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Everything posted by lezah

  1. Hahahahaha! I feel honoured :)

  2. Angelia, one thing you need to know about AFI, is that Hunter is a badass motherfucker. He is fucking solid on that bass. So is Chris, really, I mean, look at Hysteria! I'm still trying to learn that song.
  3. Albums - AFI: The Art of Drowning, Sing The Sorrow Muse: Showbiz, Absolution Songs - Don't even make me.
  4. Yes, I am! As lezah as well. :D I drew Megasaurus. It's in the Ask Hunter thread haha.

  5. @Matt Bellamy's Muse: No, I don't think it has. I searched the social groups and didn't find anything. Hello Irene!
  6. Sup guyz. How are you all? Anyone want to think of better lyric combinations than my feeble "Through our bleeding, we will be victorious"? Haha. And anyone creative enough to whip up an icon for our group picture?
  7. Oh hai thar, I'm Hazel! I've known about Muse longer than AFI, funnily enough now that I come to think of it, but I only joined this board recently. I really love this little alliance that we have. I'm lezah on here (duh) as well as on the DF board. Nice to meet you all!
  8. I've heard of those bands you listed there but haven't listened to them. I shall have to check them out. :)

  9. The Cairos have Lost At Sea EP on iTunes and HCTB have ... HCTB EP on iTunes too. Which I still need to get. I might buy it at their show in 2 weeks though. Um... There's this by The Cairos as well: http://www.mp3.com.au/Forms/ArtistProfile.aspx?ProfileId=263455. 5 songs there for download I think, including what I assume is the early version of Whales.


    I don't know anything about torrents so I can't help you with that haha. Good luck with finding Seizures! It's a good album.


    What other bands are you into at the moment?

  10. Kisschasy aren't very well known in the US, you're not oblivious. :) Here, people often know the singles and forget the band name. Hah. Daz does have a good voice. His voice sounds a lot stronger on Seizures (latest album) too, which is great. They have a few other albums aside from Seizures (where Turnaround is from) that are good as well!


    New music? Check out The Cairos: http://www.triplejunearthed.com/Artists/View.aspx?artistid=15087

    There are 2 songs available for download there. Also search Here Come The Birds in that site, they're pretty good too (and very fun live).

  11. I've not seen any videos, but I think photos exist. Doesn't show much, but here: http://viewmorepics.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=user.viewPicture&friendID=11924263&albumId=3183504


    And awesome that you're liking Kisschasy! They're an awesome band. Seen them twice so far. I've met Darren (vox/guitar) once and he's a sweetheart. Didn't have time to meet the other dudes, ah well! They've toured in US like, once, I think? They're not huuuge here but they've got some fans, get radio play, etc.


    If I was still playing Maple and I had enough acash I'd start a Dom guild. That would be so sweet.

  12. Matt Bellamy created Dom in Maple and turned him into a human with his alien technology. That has to be it.


    Yes, I've had eaten babies. Mothers do that when they feel stressed, threatened or if they don't recognise its scent (which is why you do not touch the babies. EVER. Well, until they're big enough to look after themselves).


    I get my Learners when I turn 16 in September, but then I'd only be able to drive if someone with a valid license is in the car with me. I don't really care much about driving though, I hate cars/driving. I live 4 hours away from Sydney too. It's very annoying. As far as I'm aware, Kisschasy have played 1 hour north of me in Armidale, but it was an 18+ show so I couldn't go. Fortunately for me their Sydney show was all ages and on the first day of my holidays, so I made it! It was great. Kisschasy played at BDO this year too, and Muse + other international artists challenged Kisschasy + the other aussies to a soccer playoff. Internationals won 10 to 2, haha! If only I'd witnessed that.

  13. Tour dates are awesome if you can make it to them. I'd love to see Muse again. They said they'd be coming back to Aus at the end of the year so I'm crossing my fingers. Next week, Lostprophets and The Fray are coming but I can't go to either because I have no transport to the shows in Sydney. Sad. I already missed The Fray last year :( Oh well, next time.


