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Status Updates posted by apocalypsepleez

  1. I know, its horrible. :supersad: haha, noooooo, your a strange one. :awesome: but I have random dreams about them like sometimes I'll be playing chess with Dom...:wtf: or Matt will be talking to my dad about Rachmaninov and Chopin. :stunned:

  2. Those people must be silenced. :fear:


    If it was Matt he would slap him. :chuckle: But that's just because he's embarrassed easily. :D

    I am? nooooo!!!! Ive been having dreams, too!! Mostly of chris' funeral and his kids, his wife, and matt and dom are there and I wake up crying sometimes :supersad: (not sobbing just the sniffles) but then Im like :wtf:

  3. Yes, buts its okay because everyone's been so nice to me. :D Oh, that sucks. :( You were at Manchester???? :supersad: I cant believe how lucky you guys are. Matt needs to get over the idiotic thought that we dont like the oldies. :indiff: Awww, chris, he's so :awesome: .


    I heard about that :chuckle: but i didn't know it was that gig. (Matt trying to sneak a peak?? :wtf: )

    Did you at least get a good view? :eyebrows:

    Yay, Matt! :dance: he's never really been good at speaking to the crowd like Dom. :p

    I'v seen them once and I want more. I have to see them again. If one of them dies or quits before I can get to them, I'll kill myself. :phu: And I want to die happy. :yesey:

    Me neither. :noey: yay! I'v tweeted you... i think :ninja:

    Ok, then! :chuckle:

  4. Haha! Who doesn't? :awesome:


    Your so right. :chuckle: awww, your so lucky. :supersad: Did they behave? :wtf: How many times have you seen them??? I feel like such a noob. :$


    Got it. :happy: Wanna be my first tweet? :D @apocalypsepleez right now, but I might change it later. :rolleyes:


    Maybe we should start a cult or something. :ninja:

  5. Not exactly dark and mysterious :wtf: but more quirky and nerd-ish. :D I love personal songs. But then again we like City of Delusion :awesome: ...I have to admit I like it when they dont make the least bit of sense. :chuckle:


    Yes, and the guy fans don't really see it as gay they think its awesome too! :yesey:

    Settled. :p Now I just need a plane ticket. :indiff:

    Awww, I was gonna ask you to help me with mine. :supersad: I just got one(and an msn) and I'm completely lost. :facepalm:

    Yes, we lurk... :ninja:

  6. haha, yes. I think its kinda perfect. It brings out the inner Matt. :D He better keep his head if that doesnt go well, we know what happened the last time... :rolleyes: But I dont want matt to be writing depressing songs...it gets me down that he wrote them because he was feeling a little blue. :supersad:



    Its the best bromance in the history of bromances. :awesome:

    Totally normal, :chuckle: and Tom would have his camera to film it all. (because he's pretty much married to that thing) :p

    btw, do you have a twitter???

  7. She said that? Why should she need Matt to talk to her friends? Everybody knows he's extremely shy. :happy: If she leaves him I'm gonna be royally pissed off... :indiff:


    Yeah, he doesn't exactly strike me as the romantic type. :chuckle: He doesn't need anybody else as long as he's got the other two for company. :p He's such a flirt though. :LOL: And also pretty loose.

    Haha! That would be awkward for a couple of seconds but I can see him giving it a go. :yesey: That would be awesome! :awesome:

  8. O rly??? tsk, tsk. :erm:

    Oh, totally. I mean, I understand that girls (and some guys :rolleyes:) are a bit overly obsessive towards Matt, but that doesn't give them a right to bash Kate in any way. Its beyond me why these people are taking it so hard. Its immature and I think they just need to grow up already. :phu:Thats what I think at least.


    I dont know if I want Dom to have a girlfriend yet, though he is getting kind of old. Not old old but time is running out for him if he wants a sturdy relationship. (pun very much intended :facepalm: ) Like Matt. I just hope he doesn't spiral into depression and do something stupid. :supersad: Yes, I'm paranoid about these things. :ninja:

    lol, I think he'd appreciate that. :yesey:


    haha, Yes,Very cool. :awesome:

  9. I actually don't see why people hate on Kate. I like her. She's not an idiot. :yesey: And well, I think its adorable. Matts not an idiot. :phu: He wouldn't choose someone who doesn't have a good head on their shoulders. And she's not a major, major celebrity so I think it works out. But if it does work out...Matts gonna be a dad. :eek: Leaving Dom out in the dust. But I don't think he minds being single...At all. Well, maybe when he's 50. :chuckle:


    Yeah, for when a conversation seems to be serious, or something. :happy: And they're kinda perfect for describing how I feel.

  10. I agree. Immature hippies. :yesey:


    Your one of the only musers I've met that appreciates that song as much as I do. :dance:It kinda reminds me of Exo-politics. Its like they're separated into two parts, almost.


    Because I'm going to be a Muse fan for the majority of my life so I cant listen to the discrimination that people say about them. I'm already brainwashed. :happy: If they make an album that nobody else likes, I'll probably worship it. Because I love them no matter what. :awesome:Even if Matt leaves us for Kate.


    I just realized how many smilies I put in that last message. :ninja:

  11. Yeah, there's nothing wrong with that. We know they love us. :D

    I know. People think they're "hardcore Muse fans" just because they knew them in the showbiz era but don't like anything past OOoS. Makes me want to strangle them. :erm:

    City of Delusion is fun to sing along to. :) And the first time I heard it I was like :dance: .


    Deviantart spawns lies! Don't believe the non-believers. :shifty:

  12. Yeas! Unintended is definitely in my top 5. :D

    But I hear "muse fans" say they hate BH&R and the Resistance because its not as heavy as their old stuff and yet they say that Exogenesis is a masterpiece. :wtf:

    Who are these people? :fear:

  13. Other bands have that annoying, teenage immaturity but Muse are real genuine dorks. They don't even try.

    lol, its either going to be a kickass rock album or a ballad to Kate Hudson. :chuckle: Though, I dont think I'd mind an acoustic song here or there. :p

  14. I meant in general, I mean, its weird, you don't see a lot of pictures of Matt and Chris together. :wtf: But yeah, I do prefer muse filming their own stuff, shitty or not its still appreciated :chuckle:, So the media cant screw up their image.

  15. Its mesmerizing. :chuckle: But you don't really see Matt and Chris together much, do you? :erm:

  16. Thank you! I giggled a little at yours. :)

  17. lolz, Thank you! :happy: I'm glad somebody appreciates it.

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