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Posts posted by pluginstarlight

  1. Oh yeah well :fear: .......... uhhhh


    That pic does strange things to me :stunned:




    What? :stunned:



    I don't think he's looking at the award.




    Which one is it? Mine doesn't have those pics :erm:


    That pic is one of my weak spots :stunned:




    Shit. That pic does strange things to me :$




    Nice pic. :stunned:





    I swear I'm not coming here anymore if you post pics of Dom with another person! *runs*


    There might be a quote fail somewhere, pic confusion, so pardon my brain :facepalm:

  2. Fine PM :phu: and I bet it's Turner.


    Ooh! I didn't even think about him...oh my God...mental image. He's hot :stunned:


    It was Max Brick.






    The first 2. :stongue:


    Oh yeah! He's Tom's synchro pal, looked quite hot this summer actually :stunned:

    If you said he fixed things up down there I bet he's grown since last summer. :facepalm:


    no, not even his looks can. :phu:


    :phu: I can't speak about him with you evidently...you can't appreciate his sexiness :phu:


  3. *high fives*


    I'm not sure, I wasn't really concentrating no his name :shifty: I'll see if it's on the highlights this evening. Oh and Tom Daly has won double gold, he's now the commonwealth 10m & sync diving champion or something :awesome:


    Enough about men in speedos, here's Dom *has mental images of Dom in speedos :eyebrows:* :chuckle:




    :LOL: Who is called dombieatemybrains on imageshack? I love you.


    Oh my God, you just made mt day! :kiss:

    Oh dear...men in speedos. They cause me waves. Srsly. :stunned:

    I am utterly happy now! :awesome::awesome: *explodes*

  4. Muse.jpg




    Oh it's Dom isn't it? :facepalm:


    ah no! : awesome: Once you hit PDT you become the ultimate perv machine.


    No! :LOL: I'll tell you somewhere else because (major hint) it is not "appropriate" here. Get it now? :ninja:




    Helloooo : happy: You are quite right, they a both as yummy as each other. I approve muchly :awesome:


    +100 to that :eyebrows:


    Dom is so tanned...arms....I never use this smiley but now I will :stongue:


    You should use it more often! It fits with both! :stunned:


    Am watching the men's diving :shifty: One british guy just stuck his hand down his speedos to re-arrange himself :LOL:


    omgomg did you say Diving?! Bitish diver? Who? *gets hyper* :$


    if you're talking about matt, he's wearing the socks a girl gave him at a gig in the states (that girl took the pic)... btw he does have a terrible fashion taste :yesey:


    His looks make up for it. :stunned:

  5. You never tell me stuff :supersad:




    She does :awesome:


    If it makes you :supersad: I could start on your boat...but I still want to keep some of my innocence, or at least make it seem like it exists. Because it does :stunned:




    Yess! :happy:




    "mybacknom" lol

    I'm not a OoS Dom fan, but he's sexy in that one. Best nose pic in ages.


    Who was it then? : shifty:


    :chuckle: It happens.


    Is it so difficult to find out? You're talking to Caroline, remember...:ninja:


    That's the part where you're supposed to say: "Oh, no you aren't! I know there's still some innocence left in you!" :noey:



    this is from yesterday


    I'm sorry, but Chris's pants = :vomit:

    On the other hand, those hot pants red pants and that shirt are :eyebrows:

  6. A swimmer then? :eyebrows:



    Oh wow caroline, really coming out of your shell now : chuckle:


    Divers > swimmers atm, but anyway, no. It was not a water-man. :ninja:


    Whaat?! My image is getting dirtier by the second! :'(




    Woah. :stunned:








    Dom's white shirt was overshadowing another white shirt. :eyebrows:




    Stop it. Please.




    Oh my God. :stunned:


    They should wear them more often. : supersad:


    Oh that interview was so hot. : stunned:


    "youshouldbescared" lol! I love you Tiia...


    Hell yes :stunned:


    They should : eyebrows:


    Oh yes : stunned:




    *runs away*




    Shit. V-neck.



    I was too lazy to check the all the pages...*sigh*

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