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Status Updates posted by knightofcydonia

  1. Yeah :LOL: you're right!


    I'm surprised to hear that! I would've thought DC would be a spot they'd want to play at? Then again, I don't think they've ever played in Canada's capital city. Hmm. I hope they get to Kansas City! :awesome:. I've never heard Uprising live as an opener so I can't say. I did love Supremacy :D


    Good luck on the rest of your school! That's soon :awesome:.

  2. Did Kansas City used to belong to Kansas or something? I wonder why it's called that since it's not in Kansas. Wow it's really close!


    Nice! That sounds awesome! And awesome for your resume too :awesome:. I'm happy you've got that opportunity!

    First week has been so busy XD. I don't remember it being this busy last year. Ahh well; I'm sure it'll settle down in a bit. I think every class kinda wants a piece of you in the first week since that's when everything is starting.

    Oh wow, it's come up so fast! Have you seen either of those songs in concert already? Ohh yeah, the later the concert that higher the chance is that they'll have new stuff! That'd be awesome! :awesome:


    That's a really good question. I don't really think there's a right answer; it's a really messy situation. I would pick not attacking, personally. I don't know enough about it though, unfortunately, to have an idea of what to do instead. I don't know XD. What do you think?

  3. Yeah! :chuckle:


    It is. :awesome: Haha! That's awesome! Kind of like whenever I get a customer at the bakery from the States and they say they're from Kansas City, I say "OH! I know! That's in Missouri!" and they're always like "whoooa good for you! Everyone always thinks Kansas!". I say I know because I have a friend in St. Louis :happy:. Yeah :chuckle:. Anyways, that's great to hear about the Cardinals!


    Congratulations! :awesome: Are you going to take the position?

    No problem! :happy:

    I always forget how early you start. I'm not starting until September 4th!

    AHH so jealous :LOL:. You're going to have so much fun all over again! :awesome:

  4. Haha! :awesome: Maybe more peaceful and patient, but it makes for more boring history classes... :chuckle:


    5-2 now! We're tied for second in the West Division. We just beat the other second-place team in a huge game, which was great. I hope the Cardinals get back into it! Right, there's still a lot of games to play.




    Cool! That sounds great :happy:.

    It'll be a weird mix for sure! I was asked to be a computer science teaching assistant for a first year class, so I'm going to be working while I'm studying. Ahh well if you ever need help with physics or want to ask a question, please don't hesitate to ask! :happy: I'd love to help if you want it. The poli-sci course sounds cool! I can't wait either :awesome:

    When's the first day for you?

  5. :happy:


    No problem! You're right, more independence was gained by the Consitution Act in 1982.


    They're 3-1! We've got a good record, but unfortunately almost all the other teams in the West Division do too - Saskatchewan is 4-0 and Calgary is 3-1. On the other hand, the best record in the East Division is 2-2 (Toronto). We're looking good though! Our defence is ranked the strongest in the league I think, and our offence is making visible improvements.

    Awesome to hear about the Cardinals! :awesome: It is a long season - I keep forgetting :chuckle:. So still a lot of games ahead; I hope they keep playing strong!


    Yeah I still really liked it. When Isolated System came on I excitedly whispered to my friend "THAT'S MY FAVOURITE BAND :D" :chuckle:. I was wondering how Follow Me would fit into the movie.


    Good! Have a good time in New York! :happy:

    Lots of classes! This year I'm taking arts electives to fulfill degree requirements; I'm doing some philosophy courses about the meaning of life and stuff :chuckle:, "Symbolic Logic", and "Greek and Roman Mythology" :awesome:. I'm hoping those'll be on the light and fun side. The science courses will be very hard, but sound interesting. I'm taking "Galaxies", "Planetary Science", and "Quantum Mechanics" among others. Although I'm not looking forward to the math courses - one of them is probability, and that is my mortal enemy :fear:.

    What about you?

  6. Happy 4th of July! :party: (sorry I'm a bit late)

  7. Thank you! :happy:. It's the anniversary of the British North America Act, which created Canada out of the union of three colonies, but we were still a part of the British Empire.


    There's only been one regular season game played, which we lost (I didn't get to see it but apparently we were horrible in the first half and really picked it up in the second), and we went 1-1 in the preseason. The next game is tomorrow so hopefully they'll have fixed some stuff up! I'm going :awesome:. Ahh that's too bad to hear, I hope they pick it up too! When are the playoffs?


