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Status Updates posted by Gretterati

  1. Ahh you should get the rest of it!! Or watch it online :D I like watching a million in a row x3


    The movie makes me very sad but at least 99% of the fandom is united in hating it, and I think most people don't blame the source material, especially if they know anything about Shamalam and how much he sucks.

  2. And there's not much information about Legend of Korra yet, but apparently Viacom trademarked the name about a month ago and Mike and Bryan are supposed to be working on it and several unconfirmed sources have said it's going to be a new series :D Hopefully we'll get more info at Comic Con.

  3. The projection for this weekend was $60 mil and it's expected to do better overseas, but it cost $200 mil to make :erm: The cliffhanger is so embarrassing, it's laughable to present such a horrible movie and then blatantly set up a sequel as if the people who haven't walked out of the theater yet would be interested :facepalm:

  4. I saw it... all I can really say is that it deserves the 8% it's holding up on RT right now. Truly awful. I really regret Shamalamalam ever noticing AtLA existed, because after this I don't think anyone is ever going to want to touch this franchise again :(


    On a happier note, have you heard about Avatar: Legend of Korra? Apparently there's a new project in development that Bryke are heading.

  5. I like your username :D I'm excited for/dreading the upcoming movie.

  6. I love that there are all these AtLA fans on the board :awesome:

  7. Avatar is tha sheeeeeeeeeeeet :D

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