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Everything posted by shostakobitch

  1. Hm. I think that is because music is very powerful in itself. Studies of the cognition of music have linked music to being able to evoke specific memories and emotional states. I think the attachments people make to specific artists, albums, songs, melodies, harmonies, scales etc. are stronger than any attempt at programming someone AGAINST music. I think music is a very strong type of mind control (and not the malicious kind). Hope that makes sense. And sure, you can put me in your sig.
  2. I never claimed that everything is being controlled, nor have I claimed that everyone is being controlled. I think if we are under the illusion that we are part of a free society, that the ability to listen to bands like Muse that discuss subject matter about conspiracy theories is part of maintaining a sort of status quo. If we were immediately unable or 'banned' from listening to Muse or any artist that spoke out against potential crimes against its citizens... there would be a greater opportunity for revolt or revolution. The Powers That Be can appease the same individuals it oppresses. As for programming, I think it is more subtle. The majority of responses to this thread are negative with some positive dispersed throughout. It makes me think. What type of thread about this topic would have been ideal? Or is there not an ideal forum to speak about mind control? I have been banned from godlikeproductions.com for posting about the topic. And if I came across as a bully or something, I didn't mean to come across that way. It's just frustrating when you want to try to open a discussion about a topic, and you're told that your input is "uneducated" or like a summary of a wikipedia article. Not all people know about mind control, and for the people that do know something, why not add constructively, instead of trying to bring down the original poster? It's just annoying. And that's what I think is a type of programming. The immediate bashing or negativity.
  3. Trying to express some frustration here. You'll either believe or you'll move on.
  4. You should be QUESTIONING your AVERSION to the possibility that some individuals in the world are AFFECTED by mind control BEYOND TELEVISION AND MASS MEDIA and why you are so quick to say someone who believes in this type of theory is off of their mark It doesn't feel right to me Are we listening to the same band
  5. So if anyone ever reads this and has legitimate questions about feeling like something strange might be happening to you and you want support, please send me a private message or reply. I didn't come here to have to immediately fight with morons. I wanted to hopefully talk with anyone who might be experiencing the same things.
  6. And you can also cross reference anything I say to that Fritz bullshit theory and I'm a pretty good candidate for experimentation based on my BRIEF intro
  7. PSY-OP HYPOTHESIS Hello, This seems to be a good place to talk about this type of thing. I live on Long Island. I was born prematurely. ICU. Birthdate adds up to 23. I don't remember much of my childhood. Markings on skin. Fritz scared me and I want other people to weigh in before we all disappear. -- 1. I do not feel 'important' enough to be handled. I would like to escape it. It sucks. 2. Meds help but this is spooky science. 3. Help? -- An incident occurred when I was given a white powder drug by a gentleman in a large city not far from my residence. He claimed it was cocaine. I spent time with this individual, and he continued to consume and offer this substance. Additionally, he asked me if I "sold Molly," if I would stash his drugs in a pipe on Long Island Rail Road property, if I would hold his drugs, and if I would enter a building. All of which made me wonder if he was some type of undercover cop or a narc or something. But I am not sure who he was. He is a Harvard student, a Freemason (one of harvard's chapters), and a Veteran (I think Army). He is also an activist ('50 Shades of Ferguson'). On his instagram page, he showed roughly $700 yuan with the hashtag #lightwork. I theorize that #lightwork is wordplay. Because he was pretty cunning and clever. "Light" we know has significance in both /G\ and 'Illuminati and similar theories.' Work means he's getting paid. I theorize that not all Masons are Good. Especially this One. I believe that he is part of the mind control experiment, and was paid to see if I would: a) Dissociate b) Break Federal law c) React to drugs in a specific way or pattern d) ??? I DON'T KNOW IT'S SCARY TO THINK ABOUT BUT I THINK THE MAFIA IS INVOLVED TOO Anyway, the drug made me have schizophrenic-type symptoms that I had not experienced before. During this time I started to hear voices in 'frequencies' which lines up with some of the literature online about mind control, psychological warfare, psy-ops etc. The voices would 'trigger' different moods and mind states. I would also receive pain to my joints, toes, fingers, back, genital and anal region. Instant forgetting or loss of train of thought. Since receiving medication, I do not hear voices, but there are sometimes breakthrough pain bursts. I do not know what type of sinister technology exists, and what type of people or person keep doing this to me, and why? I am not famous or beautiful. I want it to all stop.