    I saw it on Monday! I loved it :awesome:. It was really edge-of-your-seat. I loved the book too, and yeah it was very different. I was curious how they would translate it to the screen. At the time I thought the ending of the movie was very abrupt but I think it's grown on me. Also, loved Isolate System throughout it :awesome:;)


    Glad to here! Ahh nice! :happy: That sounds amazing. I've never been anywhere like it. My summer's been okay - I'm not doing very much these days except work, but my days off have been very relaxing. I've seen a lot of movies with friends, and have registered for my courses for next year - I'm actually pretty excited for school xD

  8. That is a crazy setlist! Lucky them :awesome:


    Nice! I hope they can keep it up. Yeah I'm glad for football! I can't wait!


    :LOL: It's ridiculously awesome. You can't just watch it once :chuckle: there's too much you'll miss the first time. It was so ridiculous, though. And crazy because Japan can be that crazy too. You can tell they love Japan :chuckle:. I LOVE that they are in World War Z! I'm wondering which songs they will put in. Isolate System for sure (well it was in the trailer). Survival maybe? I'm not really sure, because none of the songs are that dark, and it's a zombie/horror movie, so... we'll see. But I'll always love Muse + zombies :yesey:. What do you think? And lucky all those fans who can see the free Muse concert after the premiere. Very jealous :chuckle:


    Nice! You're probably there right now; I hope you're having a good time! :awesome: Tell me about it!

  9. I see! :chuckle: Well either way it'll be a heck of a show :awesome:.


    Exactly! Nice :awesome:. How are they doing in the standings overall? The Canucks too :LOL:. Eliminated in only four games, so my hockey cheering days ended very quickly as well! Actually the head coach was fired today.

    Football season's coming up so soon! And we got free preseason tickets too :awesome: I can't wait!!!


    Great! :happy:. I'm glad to hear that! :awesome:.


    :chuckle: Me too!


    What did you think of the Panic Station video? :LOL:

  10. Aww well you couldn't have known, right? In retrospect you may bang yourself over the head about it but back then you couldn't have know ;). It's totally worth it! Are you getting floor tickets or seats again?


    Nice! :awesome: I'm glad they're doing well! Not that I'm glad they lost because of bad luck, I guess it's better than losing because of poor playing? I guess :p

    Hmm I haven't read too much about the upcoming season yet! Most of the talk these days is about the Vancouver Canucks since it's playoff time. The Canucks are doing so poorly :noey:. Ahh well, I'm a way bigger football fan than a hockey fan; I'm losing interest in hockey to be honest.


    Done tomorrow! :awesome: How did you your exams and papers go? It must be awesome to be done with it all :D

    Yep! We'll both be in the same faculty too xD


    Thanks! Glad about your grade back so far! And that your exam went well. :happy:

    I will! I've gotten a few American customers so far but mainly European. I'm sure I'll meet more St. Louis people by the end of the summer :chuckle:. Thanks!

  11. LUCKY YOU! :awesome: That's amazing news! :dance: So that'll make it three times this tour! :happy: Have fun!


    That is good to see! I'm glad they've got good people in for now; I'm sure the team'll be well off when the healthy players come back.

    First pre-season game for the Lions is June 14! :awesome:


    Hmm, that's interesting because my school starts September 3 so our school year is definitely shorter than yours. Not sure about differences in breaks though. My brother got into the same university as me :happy:


    I'm sorry I've been so slow at replying! I'm finally off exams now so no more studying! Yes, that Saturday exam was my hardest... it was okay. I'm sure it'll get scaled. I've gotten two marks back so far and I'm happy so far! Are you into exams right now? If you are, good luck with your studying!!!

    I'm just working at the bakery again; not too interesting! :chuckle:. No vacations planned. My only plan other than that is the Supernatural convention at the end of August :awesome:

  12. :LOL: I would freak out too if they played that! Yeah. Awesome! :awesome:


    That's good to hear. Yeah, they've got plenty of games left :awesome:.

    I wish football season was on now XD. Also, I just found out that the Grey Cup will be back in Vancouver next year. It'll be my brother's turn to go to it since I went last time but it's still quite exciting! It'd be amazing if the Lions can make it for the second time at home in a row.


    That's quite a bit more time! I forgot, when does school start for you? Maybe you start after I do which is why I finish earlier? I don't know.


    Glad to hear you've been doing well though! Yeah teachers like to squeeze in every last bit of homework and project they can in the last month unfortunately. At least you can count down the weeks now! My first exam is on Saturday, which is for physics. I'm not feeling great about it but I've been studying a lot; I'm sure it'll be okay in the end. I haven't thought too much about my later ones because I'm just focusing on physics for now :chuckle:.

