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Captain Radiator

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Everything posted by Captain Radiator

  1. following the first preview of Uprising on radio 1, where only the doctor who/personal jesus intro was played, Zane Lowe said "and then he kinda raps, like; i'm matt bellamy you're not a friend of me" I think it might be on youtube. That quote has stuck with me for years. I await the day that Matt finally does kinda rap.
  2. Oh god those Revolt/aftermath lyrics... After The Handler that's just hilarious. How can you possibly write that and then do something like Aftermath and say yeah thats just as good that's going on the album too Edit; Drone, soul and baby deary me
  3. I think we can't expect much tonight. I don't think anyone's really got the same feeling that we had yesterday pre-Handler. There was an air about our offtopic shitposting that showed there was anticipation... Today we're just knocking Fosters and complaining about Australians. Defector could be tomorrow though, eeaaaaasiillllyyyyyy.
  4. His feelings were definitely being controlled There's definitely stuff happening there. The focus just isn't on the widdly diddly guitar. To me at least, it seems pretty clear that the building drum intensity and repetitive riff is there to symbolise the growing disillusionment and anger in the protagonist until the rage finally explodes in the final chorus and end riff. Have to look at/listen to everything from the conceptual point of view here, as that's what the band will have been doing with Mutt. Thankyou and Goodnight!
  5. iTunes is conspiring with the frozen jesus torture device guy to make you all into psychos
  6. Fair does buddy, I'm a sucker for pre-orders, kickstarters and pledge-type things. Can't help but get excited and throw my lot in with something the quality of which might turn out to be questionable. So far, I'm coming up good on the ol Drones pre-order. Might regret being an ultrapleb and pre-ordering Star Wars Battlefront. Edit; yes yes yes the Hullabaloo bonus DVD is one of the best things ever ever ever. Its lovely.
  7. That'd be my mad photoshop OC skills. I just hope my posts are of a sufficient quality alone to mean that the addition of the Darwin mental imagery elevates them higher still.
  8. Just to make sure I'm not wandering off topic I concur it is the best thing we've heard so far, I hope that Defector doesn't drop the ball. Due to the fact that even those of us who listened to the Making of leak still only have an idea of what two parts of it sound like, it gives me some pause. We could be in for some dodgy lyrics again.
  9. All the jumbled letters at the top/bottom of the page are the various boards, unfortunately not listed in the order of how much they should be avoided, and there are catalogues and archives for each board. Its pretty simple! But it is best avoided, for once you go there, you never really leave.
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