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Status Updates posted by Sizzle'd

  1. Hi to you beautiful. ;)

  2. Of course, and I do. :) 2 more days!! :awesome::D gahhhh so exciting. :D:happy:

  3. awww :kiss: at least i went shopping and ate during that time. :p I didn't have the heart to wake you up and tell you the bad news either. :(

  4. Hmm time is going by slower. :( but 3 hours till I leave! :awesome::happy::kiss::sleepy: this yo wake up message for leaving me! : phu: :p

  5. Hmm time is going by slower. :( but 3 hours til I leave! :awesome::happy: :tired:

  6. Mel, do you still have your extra LA ticket?

  7. Im interested in your friends GA ticket for LA#1.

  8. Just got on, no one is on skype atm though

  9. Yeah Billy was one of the only males left on the show I enjoyed but my favorite is Lauren. :p I really hate adichike(black dude cant spell) and Robert they are fucking dumb and others I dont care

  10. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qp1odkX7RPE Its routines like this that actually remind me I watch the show from time to time. Because occasionally they can really tell a story and make it entertaining. Of course I haven't watched an actual full show in a long time lol.
  11. If you want to skype when you get back, just log on @ night or hit me up and i'll let you know

  12. need some melon in our chit chat

  13. right now we are only on the chat

  14. hey you want to skype?

  15. MELONIAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA. Muse added a day for Staples Center(26th) PRESALE IS TOMORROW 10pm(its in the news section) you better not miss this. It was obviously done for you :)

  16. Hike on up to skype, we are having a skype parteh

  17. Hey we are on right now, there is 4 of us but we have not called yet, just typing atm.

  18. Well you weren't on! Should I message you on here? Or on the skype when we do so?

  19. You missed some skyping last night :( maybe next time you won't fail and be on with us! :p

  20. I sent you a message on skype from your little skype symbol thingy

  21. Yo are you at/or going to Anime Expo this weekend?

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