  13. Yes! Oh that's right, you were on the floor for that! It's more painful to be on the floor but so worth it :awesome:


    :LOL: Exactly!


    :( I'm sorry to hear that. Do they have good players to fill in for them?


    Last day of classes for me tomorrow! Then I've got final exams for the rest of the month. How've you been doing?

  14. That must feel so good to be home :happy:. Glad finals went well! Good job :awesome:. My last two were okay... I've got the marks back for all my classes except for one and there were some I could've done better on but I still got in the A range for all of them, so that's satisfying. Ahh the Lions :chuckle:. They had the best record going into the playoffs, so we got to host the Western Conference Final. My brother went to that. I don't know what happened, but we were totally, completely outplayed. The other team (Calgary) played almost flawlessly against us and we made so many mistakes and bad plays. It was a real shock considering how well all our other games had gone! Well, the fact that our quarterback was coming off injury and hadn't played for a few weeks contributed to how we played... yeah. The Grey Cup was cool though! It was the 100th Grey Cup, held in Toronto this year, and Toronto won it! They were one of the original CFL teams, and I was cheering for them because they were the underdogs and owned by the same guy who owns the Lions :D. Ahh! Enough talk about CFL football :LOL:. I'm glad the Rams are doing better!


    I hope they do come!


    Yeah, I will! Well, it'll make my studying a bit harder but I'll start studying early then :chuckle:. And I missed them the last time they were here; I can't miss them again. I'm so excited for it! I'm going with two of my friends, and we've got floor tickets. We're going to try to aim for the very front :D. You're welcome! :happy:

  15. When the moderator asked for the audience to start asking questions, it was a crazy mad dash to the mic :chuckle:. I was very close to the front so I had an advantage.


    Okay I see! I like that idea! :chuckle:


    Yeah! :awesome:


    If only :chuckle:. So close but so far away... The waits are always worth it! That would be great if they come back so soon :yesey:

    Okay! That's interesting, Isolated System first? That must've been such a surreal moment at the very beginning of the concert.


    Thanks! Aww, so you're almost done spring break? That's when my last midterm is too! Good luck on it! Is it hard to believe first year is almost done already? Is it about 2 weeks away?

  16. I have no idea who filmed it! There were thousands of people in the panel (apparently the room had a 4000 seat capacity? And from what I could see it was full). My friend filmed it (she also got to ask a question earlier!) but she hasn't uploaded it.


    Okay! :awesome:. Sounds good! Is it a crime drama/comedy as well?

    I just realized what I wrote last time about Psych filming - I mean to say "I've never seen Psych filming *but it* does get mentioned around here" :chuckle:

    They're going to be filming season 8 at the beginning of May apparently.


    :noey: Ouch. If only you could get it over with sooner than then :chuckle:


    :awesome:. Yeah that must've been great! :happy: That's so cool! Next time they come around I hope you can get barrier! Ahh jeez the wait for another album/tour begins again... WHAT WILL THEY COME UP WITH THIS TIME? :chuckle:

    Did they play quite different songs overall or mostly the same? Glad it all went well :awesome:. Yeah, like when Matt gets down to the front and he'e kneeling on the ground singing his lungs out :awesome:


    I've been good thanks! Life is mainly school right now, since the year is coming to a close. I've only got one midterm exam left, next week, and then a few weeks until finals and I'm all done school. School's been going well overall too. Other than that, I'm excited for the new Supernatural episode next week :LOL:. It's been on hiatus for 4 weeks so we're all dying to know what happens next :chuckle:. And how've you been?

  17. Thanks! Yeah that was me :LOL:. I was happy with my question xD


    No, I haven't watched it! Ahh that's cool. Yeah, it is filmed here! It's filmed partly in Vancouver, and partly in White Rock (about 45 minutes away), which is used for the more Santa-Barbara-y shots like the beach outside the Psych office. I've never seen Psych filming does get mentioned around here!


    :LOL: When do you have to wear the shirt?


    AWESOME! :awesome: WHOA THEY PLAYED SUNBURN?! :eek: Lucky you guys! I'm glad the arena was small then, to compensate for your seats. So Matt did the Undisclosed Desires thing again then? TOMORROW! :awesome::happy: They played Animals at my concert but not MotP. Have fun all over again! :LOL::yesey:

  18. Yeah! It was an amazing weekend :happy: I still miss being in Seattle! I got to meet one of my idols, Misha Collins :LOL: when I took a photo-op with him. And I asked him a question at his panel and it's on youtube :chuckle: I sound really nervous and very unlike me, but anyways!



