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Everything posted by YouSetMySoulAlight

  1. :LOL: does it work on your computer?
  2. I know right :awesome:

    you can't get youtube :supersad: ?

  3. This was the set

    Plug In Baby

    Kaoss Jam + Supermassive Black Hole

    Unnatural Selection

    Interlude + Hysteria

    Citizen Erased


    United States of Eurasia

    Undisclosed Desires




    House of the Rising Sun intro + Time Is Running Out

    Stockholm Syndrome



    Man with a Harmonica intro + Knights of Cydonia


    I'm not sure if it was televised :) I would definately like to see it if it was :LOL:

  4. :LOL: dom nicked matt's coat :chuckle:

    have you seen the setlist? They played bliss AND citizen erased :eek:

  5. :LOL: you have to see these pictures from Oxegen
    they're so funny :chuckle: what are dom and matt wearing lol
  6. Best bit in the film :D

    The books are way better than the films but there are other books that are way better than the twilight books.

    I have to watch some sometime :)

    That bit was so funny :chuckle:

    It definately is :D and moss' hair :awesome:

  7. :LOL: me and my friend were in hysterics all the way though the scene when edwards proposing to bella because when he's talking about them sitting on a swing drinking iced tea, just after he says iced tea he goes "mmm" :LOL: It's hilarious :chuckle:

    I used to like it but I've sort of seen though it now, the books are badly written, the films are quite bad, edward is actually a creepy stalker etc. It's fun to laugh at though :D

    My mum was just looking at us like we were weirdos when we were singing along :chuckle: it was worth it

    I haven't seen any life on mars, you'll have to tell me if it's good and I'll check it out :D did you see the IT crowd on friday?

  8. :chuckle: same

    mmm Irish boys ;)

    Good thanks, I went to see eclipse it was one of the most hilarious things I've ever seen :LOL: me and my friend sang along when they played NSC, we got some funny looks :chuckle:

    Have you seen it?

  9. My fave weather is cloudy and dry but not too hot or too cold, sort of in the middle :)

    So you live on the outskirts of the city I guess

    What are you up to?

  10. My friends know everything about muse even if they don't like them because I talk about them so much :LOL: and I play them all the time so they know all the songs hehe

    how are you?

  11. I meant it's mean that bands forget to tour near you :)

    I don't mind rain, I really hate summer and heat tbh. It's really annoying I live in Wales it's meant to be cloudy but we're getting a heatwave! :mad: It's just wrong

    Cardiff is quite big but nothing like London and completely different to any big cities in America

  12. :awesome: I wanted to go to the one in birmingham but I wasn't allowed because it's two and a half hours away and I had to go to school :supersad:

    I got my mum into them and some of my friends :D

    one of my friends parents got her the resistance for christmas because I'd been talking about them so much :LOL:

  13. Same with me :awesome: where did you see them?

    My cousin was really into them and my dad quite liked them so when I started listening to this kind of music they introduced me to them :) It's good because my mum quite likes the new stuff so we all went to see them in teignmouth and now we're all going to see them at wembley :D

  14. Yeah it is :) which is a shame because I'd love to see more songs from showbiz played live

    Aww that's really cute :) the first one I listened to was BH&R because my dad had it then the first one it bought was absolution

  15. I love them all but IL is definately my fave.

    With muse it took me a long time to decide but it's got to be showbiz :)

  16. :dance: I'm sure more people will join soon :)

    :supersad: thats not fair :mad:

    I have them all :D what's your fave? Mine is probably infinity land :D

  17. :( that's mean :mad:

    seattle is awesome :) I'd like to go there sometime

    How are you?

  18. BIFFY CLYRO!!!! *joins* :D :D you should post that in the biffy thread :)

    I LOVE THEM!! can't wait to see them with muse :awesome:

    which albums do you have?

  19. :LOL: I do that sometimes but in english :facepalm: I'm in a dream world most of the time :chuckle:
  20. We get levels as well, in levels I was getting 5's and now I'm getting 7's

    :LOL: we've been doing this thing in school called super learning week where each subject does activities for a week basically and I picked French and what we had to do was make a documentary about Cardiff for French people. Yesterday we went into the town centre and my group were in a shop looking at stuff and we were all dressed up as if we were French and as we were looking around I heard someone saying bonjour so I looked around and saw the person who was saying it so I said it back and then she told me what her name was and I told her mine back and she actually thought I was French :LOL: so she asked me if I spoke English and i just went yeah in like a really welsh accent, she looked a bit embaressed it was funny :chuckle:

  21. Aww thats mean :( Europe is awesome :dance: but some bands always forget to come to wales :supersad: there's this one band called canterbury and they are doing a tour and they're coming everywhere except Wales :(

  22. If you're getting any of their albums I recommend The Poison, it's my fave :D

    I ordered the resistance of muse.mu and got it two days early :awesome:

  23. :chuckle: i'm sure your not that bad :) I was quite bad in year 7, I kept on getting c's but I've been improving and now I'm getting a's :D

    We have a sort of 50/50 mix with teachers about half can and about half can't

  24. I was going to do triple science but then I decided not to because I wanted to do art :D I love art

    My teacher likes me but she is really scary :LOL:

    :LOL: :LOL: :LOL: I love those ones, they're the best

    I want to watch some now :chuckle:

  25. I bought a metallica hoodie the other day :awesome:

    Which bullet for my valentine albums do you have?

    I got the first two 30STM albums off the internet because I couldn't find them anywhere and then the next week I went into a shop and they had them and they were less expensive :facepalm:

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