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Ziggy Valentine

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Status Updates posted by Ziggy Valentine

  1. Eh, I guess. Thank you. :happy:

  2. On this damn internet! Haha!

  3. I'm sitting here depressed because Neutron Star Collision is trending on Twitter but it's just because of Twilight. :(

  4. I'm just sitting here watching King of the Hill and listening to Muse. :chuckle: I'm boring...

  5. I'm very creeped out...

  6. It's very confusing. I was wondering when you were going to visit TKH again? There is big things happening right now. ;)

  7. I would have screamed and jumped out the window. :chuckle:

  8. Yeah, I've read 1984 two times so far (I've been wanting to read it again) and I've read Animal Farm once (I want to read that again too.)

    The fact that 1984 was written in that time is amazing and actually really scary. When I was reading about the telscreens, it made me think of HDTVs and now I can't even get near one. I freak out. I have old TVs in my house. :LOL:

  9. Wow, I don't think I'll ever understand it. :LOL:

  10. Wow, now see I think that's confusing. Haha! :p

  11. In your country, do you have kindergarten? And how many years do you have to go to school.


    In the U.S., we have kindergarten and then 1st grade. Some places have elemantry, middle, and high school but I only had elemantry and high school. Elemantry school went from Kindergarten to 8th grade and high school went from 9th grade to 12 grade. 9th grade = Freshman, 10th grade = Sophmore, 11th grade = Junior, 12th grade = Senior. And then off to college if you choose. I've been out of high school for a year and hoping to start college this Fall. My brian is craving knowledge. Haha! :yesey:

  12. If I'm not mistaken, Resistance (the song) is written after Winston and Julia's love affair. :yesey:

    I've read Animal Farm. I loved it. George Orwell is my favorite writer. His writing style is so real that it sucks you into the story and makes you feel like you're actually there.

    1984 scared me, made me angry, and made me cry. That's how real it was to me. I'm an already paranoid person and 1984 made it worse. :chuckle:

    It's ok. I wasn't on here all that time. :happy:

  13. I have a severe fear of spiders. One time not too long ago, I was standing in my kitchen and a spider jumped down the back of my shirt. I started crying because I couldn't get it out. :( Last week, every night, I dreamed a huge black spider was after me and I woke up screaming. It's severe I tell ya. It's bad because my mom loves spiders and when I kill any of them, she yells at me. Haha! :LOL:


    But that story was funny. The spider had the fly by the arse. :chuckle:

  14. Pretty good. I'm pissed off though because there is a bunch of spiders that live in my house and I think I killed their leader I think a couple of months ago in the shower and now the rest of them are after me. I don't understand how in the hell so many of them have gotten in my house. Yes, I know this is weird. :erm: I hate spiders and now they're after me...

  15. :chuckle: How are you today?
  16. I've noticed that a lot of Muse fans like 1984. I guess they kinda go together. I read 1984 last year I think in November because my dad (book lover) told me to read it. :happy: I'm glad he did.

    Yes, my name has to do with Ziggy Stardust. Ziggy is from ZS and Valentine is from the Killers' The Balled of Michael Valentine.

    It's nice to meet you. :D

  17. What year are you in?

  18. My mind doesn't work that fast. :chuckle:

  19. I'm sure you'll do fine darling. :yesey: You have my support.

  20. I wish I could do that. I'm a funny person but I'm not good at LOLz.

  21. I'm listening to Muse right now. :chuckle: I've been dying to listen to them because my MP3 player is currently dead but now I'm listening to them on my laptop. I'm happy. :happy:

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