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Posts posted by Kashelle357

  1. Hellooo again everyone! :happy: I used to be on .mu but for some very stupid reason I had my old page deleted while I was on a Muse-break, instantly regretted it! Glad to say I've returned home hehe, and gladly with the same username as before! :) Oh, how I've missed PMT!


    Hello! Welcome back to the meelee! :)


    Your boy is making me angsty. What's this "too old to be into music" crap? :wtf: Does he listen to talk radio all day or watch Lawrence Welk?


    I'd wither and die without music. :( And considering I have basically nothing in common with my contemporaries, I'd feel very alone without the friends I've made through Muse, who are no longer just "internet friends." Trufax. :yesey:


    Point One- I know right? Earth without art is just "eh", and in my opinion music is an art form.

    Point Two- Even though I agree with your stance, I grew up on Lawrence Welk's "champagne" music. Don't be hatin'! :mad:

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