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Status Updates posted by museisbliss10

  1. Hey! No worries. I don't actually, I have aim, but I rarely get online.

  2. I have aim but I rarely get on these days.

  3. Yay! I loved it! Sorry I took so long to get back to you, I was doing some last minute homework but thanks! It was great. :)

  4. Hey! I had a hunch that you were the same person who wrote Stacked Scrolls and Revelations and the comment below proved it! Sorry I never formally reviewed it on ff, my account is being rather stupid. But I loved it!!!! Seriously, it's my favorite. You're a really good writer! Might as well introduce myself now that I've gone on and on about that story. I'm Tiffany! :)

  5. Hey! Of course I like the beatles! And thanks, that's so sweet. :)

  6. hey, thanks for the add! :)

  7. that's cool! yeah, I'm listening to music and packing at the same time, haha.

  8. not much, trying to get packed. we are flying home tomorrow. you?

  9. there's always going to be those girls and guys who yeah, do want that, but for the most part people grow up. my cousin is up in new york, she's in tenth grade and she says it's all really full of cliques but everyone is able to get in one? idk, it works differently here... everyone can be each other's friends to some extent. Now, my best friend (who I believe has recently gone psycho and can be called ex-best friend) used to be one of the main people I talked to but I've been able to branch out recently. You'll probably love high school. :)

  10. haha now I'm probably scaring you

  11. haha no, that sounds like my 7th grade, oddly enough. everyone's like "I'm such a stud/whore" forgive my use of words but that's seriously how it was. high school people stop making fools out of themselves and actually learn to think for a change. And college? no idea what that'll be like but it can only get better from here! Yeah, me and my best friend had a bit of a tiff... over absolutely nothing except that she failed a test and somehow, it became my fault. I tried explaining how ridiculous that accusation was and needless to say, the close-minded itchbay :LOL: is no longer speaking to me.

  12. oh high school is so cash, I love it. one more year to go and college, here we come! you make your best friends between 10th and 11th grade, I've decided, and lose the ones that never really mattered/you never really mattered to them. How's school for you?

  13. hey sorry, I nodded off there for a bit.

  14. yeah, i've got a test the day we get back to school... that's what you get for taking ap calc!

  15. most definitely, it is the worst

  16. fun! math for me is like a life with no muse... yes, it's that bad.

  17. definitely a bad thing haha

  18. I have switched to calculus homework. woohoo!

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