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Everything posted by beatlesmaniac98

  1. us kids vacayion is taking its toll :p amiright?

  2. so wyd?



    btw did you go to the easter mass?

  3. :LOL: thats funny

    *bows down to your awesome sense of humor*

  4. :LOL:


    texas chainsaw masacre anybody :LOL:

  5. a whole week and 3 days :)



  6. no! :LOL:


    aww ryan i ope were still friends :)

  7. no ryan dont play like that plz! :'(


    dont scare me plz!

  8. lols come on im not a rude insenseless person like others im sorry if i offended you :(

    your awesome!

  9. oh im just kidding with you ryan why did you think i put :p at the end your amazing and im sure youll get someone in the end! its all worth the wait! ( im still waiting patiently)

  10. vacation has taken its toll :p

  11. oh i see....



    im sleepy :sleepy:

  12. thats isnt fat at all :p

  13. its cause im on a diet :p

  14. umm depends one which one...

  15. no :( i want candy! :'(

  16. watching moulin rouge :awesome:

  17. thx, happy easter :happy:



  18. good night ( wow its 19:42 over there? :eek:)


  19. i love it how brandon looks after they sing "santas got a bullet in his gun" :awesome :LOL: trying ot get out of the chair!


    thanks i use it as my avatar for everything now all of a sudden :happy:

  20. sorry its a amazing song but then it kinda loses something about it :(


    i actually cried when i heard certin symphonys and moulin rouge songs im more about cheesy music it really catches my attention and makes me look into the song in a more deeper sense....


    but hey lets be glad that at least we dont listen to lil wayne :p

  21. :LOL: thats epic


    have you heard dont shoot me sanata ;) i srsly :LOL: when i first heard that song!

  22. hmm well yes but im still stubborn about being converted they seem pretty odd in a sense


    im more of a classical person im all about uplifting music or music that will make me cry and feel even more human ( as for sometimes i can feel pretty :shifty: towards everything :p)

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