    No problem :LOL: I love sharing a bit of Supernatural with people! Yeah, characters are crucial even if you have the best storyline idea ever created. Yeah, with Psych! I've been catching up with that, almost in the third season. I love Shawn and Gus :LOL:


    That's interesting about you guys and the rivalry between your teams :chuckle:! OH :eek: oh dear! I feel your pain! D:


    IT'S TOMORROW RIGHT?! HAVE FUN! :awesome::dance:. You never know! I hope for the best setlist for you :awesome:

  19. Thanks! :happy: Yeah it's going to be so much fun! Ahh, Supernatural... my favourite show of all time :love: - I just love it so much :LOL:. It's really, really hard to describe. I mean, on paper it's about two brothers Sam and Dean Winchester (and later an angel Castiel too) who drive across America and hunt monsters - demons, ghosts, etc. and, you know, save the world a few times. It can somehow easily go from being completely comedic and hilarious one episode/scene and then really serious and angsty the next. But it's really about SO much more than that because... the characters. You come for the horror story, but you stay for the characters (you even can't help but love the car the boys drive around in, the Impala - it's pretty much its own character.). Especially Dean, my favourite fictional character of all time. I can't go on enough about it all :$. Last thing I'll say - it doesn't have a huge fanbase (it's on a really small network) but it has the most loyal and passionate fanbase I've ever been a part of! I'll stop talking now :LOL:


    Cool! Do you know any other Cardinals fans at univeristy? :awesome:


    :awesome: Okay! :awesome: Yeah! :LOL: Oh Matt. To be in that crowd... gosh, that would've been crazy. SWEET :awesome:


    I'm sure it will be! :yesey:. It was pretty full, not sure about completely full though.

  20. So we are going to be going! We've got everything planned and payed for :happy:. There's going to be a huge range of people there, from all kinds of franchises (movies, tv shows, comic books, gaming, etc.). Lots of people from Star Wars and Star Trek (like Patrick Stewart :awesome:), for example. Though the person that got us interested in it in the first place is Misha Collins, who plays our favourite character on Supernatural, Castiel! (Well, tied for my favourite xD haha anyways). Pretty much there are just going to be a lot of panels to go to, comic books to get signed, other fans to talk to, that kind of stuff.

    It's definitely mostly Canadians at my school but I've met a few people from the States too, mainly from Seattle.


    I hope you do! :yesey:


    :awesome: Okay! :LOL: Sounds good! Yeah unfortunately Muse didn't have that kind of shirt at this particular concert. If they did, they sold out before I got there.

    YEAH. THAT WAS AWESOME! :LOL: Yep! That's what Muse does to us :LOL:


    Oh really! That's cool, I didn't see any of that at the concert this time. I don't think the Muse fan presence in Canada is that big though. Wonder if you will see it again when you see them!

  21. I'm sure it will! Yay! I hope so too; Vancouver doesn't get very big comicons here and the Seattle one has a LOT of great people. Cool! Yeah I know some people from Seattle that are in my classes.


    Yeah he was. Nice! That's a good channel for you :awesome:.


    :LOL: I don't think you can have too much merch for something you love. I guess it depends on what you see! I didn't see any bumper stickers. I got the 2nd Law tour poster (now I've got 4 Muse posters ;)) and a shirt as well. They had keychains, a pin set, and a drink container as well, from what I remember.

    I was really lucky to be there. I didn't know they were streaming today! Thanks for letting me know. Hopefully I haven't missed it! They're doing the Twitter feed today too I believe?


    We only talked a little bit, since I saw her at the very, very beginning of the day when I started lining up, and my friend and I decided we'd line up at the other floor ticket entrance. I recognized her because she was wearing a pin that was the same as her icon! She was very nice!

  22. I would imagine it would take a very long time before you're completely comfortable. Nice :happy:. It's one weekend! March 1-3, so we'd leave right after school and come back on Sunday. Unfortunately she's not sure she can go anymore since it's turning out to be expensive, so we'll see.



    Yeah, I really can't believe it. The year hasn't started yet - next season starts in June.


    I see! Seated tickets are great too! Do you think you'll get any merchandise?

    I can't wait for you :LOL:! My brother and I are STILL talking about it XD


    I'm sure you'll get the chance to do so! It's so much fun and it's really nice talking to everyone in the line-up. I even recognized one person from this Muse messageboard, which was kinda funny.Yep! It was UD!


