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Posts posted by JacksSmirkingR3venge

  1. Depends on the people around you tbh, I never really like to be gone for more than twenty/thirty minutes tops although it obviously does depend on how big queues are for the bathrooms/food places/etc. Usually if you ask people whether they need anything from the shops then that helps too, always good to get people on your side :LOL:


    From the moment it is a reasonable amount of time you'll be fine, just tell the people around you or security where you are going and how long you should be... i.e. I'm going to grab some food I should be back in 30 mins,


    Thank you L and vibrantXhearts!

    Never queued before so I have absolutely no idea how this kind of thing is done. But that helped me lots :)

  2. What I did in terms of hydration and nutrition was this:


    HUGE breakfast early in the morning. Eggs, bacon, toast, orange juice... The whole nine. If you're one if those who has to go number two after breakfast, you should have enough time if you eat early. :LOL:


    Pee as many times as you can in the morning.


    When I got to the line around noon (Chicago gig), hung out with friends, talked, and STILL was full from breakfast. Around 3, we walked to get hot chocolate while our friends held our spot. Peed again. Hot chocolate fills you up!!! So if you're hungry, I recommend it! Peed again once doors opened. Was totally fine for the whole gig. It's all about preparation, hydration, and having friends who have your back.

    I shall try this :ninja:

    except I don't have friends who have my back. Just my brother :facepalm::LOL:


    quick question, how long could you leave the queue to go to the bathroom and get food and all? I don't want to piss anybody in line.

  3. The point of bringing back old songs to vary the set lists. Muse aren't going to vary set lists by playing songs they haven't written yet, so they must play older material. I am an old fan. I've liked them for about 9 years. I want them to play old songs. My favourite Muse song (at least one of my favourites) is Undisclosed Desires however. But I'd rather them play songs from Showbiz and OoS than the same old single heavy set lists every night because they've become a living greatest hits album. Muse are not one of those bands where the singles are necessarily their best songs. Do not be so quick so generalise old fans.



  4. When I was pulled out cos of the breathing issues they asked me if I was ok and I felt much better so said yes and they just let you rejoin the crowd. You're not treated like a crowdsufer (sometimes those get kicked out of the gig completely.)


    Another time I was pulled out was at a festival so I didn't lose my friend who had been pulled out after having an asthma attack. So I had to go to the hospital tent to find her!


    That's a perfect example of arsehole dudes thinking girls are weak and easy to pick off the barrier actually. Some guy pretended to be near death and I swear he deliberately picked where we were to barge to the barrier and demand water but of course five minutes later he was on the phone bragging that he was at the front for Muse with no hint he was going to faint :rolleyes:


    Also there was a teenage boy behind us who was pulling our hair/bits of our body, crushing us more than was necessary and kept putting his hand on the barrier so it was obvious what he was up to. As soon as I was pulled out he of course rushed forward with a look of glee. I kicked him in the face on purpose. Not my proudest moment but hey, I wasn't the one acting like a douche all afternoon!


    Thanks for the info! :)

    Hopefully the crowd I will be in will (hopefully) not be full of douche bags :p

    (of course I'm probably bound to run into at least one at the concert)

    I feel more prepared thanks to this thread, hopefully I'll be a bit taller than most younger girls so I wont be the first person to try and be pushed of the barrier :rolleyes:

  5. I dont know about when you get pulled out of the barrier but whenever Ive crowdsurfed Ive been let back into the crowd at the side of the stage, so in the corner of the crowd. It would be nigh on impossible to get back to the barrier. This might differ with the golden circle thing but I dont see why it should.


    Hm, I may have to re-think where I will stand then. Maybe Matt's side of the pit would be a bit too crazy for a first timer.....? This will be my last concert of the year so I don't want to ruin it.

    I definitely wouldn't expect to get back on the barrier. Thanks for the help :awesome:

    Now I'm just trying to decide where to stand :p

  6. It's best to be prepared to be squished. It does happen! Not at all shows, but most.


    My first barrier experiece was at 16 and I survived. Was a bit bruised and the squishing hurt my ribs but I wasn't even fully fit at the time and still managed.


