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Everything posted by Soret

  1. Good, being confused is the easiest way to make you say that you have an undying lust for Matt. William Fichtner I prefer Cillian, or better yet Joseph Gordon Meyers 18 That's like an obsession.
  2. Oh hey this is kanyawolf from Deviantart :awesome:

  3. If Aurora gets to drunk and starts talking about it please film it So a pervert ? Woops I feel bad for not saying something. I don't know your situation but I hope all is well with you and your family Tim Hortons ! :'( :'( :'( Please come back to Canada.
  4. Oh I'm too lazy to change anything right now. They have some sad stuff and some more upbeat songs, I think they are good but I pretty much grew up listening to them since it's my Dad's music Ok! :LOL: He might be nude behind his drumkit
  5. Thanks, but it's not too crowded ? Thats insane a L of Vodka, I can only drink half of that before I black out. Kinda strange how the bartended didn't cut you off sooner, unless it looked like It wasn't effecting you. I hope your friends took videos. They are so ugly, I posted them on my facebook. I keep forgeting I'm reading it so now I have to start over because I forget everything
  6. We must talk on mah love boat :awesome:

  7. Oh and it's still early :'( Ugh flodding is a hassle trying to get insurance together afterwards. Then get frostbit and die in the snow I've tried to look at it without having to register and it dosen't work for me. That's ok I've denied them all anyways
  8. I hope it's not bad, at least just a strong wind or something. I'm still quite suprised that eastern Canada is going to get hit, oh I love global warming... even if there is such a thing I kinda wonder which is worse a hurricane or a blizzard? Theya aren't Finns? Are you reading Out Of This World? Yeah I know what you mean I think I'm going to have to start going to bed really eraly to even get a decent dream. That's my biggest pet peeve, drives me a-wall! +1 Frankie I hate ping, I'm already getting creepy guys following me. I read that as "nice bloke to blow "
  9. When's the hurricane hitting? Well it's a bit different taste then Muse or Billy Talent... but some nice calm stuff I've listened to since I was a little kid is Blue Rodeo. Also Mobile but they are kinda more pop then anything.... Blue Rodeo is country/rock if your into that It's good anyways
  10. :awesome: Oh great! I'm so glad it didn't get lost in the mail. Your very welcome and thank you for getting a postcard for me, it was very nice of you :kiss:


    :chuckle: It dosen't matter, it'l legally with a "u" but since I live in an English speaking country we don't have a "ü" even though I set my facbook as that. I like the "ü" better, so I changed my facebook to have it.

  11. We shall see how our party will turn out Sleep well We just have to remember to look over our posts before we send them. I know we all do a lot of smiley fails. I may have to redirect you, I don't want anyone stealing my work So I think I'm going to post it on DeviantArt.
  12. I'am too but my first language is English so I have no excuse. It's pretty cool How can you prove it's not? Too bad 'holy fuck' dosen't translate into German. Be prepared yes, the eye sex look
  13. Sorry edited your post, hope you don't mind. I'm working on a Muse project I'll let you all see it once I'm done. Ok I'm gonna slam my head into my keyboard soon, so Good night and Good morning
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