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Posts posted by Kashelle357

  1. What is the movie about?


    A teenage girl who pretty much lives in her own fantasy land is angry that her dad and step-mom ask her once again to watch her baby brother while they go out. She has been reading a book called "Labyrinth" and in lieu of the fantasy land she lives in, she invokes the name of the Goblin King to come and take away her brother. When he actually does, she panicks and insists that he give her brother back. The Goblin King (played by David Bowie) makes her journey through the Labyrinth surrounding his Goblin City and castle in order to get her baby brother back. Along the way, she meets friends and foes and comes of age as well.


    It's a David Bowie musical, and chock full of symbols too, so it's perfect for a nerd like me. :)


    Unfortunately, I can't agree :p Maybe the fact my brother watched it non-stop for a month has something to do with my hate :rolleyes:


    Yeah, I can see how that would happen. :LOL:


    Obligatory Matt pic!



  2. Is that the one with David Bowie? When I saw it my jaw hit the floor the whole time, because I found it just so... bad. :LOL: I think it was the pants.


    I don't know, I actually like it. Yes, in some places the use of greenscreen is obvious, and she could have used a bit more sincerity when she spoke her lines, but I really liked the symbolism and that poofy silver dress she wears in the ballroom scene. Not to mention the hair, LOVE the hair. :LOL:


    EDIT: Plus this gorgeous device in her hair during the ballroom scene.



  3. I'm fine, enjoying my summer holidays... They're almost over :'(

    How are you?



    I feel great. We have an exchange student from Germany named Katie this year, and her host family, one of my best friends, had a little party to introduce her to some friends today. Which was fun. I got to see her have her first s'more ever. :)

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