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Everything posted by beatlesmaniac98

  1. so in the end whats your fave food? :chuckle:

  2. sounds like my situation with guys :chuckle: thats what i hate bout em you fix yourself up for them and they dont even notice :mad:


    funny come what may takes a literal turn :chuckle:

  3. sorry cant watch im on my dsi :(

  4. you sure he aint got a crush on you? :erm:


    your free to leave me but just dont desive me :awesome:




    lols :LOL: btw this is random but i was listening to space dementia and i swear i just heard matt say i love all he dirty chicks :eek :LOL:

  5. type on youtube dane cook atheist sneeze (and no its not anti-religious,its quite the oppisite :chuckle:)

  6. at all? you sure you cant just even say hi to him?


    i cried when i heard come what may..satine and chrstain have such amazing voices i love el tango de roxanne and elaphant love melody FFS nirvana is in that movie! :LOL:


    very interesting :chuckle:

  7. yup :happy:


    almost as funny as dane cook :chuckle:

  8. oh kirby get over it :rolleyes: he's a muser so if hes scared to start a convo with you then just start one with him bout how awesome muse are...have some apprectiation kirb's the'yre arent many musers in the states and you lucky to have one at your school plus he's really funny



    but i love till my dying day,coooooommmmeeee whhhhhaaaattt mayyyyyy :awesome:


    id just raise the money my self :chuckle:

  9. hmmm wow that guy is a nutter :stunned:

  10. Kirby dont be mean! everyone has a life no matter what...in my case some ppl dont consider what i do a life but in actual theory it is :phu:


    are you a moulin rouge fan? :awesome:


    aww that sucks :mad: how bout you buy a new one?

  11. oh no worties we are all nosey at times :chuckle:


    whos cooking a pig in a jackuzzi :eek:!?

  12. lucky :indiff: hmm wierd ryans offline oh well i do suppose he has a life unlike me :chuckle:


    anyway im watching moulin rouge but HAARP just came in the mail so i dont know what to do keep on watching moulin or start watching haarp on blue ray in sround sound? :chuckle:

  13. just asking :)


    thats nice so what you up too?

  14. hey kirby :D when do you and ryan go back to school?i enter wednesday :indiff:

  15. hey how are you?

    btw have you heard anything from ryno116 :erm:?

  16. wait no wrong link its part 5/9 of that presentation

  17. in the vicious circle special of dane cook he told us what girls do before the destoryer comment and what he said there was completely true.

  18. you do know hwta he just said was true right? about what girls do before they make "the comment"

  19. lols dane: women are fucking brain terrorist :p

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