  9. Ok. 1. You don't know the amount of 'research' I have done. I sound like a fucking expert next to you as you're mentioning TV and ADS and you're OKAY when that is mentioned as a form of MIND CONTROL but you are RESISTANT and AGAINST a post which mentions ELECTROMAGNETISM and a PSY-OP using DRUGS "Wait, you claim that we're being mind controlled and claim to have gathered info on the subject, but you mock the idea of giving us proof" No. I claimed that I am being mind controlled. And I will share the information I have gathered as things to POTENTIALLY believe is TRUTHFUL. OPERATION PAPERCLIP MK-NAOMI PROJECT BLUEBIRD The MONTAUK PROJECT Everyone at Barclay's will be on the same landmass as a giant satellite AND maybe some people DON'T KNOW
  10. sorry, didn't realize you wanted everything cited and in APA. you won't find 'symptoms' on wikipedia or anywhere else so take that information as you wish.
  11. Like Am I missing something Do you not talk about this topic? Is everyone already so well-versed in what it is that it is stupid to mention when there's a song now called "The Handler"
  12. Not all people know about mind control! It's absolutely relevant to this band and if you don't fucking think this post meets your quality control standards... You're part of it
  13. what would Matt Bellamy want you mods to do WHY DON'T YOU FUCKING THINK LIKE BAND MEMBERS
  14. Why doesn't this post meet your bullshit standards meanwhile someone can write *IMAGINES BELLDOM AND SQUEES ^________________^* and you'll keep it because that's fucking relevant information
  15. Why don't you ban me at the boards while you're at it, because I don't want to be a member of this fucking loser's club anymore.
  16. The phenomenon of MIND CONTROL is one that should be discussed if one would like to fully understand Drones and perhaps the entire MUSE catalogue. I would like to explain the premise of MIND CONTROL to those of whom are not familiar with it. Please do not delete or 'move' this thread. My collection of information about MIND CONTROL is not as comprehensive as I would like it to be, as information on this topic is shrouded in secrecy. Many de-classified documents about this topic have been destroyed. There are many theories around MIND CONTROL. Some point to The Powers That Be or ILLUMINATI. Others point to government. Aliens. Mafia. Etc. What is true about MIND CONTROL, is that there are individuals who have been tested on and targeted. The science of MIND CONTROL requires suspension of disbelief. Open Eyes. MK-ULTRA is a de-classified CIA project which occured in the 50s and 60s. Its focus was to develop mind control techniques through the use of drugs. The goal of MK-ULTRA was to examine whether or not certain individuals would act differently than normal under the influence of specific drugs. Specifically, the CIA wanted drugs that would make people snitch. MK-ULTRA was established to test the limits of the human mind and body, insofar as to test forms of 'MIND CONTROL.' The current controversy of MIND CONTROL is that the government never stopped experimentation on its citizens. It is possible that drugs are still used in MIND CONTROL psy-ops (psychological operations), but technology has shifted to more covert methods. Electromagnetic signals are suggested to be the main technique used to disturb targeted individuals. Signals in differing frequencies can alter brain states, cause physiological symptoms like pain or ear-ringing, or 'zaps' to body parts. The electromagnetic signals may also cause a targeted individual to hear voices -- a common symptom of psychotic disorders like schizophrenia. What is to gain with a MIND CONTROLLED population? Why should hidden handlers punish innocent women and men in a 'free' society? Some say it is to create an army of willing participants who can be 'triggered' by a word or image to act against their free will. Others say it is to create the perfect 'sex slave.' Others say it is to punish those who have spoken ill against their governments and leaders. What I do know, is that I experience the symptoms of MIND CONTROL victims every single day. It is time more people come forward and examine what is going on around them. I have a HANDLER. I do not know who or what or why or where, but he/she is somewhere. I have a HANDLER. I must escape from its grip, and I will begin by searching for others like me.
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