  23. Great to hear! :happy: I'm glad you've made some new friends and most classes are going well :D. Glad it's getting better for you being away from home, I know you were worried about that before. Things are going pretty well for me too! Most of my classes are fine as well. I've made a new friend too, about three weeks ago and she's one of those people who I feel like I've known forever. We're actually planning on bussing to Seattle for a comic convention in early March! It'll be a lot of money XD but I'm looking forward to it! :happy:


    That sounds great :awesome:. That's how you start though! It sounds like it's still a great experience! :happy:

    Yeah. Yes, you remember correctly! He's the guy who broke the all-time CFL record for receiving yards last year. Aww that's too bad :( I'm sorry to hear that.

    I felt so sorry for them at the end!


    :eek: TWO TIMES! Wow you're going to have so much fun!!! :awesome: Are you getting floor tickets or are you in the stands? That's awesome you're going with your best friend too :awesome:

    Small venues are cool - they feel a lot more intimate I think. :LOL: I see! Yeah if only they played a longer set, but when they come back I'm sure you'll get more time!


    Yeah it was absolutely unbelievable! We were there at... 9 AM :chuckle:. There was only one other person there at the gate that we lined up at, who had been there since 6. There were some people from Seattle who came soon after too, who had just seen them in Seattle - they were really nice! I was surprised though that people really started to flood in around 3, 4 PM... although I guess it makes sense since it was a very rainy day, and a Wednesday.

    Yeah :LOL: and he shook my friend's hand too, we were really lucky! He has a really firm grip :chuckle:. You are REALLY set for two amazing shows!!! I'm so happy you've got them in front of you to look forward to!

    Oh gosh, my favourite song they played... I think it's impossible to say, to be honest! They were all special in their own way, from how the crowd responded to how much I love the song compared to others. I can't choose one! They didn't play any rarities, but I was (very pleasantly!) surprised that they played Plug in Baby. They hadn't played it at any of their most recent concerts so I wasn't expecting it at all.

    Again, you've got so much to look forward to :LOL:

  24. Hiiii! How've you been? :happy:


    I'm glad you're liking the internship :happy:. Thanks! Congrats to you too on your classes! Good luck!

    Yeah, they went out a bit disappointedly but it was a rookie head coach so I can't get too mad I guess. BUT I'm really mad and disappointed that... they traded my favourite player I've mentioned, the receiver Geroy Simon :( he's in his late 30's and was injured a lot last season so he didn't bring much to the team, so they released him and he's signed with Saskatchewan now. I mean, sure from a logical coaching standpoint they got some good players for someone who they weren't able to use as much. But from an emotional standpoint, this is THE guy of that's been the pinnacle of the Lions for almost his entire career. I can't even explain how much he means to the Lions and to the fans. And one of the greatest receivers in CFL history too. And he's going to retire in probably his last year as a Saskatchewan Roughrider? It doesn't make sense! :mad:

    The Super Bowl was an awesome game! I was cheering for the 49ers. I'm impressed at how hard they rallied back despite their bad early/mid game. And they got so close at the end :(


    Darn, I hope they schedule some more concerts then! I have heard of them, cool you got to see them! :happy: Tell me about it!






    :LOL: I can't believe it. Well I got a front-row floor spot at the barrier and it was my first full Muse concert so my senses were on overdrive :chuckle:. But wow. It was so good.


    From the moment they started Unsustainable and the crowd went NUTS, and all the lights and effects were going before they even got on :eek:. All the songs sounded absolutely amazing. And during Undisclosed Desires, Matt walked RIGHT through that space between the floor audience and the stage while he was singing, so he was an arm's length away, and everyone was putting out their hands and he kept walking. BUT THEN. He turned back around and on his way back, he shook hands with as many people as he could INCLUDING MINE! I'm never going to wash that hand! LOL just kidding. BUT STILL. He looked right at me, smiled, nodded, and shook my hand XD. Even though it was only for a split second it felt like a long time.


    And OHH after their first encore, they were taking a long time to come back on. And everyone in the crowd was chanting MUSE and put up their cellphones and lit them up and waved them around, it was so beautiful! The people around me were saying "oh my god, guys look behind you" - It looked like stars against the night sky. And when Dom came on, he looked out at the crowd and just stood there and was speechless. And then Matt came back on he looked so happy looking out at all crowd spectacle and it looked like he thought that gesture by the crowd was really special! I don't know, maybe it actually happens a lot and I'm thinking too much of it. But I really though it was a wonderful moment XD and then they went to Starlight, Matt told us Vancouver is the best city in Canada, and Survival, and it was over :')


    I could keep going on :$ XD


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