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Status Updates posted by mortalblue

  1. Hi Luna, thank you for the best wishes, I thought you'll never back again.

    I just recive your message this afternnon. C U

  2. nice Proc.

    you know I think the same about chat, it's pretty boring and so gay.

    and yes! I'm stalking your profile ;)

    well not anymore...

  3. welcome to hell -_-


  4. Hey Marie what happen!? check my new pics! the new toys are better! ;)

    I buy like hundred of them! the redhead girl buy 3 of them! can belive it!

    how's things on your life girl? my hair is blue on the top! you'll see I'm not lying about, and black at the end! also I think I'm sick :( I got some stupid bug on my stomach

    anyway you don't know but, I spent to much money on this toys so I'm kindaaaa broke lol

    hope to see you soon....by the way I can't go to msn because the system is fucked up!

    I'll pm you the pics here if I can't do on msn ok! oh! by the way!! congrats! you!!!win!! :happy:

    I don't watch the game but my brother told me that :rolleyes: well I need to sleep,talk later! :kiss:

  5. Hey Bonita ;)

    I'll be on chat this night hope to talk to you.

    I have new juguetes! to show you!

  6. Hey! thank you!

  7. hello, yeah me neither I'm not sure why she put me on that ignore thing, so steve huh, cool name budy I'm Nicole by the way.

  8. hey lennon i can't stay on chat 'cause i got frozen by deex, i have one message saying he/she is ignoring my messages :( so I can't type anything on the chat. anyway i was just going to said a few hello's. did you know if that always going to happen when she/he is at the chat?

  9. hey no In fact i almost never go to chat. only a few times

  10. LUNA :kiss: you left the chat :(

    the store is all cool Marie :) I feel very good now :) darling.

    how are you??????


  12. hi there I'm good. :)

  13. oh smarty girl! Thanks for the best wishes Luna :kiss: dirty girl by phone huh? ;)

  14. Hi sexy ;) we're good Thanks for asking, Tylor ask everyday about you!, why you didn't accept him on msn??? whhhhyy?? Luna??? :confused: bad girl! anyway I want to show you the new pics of my store!!! ;) I'll send you someones ok c uuuu.

  15. Hello sexy/shy girl! why are you hiding?!?!?! I want to talk to you!!!!

  16. Hi fucking special :) where are you today?

  17. cool Tatyana I've been alright little disapointed by MUSE :( and the SNOW here.

  18. . aw yes I was so exited but then just feel like crap :mad:....but yes you and Tylor are right we have a second DATE!!!! I wish you live here :( then Tylor You and ME we can go together :happy: that wi'll be amaizing Luna... why you have to move to Mexico :mad: come with us Marie please Back to usa :D

  19. Hello Lennon thank you.

  20. Tatjana how are you'v been? .....I've been off for a long time but now I'm here again.

  21. Hey Lunamarie!!! how looong ;) I'm back now dear :kiss: I love the new undertitle ;) is fucking amaizing pretty. thanks for all those messages darling.

  22. Hello tatjana you like the snow? where I live we have a lot,do you want a fight of SNOW:dance: oh you hit me:facepalm:.......LOL take care girl. see ya

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