another Maths one tomorrow :supersad:


    What have you been up to today? :)

    Love you


  25. Ok, I'll listen to a few songs :)

    Oh I know which one that is! Did it have a death bat on the front of it? If it did then the albums just called Avenged Sevenfold ;)





    I've never tried Thai food actually :$ I should try some :yesey:

    Blood Brothers is actually really good! Basically this woman(Mrs Jonstone) has lots of kids, she's threatened that they'll get taken away if she doesn't pay some money, then she finds out she's expecting twins. So her friend (Mrs Lyons) offers to take one of her twins when they've been born. She agrees because she'll still get to see the baby. The baby that Mrs Lyons takes is called Mickey. Mrs Jonstones baby is called Edward. When Mickey and Edward are 7 they meet eachother and disobey they look the same, are born on the same day etc, so they decide to become best friends and blood brothers. After that Mickey and Edward don't see eachother for years. They meet again when they're 18/19. They both fall in love with a girl called Linda. Eventually the brothers and Linda end up in court for doing something (can't remember what) and the brothers both shoot eachother. The end!

    Did you get any of that? :chuckle:


    We have so many because we've already started our GCSE's. These are all GCSE tests ;) thanks :)


    Tell me if I appear :D



    Have you thought of a random question yet? :chuckle:


    Love you!


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