    I will say though, if you're young (and especially if female) people do see you as an easy target to try and get off the barrier by being rough in a way that just isn't good gig etiquette and is actually kinda dickish...so having your elbows ready comes in handy. My friend was at a gig once where someone said something like "I'm gonna get this bitch off the barrier" and kept trying to PULL her off. What gives people the right...I don't even know.


    ALSO there's no shame in needing to be pulled out no matter what anyone says. I saw Idlewild when I was about 18 and a combination of heat, squishing and moshing too hard (myself as well as everyone else) made me suddenly feel like I couldn't breathe. No air was going in or out of my lungs what so ever and I probably stayed in longer than I should've as when I eventually got pulled out I almost fainted.


    Based on my own experience and what I've heard about other U.S. shows, I don't think you need to worry too much about being squished. That was one of my concerns as well and it ended up being fine. The U.S. crowds in general are more tame than other countries. I guess that could be good or bad, depending on how you look at it. But yeah, sharpen your elbows and defend your spot!


    Wow! Thanks for the fast and very informative replies :O

    I was wondering if me being young and a female would make me a target for a-holes. I'm not too short (5'7) ,so that may just be a little bit of an advantage. I'm definitely not afraid to bring out the elbows, and my brother will be there to basically baby sit me (:chuckle:).

    Thank you for the help! I'm pretty excited/nervous to do this for the first time. I want to be as prepared as possible so I don't end up having a crappy time.

    Real quick, when/if you get pulled out of the pit, where do you go from there? (unless your feeling like your about to faint)

  7. I know this has probably been asked before but I'm gonna be paranoid and ask anyways.


    Do you think I will be squished if I'm on the barrier? I'm 14 and weigh 110lb (I'm going with my older brother). I'm pretty fit. (use the treadmill everyday and horseback ride once a week)

    I'm a bit on the crazy side for these kinds of things and like it a bit wild :)

    Those who have been in GA before, what do you think? Any help is extremely appreciated! I'm excited to be doing GA for the first time this year :D

  8. Diapers?


    Just take a bathroom trip right before the supporting band gets on stage while everybody is sitting down, so you could probably make it back to your spot easily. After that, just hold it in... I had to go pretty bad during the Vegas gig, but I found that once Muse got going the energy made me forget about my bladder. :LOL:


    Diapers would probably be a bit smelly :LOL:

    I'm extremely paranoid about leaving my spot (especially considering I'm trying for the barrier). So I might just go to the bathroom several times a little bit before doors open.

    Thank goodness the excitement makes you forget about everything else! haha

    I'm so incredibly excited! :D

    I'm going to read this entire thread before the gig so I'm prepared :)

  9. This thread is alive again :ninja:

    I'm sure this has been asked before but I don't have the time (at least not right now) to look through all 70+ pages. What do you do about going to the bathroom?

    I know you can't leave your GA spot once you get in (unless you want to lose it), and I know you can leave your spot while in line to go to the bathroom. But how do you manage to keep hydrated and not have to pee before/during the gig? :erm:


    (sorry if this was asked a million times before :$, I'm doing GA for the first time this year) :awesome:


    EDIT: Nvm, I just saw the tip at the first page :facepalm: How did I miss that!?

  10. I agree 100%. I was actually scared to post in here for a while :LOL:

    It does seem (some) people view noobies as "not true fans" because they like Muse's newer stuff. I avoided saying I love GL and really like NSC for a while, but now I don't care.


    And the last part I couldn't agree with you more! I avoid many threads because people view and talk about the band in a very creepy way. I'm extremely disturbed by it. I can't even imagine what Matt, Dom, and Chris must feel like :facepalm: Makes us all look like a bunch of freaks!


    (sorry if this makes no sense I'm incredibly tired right now)


    Also, it's nice to see a a very mature 14 year old.

    I'm 14 as well, and I'm often surrounded by the crazy/creepy ones who only drool over guys and don't "think"

    I'm not making any sense anymore so I'm going to stop talking :chuckle::$

  11. Stubhub is completely legitmate, and you shouldn't be worried about the. The worst that can happen (extremely rare) is the seller pulls out in which case you get a full refund AND some percentage off your next purchase


    Thanks! I also just discovered TicketLiquidator.com. They seem to have better/more reviews. And seem to be more well known. So I might end up getting from them. Anybody have experience with them before?

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