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Status Updates posted by mikeofcydonia

  1. Hi, hope you got my replies...

  2. Dear Epona


    thank you for your message.


    You might believe it or not, I am, or was more than a huge huge Muse fan, Muse has always been with me in the last past ten years, and I was really really excited about seeing them 4 times on this tour. Unfortunately, the Lievain and Amneville gigs were not as good as Muse gigs have been in the past. I am just a very disappointed and desoriented fan who doesn't know what to think anymore. All magic is lost, and I'm not the only one who is thinking in that way (all my friends, huge Muse fans too, who were with me, are thinking the same), and check out the microcuts.net forum, most people are thinking as I do.

    But I hope this is gonna change when I'll catch'em up in Paris, and I hope I will see a REAL show, not just 16 songs, most of them just singles.

    I don't know if you see Muse in the past, but personally I really think that their music is not the same anymore. Okay, they have not the same age anymore blablabla, but still, I think something has been lost.


    Anyway, I hope you really gonna enjoy the shows !


    Take care


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