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Posts posted by pluginstarlight

  1. Ι'm ok, having a break at the moment, how about you? :happy:


    Of course, I like it :yesey: I was listening to them today and I had forgotten how happy their music makes me, I'm used to listening to depressing stuff :chuckle:


    Edit: Goodnight!




    I'm fine, going out monday with friends after not seeing them for a while so, :dance:


    It's simply candy :eyebrows: I love "Jewelers Hands" these days, the end with guitar is just :awesome:

    Depressing stuff? :noey:

  2. :awesome: Everybody had new shirts :LOL:

    What is Matt doing? :chuckle:


    Looking hot. :stunned:


    Hello! I hope everyone is doing great!




    I like your new ava :eyebrows:


    I'm fine, how about you? :happy:

    I have such a big grin now :D The ava is just :awesome: you and Kristina already love it :yesey: so happy :LOL:


    Last one for today, off to see soccer match, goodnight in advance to everyone! Or "happy convos" everybody :chuckle:

  3. I love my grandparents, but omg they are sooo stuck-up :noey:








    I love this one. Sexy Muse :happy:


    That last one. That is really my death :stunned:

    Hey, how's your nephew? :happy:


    Haha probably a mixture :p... Tis best to mix things up then just put up with one gender haha! Boys can be cocks and girls can be bitchy. No one can win lol!




    The truth, right there :yesey::chuckle:


  4. Your welcome :happy:


    And hmmm didn't actually think I would get my grades this month tbh. I thought they were coming in September :chuckle:... But i will probably do something :awesome:

    Maybe go out to my local gig/club place and celebrate with local bands and stuff :chuckle:





    Yeah, go out and have fun! With boys, or just a girl's night out :chuckle:


  5. Dorisfail :indiff:


    I don't know :supersad:


    I love his silver Converse :happy:


    Sorry I left, it was late :supersad: Pardon Doris's ass for it. Deficiente. :noey:



    "Sorry Matt, I can't hear you over the fact how sexy I am"

    *snorts* so damn funny! :LOL:


    Whenever I feel like that, I just visit Stef's boat :awesome::chuckle:


    Exactly, totally with you :yesey: even Tiia's has lots to offer :eyebrows:


    It's a Wolstenbaby :yesey:

    Oh God *belly hurts from laughter*


    Oh my God, I saw Chris last Sunday, do you think it would be possible that...? :eek:

    Yep. Eyesexed :yesey:




  6. Yeah, it's ok...Maybe I'll go abroad later after I finish with everything else :happy:


    Thanks :happy:


    Well, it's your choice, don't let me influence you! :LOL:




    Yes, absolutely :awesome:

    Your welcome :happy:

    :LOL: Don't worry, I just needed opinions ;) but I think I'll go with the second choice. They're so colorful and pretty but classic black :awesome:

    "We come from the land of the ice and snow, from the midnight sun where the hot springs blow!" :dance:


    I love this mise :stunned:

    I have to leave really really soon :supersad:

  7. England would be great, too! I'd love to go there :happy:

    Yeah, money and the fact that if I wanted to do a Master in the US I should have taken exams last December and I didn't know at the time :noey: Oh, well.

    Yeah, it is :awesome:


    They're very similar, aren't they? :erm: I'd go for the first ones, but I don't know.




    Ooh, I'm sorry. But you find yourself well anyway right?

    I could help you a little bit when you start, but very slightly, I still consider myself a n00b :LOL:


    It's too tough! I was thinking about the second pair, :LOL:


  8. Oh, you still have a lot of studying then! Lucky you, you're going to the States! I wish I could go abroad to study as well, but I can't :(


    I will! Actually, I'm thinking of buying a cheap acoustic guitar right after I get my diploma and practice! :awesome:




    Yep. Well, that's my plan, I don't want to study here :( who knows, maybe even England! It's too early to say :erm:

    You can't? Money? :erm:

    Ah, great, it's such an awesome hobby :awesome:


    I don't know what shoes to get! These or these or others! *shoe crisis*


  9. That sucks :noey: Here they stop mid-June too. How many years do you have before you finish with school?


    No, I'm at the Uni for 4 years now and another two for the Master hopefully :happy:




    :$:$:$including this one, 3 years and after that uni in the States :yesey:

    :awesome: in the free time you really should consider guitar :D




  10. That's not good! So when will you finish for next summer? :erm:


    Yeah :dance: It's finally over! Although I'll probably do a Master afterwards :supersad:




    I don't know, maybe mid-june, or near the end of it :noey:


    :awesome: I said it before, it's hard work, but it gives so much! I hope it won't be too tough :happy: wait, did you say it lasted 2 years? :erm:


  11. Already? :eek: School starts here on the 10th of September! Thank God I finished with that :noey:


    It's alright, I finished with the experiments! Now I just have to right it all down and then do a presentation mid-September to get my diploma! :awesome: I'm on page 11 and I have to write about 50-60 pages, though :stunned:




    Yeah, the school I'm moving to starts early and finishes late :noey:

    50-60?! Holy crap! But..diploma! Good for you :dance:

  12. I know, I know :supersad:


    screw university, when I grow up I'm going to be a sound technician.

    or anyway the person who puts microphones on guys' low v-neck t-shirts. :phu:



    I'm going too! :dance:



    I'll die if someone invents a time machine :stunned:


    You go girl, all with you :yesey: *internet high five*


    You what?! Agh! :'(

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