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Everything posted by YouSetMySoulAlight

  1. :D well first of all I was outside the venue waiting to go in with the VIP tickets so I waited for about 10 minutes then they let us in and the band played some songs of their new album which hasn't come out yet and they weren't gonna play at the actual show. Then I got to meet them and they signed my cds and the rhythm guitarist said he liked my muse shirt :awesome: then I was standing near the back of the room and I was in the drummers way and he put his hands on my shoulders!!!! :D Then I went and got some food and got back in the queue for the actual concert. I was talking to some girls and one of them was a muse fan :awesome: and afetr waiting outside for an hour we got in and were in the second row. The first support were we are giants then brooke and then straight lines. Straight lines are amazing and I saw them last week as well. The bassist came into the crowd and started playing right next to me. He was literally brushing up against me!! Then attack attack came on and they were amazing! The drummer kept on making eye contact with me!! It was so awesome!! :D
  2. The one I went to see was the one from Wales :) I've just got back I'll tell you the details tomorrow cause I'm so tired because I've barely sat down for 5 and a half hours :eek:

  3. :LOL: just checking but do you like the amercan attack attack or the one from wales?
  4. :D of course not as much as muse :) I'm going to see a band called Attack! Attack! tomorrow :D they're really good too Honesty and You and Me are really good. I have VIP tickets which means I get to watch them soundcheck and meet them before the gig :awesome: I'm so excited :D :D :D
  5. ME TOO!!! :D:awesome: better than the courtroom is awesome too :D

  6. hehe :chuckle::cool: he's even hotter irl :eyebrows: have you heard electric high?

  7. :awesome::D I was quite near the front and the lead singer and bassist kept on making eye contact with me :D :D
  8. I went to see a band called elliot minor yesterday :D have you heard of them?

  9. :eek: at least you've learnt from your mistake :) I'm in school choir as well but I'm defo not good enough to get a solo lol
  10. I've practiced today :D. :( what happened?

  11. I must practice! :LOL: or I'll fail :(

  12. Lucky :D

    I'm good thanks i've got my flute exam soon though so I should probs be practicing now lol :)

  13. I think I still have an overdue book :eek: oops, I can't remember where I've put it either lol

  14. I think I might have a really old one that my cousins grandad gave to me, hmm I'll have to try and find it :)

  15. Same :) I have to find mine so I can read it, I can't remember where I put it :LOL:

  16. :D do you prefer the book, the original film or the tim burton film?
  17. :LOL: all my friends call me a vampire hehe

    my friends having a disney fancy dress party and I'm going as alice in wonderland, I can't wait :D I love alice in wonderland

  18. That would definately suck! it's gone now and i've still retained my paleness :LOL:

  19. Everyone was asking me if I was too hot :facepalm:

  20. :eek: that must have been awful! Mine's not to bad it doesn't really hurt but it's quite red :(
  21. It was sports day yesterday and I forgot to bring suntan lotion so now I have sunburn down one side of my face :facepalm:

  22. Sounds great! :D I love aquariums

  23. I was wearing my muse shirt too and my mansons wristband :awesome: I only have one muser friend but we were celebrating :D where did you go on the field trip? was it good?

  24. lol happy matt's birthday :D :D

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