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Status Updates posted by Andres07

  1. We are the same then love! Whatever land I tread....whichever skies I traverse...however many miles away...YOU will always be here in my heart baby! :kiss: By the way...I wanted to apologize for not replying back to you soon enough! I was busy with Uni but now I am on vacation for the holidays. Are you doing anything special for Christmas...perhaps another trip to Paris?? ;)


    :kiss: :kiss: :kiss:



  2. Er name change? :D Oh and what are you doing for Christmas??

  3. Hey don't ever feel that way with me Claudia. You just wrote me what you felt at the time and it doesn't bother me one bit hun. So now that that is out of the way you know what I think you should do?? You should dye your hair blue, go to crazy concerts, go to silly places, get a tattoo, drink like a little guppy, and make lame inuendos. :p It's like the Muse song Blackout goes,"Don't grow up to fast, and don't embrace the past...this life's too good to last". Just live it out...er but be careful though 'cause I do care about you! Oh and if it doesn't work-out with your boyfriend...there's always me. No jk haha we live too far but point is you need someone who WANTS to be with you and not only hangs out with you because he feels he HAS to or because he wants something from you. I don't think you deserve that. I hope you find someone who you deserve and who deserves you too hun.


    I love you and take care hun!


    xxx :kiss: :kiss: :kiss:

  4. Lol and don't fret about INDIE and INDIAN movies hun. I thought the same when I first heard the name of those films. :LOL: So I guess that makes me a dork too. ;)

  5. Hello hun! Sorry for the late reply...I've been busy with Uni but am now in vacation for the holidays! Are you doing anything for Christmas Faren?? And about SOAD...well most likely they'll tour in the U.S and other places but for now it's just Europe. Haha but I guess those Europeans get all the good stuff. Btw where do you live?? Oh and is it really a Latin name?? I think my mom only called me that because my dad is half italian maybe :p


    Talk laters :kiss:



  6. Lol well I guess we both apologized for replying late in our previous messages! :LOL: Vacation! Awesome! Me too! :xmas: What are you planning on doing for the holidays Sarah?? Hmmm and candy bars you say...haha guess that means you have to sell 50,000 candy bars then. :p Jk I hope you can do it! Oh and yes being in a school band counts I suppose...what can you play hun??


    Missed you! :kiss:



  7. Sorry for the late reply Miss Coleslaw! :p I got to say that's hilarious haha


    Oh and it's a place called Blue Sea in the Quebec Islands. My mom lives there so I am mostly with her but for the holidays I'm going to spend it with my dad in California. :) Btw Christmas is almost here...are you excited Sam??


    x :kiss:

  8. Hey where are you?? I miss you Claudia! :kiss:

  9. I feel your pain ma stormy. I'll admit...I did miss you a lot! Oh and I see you're in the city of love and romance. ;) I hope you think of me whilst you are there. I also hope that you don't flirt around with any french boys while you are there too :kiss:



  10. Oh my bad :p Lol Canada isn't the most exotic place is it? Hey and guess what...I live in Canada too! Actually, I kinda travel back and forth between parents but I enjoy Canada more than the U.S. Haha and just curious Sam...why would your friends call you coleslaw?? :LOL:



  11. Hey and no big deal about the questions Faren...it makes me feel interesting haha :kiss:

  12. Well they're not reuniting to make new albums (although Serj did come out with a new album)...only to tour in 2011! I would be more happy if all their tour dates weren't European though. :p As for Radiohead...I like I Might be Wrong, All I Need, No Surprises and many many more. How about yourself?? I've noticed you like Radiohead too. :) As for Uni...yes I do go and it def keeps me busy. I'm studying to be a reporter. Ummm as for Indian movies....not really but I do love Indie and foreign movies hun. How about you?? xxx

  13. You're clearly loved Sam :p My boss's name was Gretchen and well she was nice to some people but for some reason not me...er go figure. Oh btw where do you live...like in the Philippines.or something?? And about your avatar...well I can't say that I've seen it on Facebook considering I don't have one...well I use to but I over did it :LOL: But what's your's just in case I decide to make a new one hun??



  14. Ahahaha Chase07 does sound pretty good :p But what can I say...I don't work great under pressure :LOL: Oh and great choices Faren...especially ruled by secrecy (and mostly all of them too) ;) Hmmmm and let's see...as for other bands...I really like Radiohead a lot and also SOAD (they're reuniting you know) :D. But enough about me...what about you hun??



  15. Hey where are you?? :supersad: :supersad: :(

  16. Lol and thanks for clearing up the secretness of your avatar. Er I thought it was you as a baby or something :LOL:

  17. Yeah money is the shiet :p How often do you get payed if you don't mind me asking?? Oh and ummmm well you seeeeeee I missed a lot and I mean A LOT of days because my job was so damn far from where I lived plus the boss was a jerk...it seemed like all I did was fetch her coffee :p I hope your boss is better haha ;)



  18. Hey Sarah sorry for the late reply! :kiss: But from what I am hearing...your trip sounds like it's going to be epic but how much money do you have to make?? Haha it seems like you like your history teacher a lot too...I hope you get paired up with him :awesome: Oh and yes I've been the bassist for my band for 6 months now, How about you...are you in any band??


    xxx :kiss:


    (Thanks for wishing me well and also for that pic comment hun) :)

  19. Yeah I did manage to get a few scrapings of Chino's skin cells too haha Oh and alright well I understand the situation. However, I can't say that I don't want to see you because I really do! And about your boyfriend...well I would get jealous too if a pretty girl like you got away from me ;) (yeah that was me flirting) :LOL:



  20. Well greetings Faren...what's your favorite MUSE song?? Ha and you caught me! Andres is my middle name ;) Unfortunately it was the best I could think of when I first made my account :LOL:

  21. Btw who is that on your avatar?? :)

  22. Hey sorry for the late reply but it's good to hear that you had an interview and that you are not a criminal! lol Hope you got the job to buy your fam some cool gifts hun. Hey but isn't working at gas station dangerous?? :unsure: Oh and as for me...I'm doing swell...except I managed to get fired from my job aha. Crummy job anyway :p



  23. Sorry for the late reply baby...haven't been feeling so hot lately :( But I know you are and I missed you sooooooooo much! :supersad: So anyway how was your time in London Stormy??


    :kiss: :kiss: :kiss:



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