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Status Updates posted by TomWillett97

  1. Oh :chuckle: Never heard of it

    Im back in England now, its so much better :happy: I had snow on my first night :awesome:

    Im starting tomorrow. Im so nervous :eek:

  2. :chuckle: What film are they watching? :LOL:

    Im great thanks :happy: Changed my username since we last spoke. Im moving back to england in 3 days :awesome: Our house is bare because its gone back now :)

    You back to school tomorrow?

  3. Hey :)

    Long time not talk

    Sorry i didnt reply to your thing :eek: i didnt realise

    Hows things going?

  4. Well, muse have dissapointed me, mainly with Neutron Star Collision and the lying and stuff.

    Dammits a really good song. Do you have their greatest hits?

    And Blinks music is so simple. I learnt half on Cheshire Cat on guitar today in 20 minutes. I must know at least 30 songs of theirs on guitar


    And my favourite Muse song changes, i have a new one every week :LOL:


  5. I think it'll have to be Carousel. Its just so awesome. I love pretty much every one of their songs theyve made. They dont seem the ever dissapoint me. Just like Muse.


  6. Get cheshire cat first though

    Listen to it on grooveshark or something first though

    Edit- Buddhas more raw and self recorded (i think)

  7. Buddhas a demo made before their first album. I have the CD. It has a few unreleased tracks on it and some album songs on it. Also some of the songs are different. For example.

    Carousel (im sure youve heard it)

    Album version-


  8. Enema, definitely.

    Enema then TOYPAJ. Get Cheshire Cat. That is one hell of an album. More punk than pop punk.

    For some reason i havent really listened to Dude Ranch, i dont know why....

  9. I see

    I got into them about a year ago. Ive been listening to them all day. Im seeing them live in July :awesome:

    So whats you favourite album of theirs, or do you not have one?

  10. Fair enough

    You like them a lot or a little?

  11. I dont like them...


    Everyone seems to hate them...why? :supersad:

  12. Yep :p


    I needed to though so i might as well :)

    How are things?

  13. Happy birthday Grace!! :party:

  14. What are you lot arguing about now? :rolleyes:

  15. Bloody laptop speakers dont work, which means nothing will come out of headphones :'(

    I would totally listen to it if i were on my mums laptop. Im listening to Lateralus by Tool atm anyway :happy:

    Link it to me anyway for tomorrow :)

  16. Ill just get them all and see which is best.

    Ill listen to Grown Up and Blow Away tomorrow on Groove Shark

  17. Im gonna be listening to it a few more times today :happy:

    I usually skip radio america though :erm:

    btw new facebook wall post

  18. Up The Bracket......5 times today :facepalm: 6th time now

  19. Kev, the undertitles arent working.

    Can you get it fixed please?


  20. You should totally start posting on the YMT

  21. Climbing Mountains :LOL:

    Our old neighbours in England are over for a week so we're with them all week, and my dads gone back to england for a week. Hes meant to be back tomorrow but hes got to stay there for 10 more days. My year were meant to be doing a small play for assembly tomorrow, but they ditched it for next week (thank god, we'd barely rehearsed :LOL: )

  22. :eek: Lucky!

    Our half term is only Wednesday Thursday Friday :(

    What you doing in half term?

  23. Hey Grace :happy:

    Are you on Half Term on monday?

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