    Horny hamsters are crazy. Well, usually it was the boy that was horny. The poor girl looked so tired and lost a lot of weight (and some hair). Be careful if you let them breed though, they have millions at a time, haha.


    Maybe the maple character was partly modeled after Dom. Hmm..

  14. And that look on his face. It's just so... Dom.


    Well, I gave some hamsters to friends and relatives, sold some of the babies to pet shops, some died... Yeah. I buried them all in a garden next to a playground. It's like, my hamsters' graveyard haha. I had to get rid of them all eventually because I moved to Arizona. Then I moved back to Singapore and a few months later, got another hamster that's some crazy dude who escaped and was found in a flower pot near my aunt's house. It's the ultimate survivor hamster. It escaped from its cage three times, and went hiding in a hole under the kitchen cabinet for a few days at a time before we caught it and put it back. Then we got 2 more and they reproduced 8 times. Not including the number of times their babies reproduced in the end. Insanity. Eventually we had to get rid of them as well because we were going to move to Australia.


    Whoa that was a lot on hamsters. Haha. Ah well, better late than never getting into Muse! I was going to watch the webcast of AAC but we were overseas then and weren't in the hotel at that time. I managed to catch Rise Against and AFI on the day before's though. :D

  15. La la la! Lalalalalalala la la la! Lalalalalalala la la la! Lalalalalalala la la la!


    Sorry dude, I just had to. :D

  16. I had 84 in a family once. Nightmare. 7 cages. Lots of fighting. And yes, BDO was my first time seeing Muse. I could have seen them in Singapore in 2007 but I didn't want to go by myself because no one knew who Muse were. I should have just gone anyway. -kicks self in arse-


    Yeah, I think it's the aviators. And that sleek blonde hair.

  17. Ah Dom. Haha. Also, hamsters are awesome! I used to have heaps of them (literally).

  18. I haven't heard about a big announcement? But I haven't been very up to date about Musey news haha, oops. I emailed LAMC productions after BNO to tell them about Muse's plans to tour Aus again and they should get them back in Singapore for y'all. Not sure if they read it but it's worth a try!

  19. Ah cool! I'll check it out tonight. Dom looks incredibly sexy for a maple character.

  20. I only cook vegetarian/vegan stuff if mum makes me cook, and my toiletries are all vegan! And I've had vegan pasta for lunch everyday for the last 3 months. If I added everything up I'd probably have been a vegan for an accumulated year. Last year I was away for 6 days on a school excursion and I went vegan because nobody could stop me, hell yes.


    Glad you had fun at BNO! I saw them at BDO in Sydney, hella awesome. Let's hope Muse go back, yeah? If they do it at the end of the year I might be able to see them in Singapore too.

  21. I used to play Maple with my friends, but then I got bored of it. Did you make them in the game or was there some website that you could create them from?

  22. You go girl! Animal cruelty for the win! Keep up the vegan-ness! I'm not vegan yet (because my parents won't let me, grrrrrrrrrrrr) but I will be eventually.


    You had fun at BNO? I'm Hazel btw, hello!

  23. Awesome signature! Maple character versions of Muse, eh? Nice!

  24. Hey dude, AFI were incredible at Soundwave! Nothing pre-STS though, except Love Is A Many Splendored Thing. I hope they're saving it for the sideshow tomorrow; I'm insanely excited.


    And paramore fans are insane. They push harder than Singaporeans. I was waiting at barrier the whole day for AFI but couldn't stand it after I was standing on one leg and being swallowed by the crowd after Paramore started the first song so I asked to get pulled out. They came on late too; we had to endure the impatient fans. BUT after paramore I managed to get back into the D gate and some nice tall people let me in front of them on the barrier while Placebo played on the next stage. :) After they finished my friend and I started the Strength Through Wounding chant but not many people joined in... We're doing it again tomorrow haha. It was great. Hopefully I'll get to meet them tomorrow after the show and I'll tell them how awesome Singapore is and that they should play there too!


    Oh and Skylar still remembers you, haha.

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