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Posts posted by JacksSmirkingR3venge

  1. Hmm, they sound very similar to Seatwave and Viagogo in the UK. My advice would be not to use it. :noey: They sound like a company with a very dodgy track record and I personally believe that no one should pay more than the asking price for a gig ticket.


    My recommendation is to check MuseBay in Gigs & Tours regularly. :)


    I just talked to my aunt, a friend, and a few other people who say it's fine. (literately just a few seconds ago) :$

    The Musebay scares me a little, I've read the first page of how to use it etc, but I don't know how to actually get the tickets. With the whole shipping and stuff. (I'm a complete noob to this stuff in case you hadn't noticed)

    Thanks for replying! I'll go check out Musebay to see if I missed anything :p


    EDIT: Nvm I just figured the whole thing out :facepalm:

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