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About MisfitSpazz01

  • Birthday July 3

Personal Information

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  • Show Flash Content
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  • Favourite Films
    The Outsiders
    Princess Bride
  • Favourite TV Shows
  • Favourite Books
    Mostly non-fiction, as well as some fantasy.
  • Muse Releases Owned
    I'm buying songs on itunes, one by one.
  • Muse Concerts Attended / Attending
    4/5/10 Salt Lake City, UT

MisfitSpazz01's Achievements


Escapee (1/14)



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  1. Allo!


    Yes, you have to have previously uploaded a picture somewhere. After that, in the post window you click on that little square which looks like it has a triangle on the bottom and yellow at te top (look at the top of the box when you're posting here, it's the 7th from the left) then you past the link in the window that opens, then click ok, and it will display when you post your message.


    Somehow I figured the story went along those lines. I really have never understood how a parent could abandon their child like that. Yes, having a kid is a huge sacrifice, one which changes your life forever, but at least it's an action which has meaning. Creating and caring for lie. Still, he's better than some considering he makes his payments. I will bet you $10 that he will try and weasel his way into her life when she is an adult and have everything forgiven.


    I don't think being from another country will hurt your chances. In Canada we have what's known as "equal opportunity" employment, which in effect means you will have a better shot at landing the job than most due to the fact you are a minority.


    The city I'm in is just an average sized town, I don't know why it's called a city. The population is about 9000. Most nights I stay in actually, as I've never been one for the bar, however I do go out when coworkers invite me somewhere. In fact I'm going to a potluck tonight, one which I've made nothing for, haha.


    How is Salt Lake City? Is it tough living there, as an atheist?

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