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Tanya Marie

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About Tanya Marie

  • Birthday 11/25/1972

Personal Information

  • Biography
    Born in Hertfordshire in November in the early 70s.
    As a kid I always loved singing, playing music and drawing and painting, and raiding my Mum's wardrobe to create 'interesting' emsembles.
    I learnt to sing properly at primary school choir & was the lead in school musicals. I learnt the recorder too.
    At secondary school I learnt the flute & still play now.
    I got seriously into rock music when I became a teenager, learnt the bass guitar, and also guitar and went to many, many gigs. I played my bass at full whack through my amp & when I wasn't doing that, played all my records through it! this still continues today! I was in several bands.
    After A levels (Art, German & French) I did my Art Foundation course & met more artists, musicians and friends. I continued playing in bands.
    I did a year of HND Graphics, but the course was not arty farty enought so ended up a few years later, after doing proper jobs, going to do a Fashion & Textiles degree. In the biz
  • Location
    Hertfordshire, in the sticks!
  • Interests
    I enjoy painting, photography, drawing, crafts & textiles.

    I also have a deep love of music and enjoy singing, playing the bass guitar, & also guitar, harmonica, flute and keyboards. I play live music, & compose my own music. I am in 2 bands - ask me! I am also a member of my Catholic Church choir.

    I love dancing & used to dance competitively, and have won several competitions at National level. I have been attending dance classes and workshops for most of my life.

    In addition to this, I am a football and rugby fan and also enjoy swimming (I swam competitively & trained with the Herts./ Eastern Region squad)

    I enjoy volunteering with ‘Doggywalker’ http://www.doggywalker.co.uk/index.php and also at the Blue Cross animal shelter, CAFOD and other charities. I also LOVE ferrets, cats & dogs etc. I do a lot of fundraising & volunteeering for CAFOD, the Blue Cross, Macmillan, other charities & Malawi, where my church has a strong connection with
  • Occupation
    Technical Manager- Garment & Fabric Technology: Fashion
  • Gender
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  • Favourite Bands
    MUSE! I am into all sorts of music:

    * The Smiths
    * Morrissey
    * Indie
    * rock
    * metal
    * thrash
    * punk
    * soul
    * blues
    * jazz
    * folk
    * hip hop
    * drum & bass
    * jungle
    * breakbeat
    * dub
    * reggae
    * old skool house
    * disco
    * etc. 60's
    * 70's & 80's
  • Favourite Films
    * Liar Liar & anything with Jim Carey in.
    *Star Wars trilogy
    * The Matrix
    * Lord Of the Rings trilogy
    * Dancer in the Dark
    * The Sound of Music
    * The Butterfly Effect
    * Magnolia
    * Betty Blue
    * Le Rayon Vert
    * Chocolate
    * Amelie
    * Jesus Of Nazereth
    * The Greatest Story Ever Told
    * Clash of the Titans
    * Jason & the Argonauts
    * any Laurel & Hardy film.
  • Favourite TV Shows
    Harry Hill, documentaries, drama, films, comedy- all sorts
  • Favourite Books
    Too many to mention. (My sister works for Waterstones) Oscar Wilde is a particular favourite. I also enjoy Neil Gaiman, Juliet Marillier, Jonathan Carroll, etc.
  • Muse Releases Owned
    The Resistance, HAARP, Black Holes & Revelations, Absolution, Hullabaloo, Origin of Symmetry, Showbiz.
  • Muse Concerts Attended / Attending
    Been a Muse Fan since I discovered them in 2000 via my housemate. I just I saw them live on 12/11/09 at the O2. Amazing!

Tanya Marie's Achievements


Escapee (1/14)



  1. Wow love ur ferrets, are they urs, i have some, 3 actually, freebie who looks like the ones on ur pic was found wild so thats why we called him freebie :LOL: they are so cute ferrets are

  2. I love ferrets and weasels they are soooo cute! ^^ plus watching a ferret do the weasle war dance is just cute cute cute!!! x3


    Plus, don't they look like Matt? xDD

  3. Hi, how are you? Just wondered...do you like ferrets and weasels, etc? Just saw you sig photos re: Matt. I have 2 ferrets myslef who have adorabel cute faces- see my photos on my profile & on my avatar!

  4. Thanks and Happy Christmas to you, too! :happy: Hope you eat tonnes but don't gain any weight. :LOL::LOL::LOL:

  5. Thnaks, merry Christmas to you too! :D

  6. Thank you! Have a great Christmas too!:happy:

  7. Happy Christmas, hope you have a wonderful time!

  8. Happy Christmas, have a fantastic time!

  9. Happy Christmas, hope you have a wonderful time!

  10. Happy Christmas, hope you have a fab time!

  11. Hey, Happy Christmas, hope Santa gets you everything you want!

  12. Happy Christmas! Have a lovely time and lots of fun!

  13. How are you doing? So sorrry to hear about your cats...Just wanted to wish you well in person so to speak.

  14. Happy birthday (4th Dec) Have a great day!

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