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Posts posted by Kashelle357

  1. :eek: That is so creepy!

    There was this shed in this park that backed out to the bush where I used to live, and there was a knife in it and bottles and needles and stuff. It was incredibly scary :awesome:

    I which I had time to go looking at creepy old houses :LOL:




    Well, I'm not in school this week, so, I'm lucky. Yeah, we took 2 videos exploring the house, one is 3 minutes long, and on youtube here, while the other was 30 minutes long , too much for his iPhone to handle apparently, so he had to delete it. Sad, because on the 30 minute one, we heard a noise upstairs while in the basement, and went to go investigate, very creepy-like.

  2. Uhmmm.... so don't massacre me, please...


    Here is a cover I do on the harp of Unintended. It's not the best, I hadn't practiced it in months when my grandmother requested me to play it. My best friend was there, and decided to film me with his "Super 8" iPhone app, and put it on youtube. Also, my voice was not built for the song. Please don't hurt me if you don't like! I tried! :$



  3. Good good, just waiting for school to finish for the year.

    I mean, why do we have to be here for 8 weeks after exams are finished :facepalm:



    Seriously? That sucks.


    I'm great, my best friend and I went to an abandoned house on the edge of town today and explored. It was really creepy, the basement (which is pitch black even in the mid-afternoon) had some toys and homeschooling equipment scattered on the floor, plus an unopened bank statement from 2002. All the glass in the house is smashed, the property is overgrown, the house looks as if it could have been livable once, but the manner in which things are make me think something strange went down. But it was fun, since we got to play detective for a bit! :)


    A little Bells to keep this thread on track:



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