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Status Updates posted by Matt_The_Muse_Fan

  1. Oh jeez, I am so terribly sorry for this incredibly late reply :(. Uni and life and everything has kept me really busy for the last few months but I'm on holidays now! :D


    So how's uni been for you? 2011 treating you well?

  2. Haha, yep keeping busy. That's good to hear. How's the crazy weather been over in Adelaide? Melbourne's been alright despite some minor flooding, gotta feel bad for the Queenslanders though.:(


    Huh really?! So when does uni start for you? I actually have orientation next week and then start properly the week after on the 28th. Ahhhh uni admin stuff has been hell annoying, waiting on hold for about half an hour, computer enrollment stuff not working - honestly why do they have to make it so complicated!:mad: But now after I've finished everything it feels good, I've done my timetabling and everything so that I even get Fridays off everyweek:dance:! How about you? How's all your uni enrollment stuff and everything going?


    Hey that's awesome, congratulations!! :D. And thanks, I'm really happy about it too. Haha, yeah that feels like ages away now doesn't it! :LOL: So glad that's over though. Now we can just laugh at everyone doing year 12 this year:p.


    Haha, no I guess you couldn't! Makes me think about all the Asian calligraphy tattoos I've seen and wondering what they really say:chuckle:


    That's good to hear. Yep I reckon it will be as well, the start of a new era!!


    Aww shucks, thank you very much Nadia!! It's been a while coming but it's finally here!!:party::dance:

  3. Hi there! Wow it's been like a couple of weeks since I've last been on here - been really busy with new years stuff/uni/driving lessons/other things. I hope you are well.


    Yep! Enrolment starts on Monday so I'm pretty excited that I'll meet a whole bunch of new people.


    Ahh wow that sucks:(! Similar thing happened to me, submitted a practice essay for English that my teacher said was really good, so I pretty much memorise it for the exam because it was a similar topic. When I got my exam marks back, apparently my essay was terrible:stunned::mad:. Ahhh well high school is in the past now:p:D. Hey so how did your offers go? Did you get into the course you wanted? SO happy I got into my first preference:dance:


    Haha sounds good. Translators are very unreliable I've found! Sometimes I wonder if the people who make translators purposely translate a certain phrase into something stupid in order the get the person in trouble:LOL:.


    Ahhhh wow it's been over a month since Muse played:sad:! I should probably stop looking over the my photos over those amazing nights. sigh...


    Thanks! Christmas was good, caught up with relatives and stuff. Thank you, new year's was great, how was yours? Here's hoping for an amazing 2011:yesey::thumbsup:

  4. Yeah same here, kinda excited about it already and the fact that I'll be learning stuff that I actually want to makes it all the more better!:D


    Thanks:). Ah I hate that feeling, scaling just sucks in general and the same thing about the teacher falsely getting your hopes up happened to me in accounting this year:rolleyes:. Ah well. Hey that's fantastic, congradulations!! That's really all you can ever hope for so that's fantastic! All the best to you next year;).


    Umm not that many people spoke English for the majority of the trip although I did find some who did in Shanghai which was good. Haha yes it probably would have been better to travel with someone who knew the language! :chuckle:. I bought one of those electronic translators but even that got me into trouble sometimes :LOL:. Ahh yeah money is always the issue, hope you get to go though, no matter where it's usually always a great experience.


    I'm just so happy they played it!!:happy:. Ah yes!! So many great moments from that night! Oohh lucky, I had seats on the 14th but got standing for the 15th - few rows back from barrier:D. Coming down from it all now though and realising I won't see them again for another couple of years :(.


    Oh cool, that's awesome! Sounds like it was a great birthday. Yep counting down the days:p.


    In case I don't come on before then, hope you have a Merry Christmas!!:xmas:. Hope you have a really good day!

  5. Yeah turns out I did better than I expected on the ones I did badly for and the ones I thought I did well werent that great. Oh well it all evened out so I'm happy :D. I know!! I'm so glad I'm out of the high school system now, never liked it:noey:


    I had to send in a folio of 3-4 pieces of writing. Just glad they liked it:D. I got the score I needed for my first preference, I assume that means I'm in :). SO happy about that! Oh that's today!! Best of luck, I hope you did really well ;). I was nervous as hell just as I was about to find out, the night leading up was the worse though - although you got to see Muse which would of helped haha!


    Haha, it was soo good! All the stories behind everything was amazing, the whole country is just filled with so much history. I hope to travel again at the end of next year but at the moment I'm flat broke. :LOL: I'm sure there would have been :p


    :O How good was it yesterday!! WOOOO I pretty much lost it when they played CE! Such an amazing night!


    Awesome, so did you get anything good? That's great! I cannot wait till I'm 18, at the moment I'm being tortured by all these 18+ gigs I can't go to - plus pretty much all my friends are already 18. At least I'll be 18 before uni :D

  6. Good to hear from you. Ermm honestly I have forgotten haha! :LOL:. It's been a while, I think most of them went alright/good although the maths exam screwed me over heaps:(. Ah well, I'm loving all this free time at the moment.


    Ah cool, yeah I RMIT uni mailed me saying they were willing to accept me in thier creative writing course even though I haven't gotten my Atar score yet:confused:. At least that gives me a confirmed back up plan :D. I would love to do psychology actually, I've realised that it is one fo the only things that I find really interesting to do as a career so I hope all goes well. Apparently we find out tommorow:erm: not sure if everyone does or not.


    That awesome, sounds like you did well:). Haha yeah the speeches are always boring. China was amazing!! Seriously like the best time of my life, got to visit Forbidden City and the Great wall and places like that - it's so different from here which is why it was so great to expereince. It just confirms to me that I definately want to travel to other places when I'm older:happy:. That's awesome, there's always great stories from schoolies and it's the best release after such a stressful year of school. Holidays now WOOOO!!!!!:party:


    I KNOW!!! :D So excited at the moment! Looking at the brisbane and Sydney setlists have made me so pumped for Tuesday!


    Oh and HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!:party:. Sorry I'm so very late, don't come on here as much as I used to. You're so lucky to be 18!!

  7. Hi, how are you? Sorry for the late reply, been busy with exams. Still in the middle actually:(. Haha thank you! I have 4 exams left and then it's all over! :party:


    Haha well it's good to be early! Ah that sounds awesome, I ended up having a whole bunch of arts courses in psychology and creative writing. Cannot wait to till next year, hopefully I'll get in.


    Ahh, I assume your doing exams now as well? Good luck if you are ;). Had graduation a couple of weeks ago, it was amazing, especially after all the parents left :p. Oh wow sounds like a big responsibility. Our school did everything for us :indiff:. Hope everything went well. Haha yep, I finish exams on the coming Monday and then on that Sunday I'm off to China for a couple of weeks. I haven't packed yet though :(. I'm sure it's going to be awesome fun, you'll enjoy it!

  8. Ah ok, we have them like everywhere here it's pretty useful. Haha it's always like that in tv shows and I guess it's true in real life too. I've been a taxi a couple of times and I find them really nice. Why can't bus drivers be like that:indiff:. I did get it back - A+:D. So stoked!! They screwed the exam up so heaps of people did really well, but still I'm over the moon with what I got considering how I felt right after doing it.


    Haha yep I've got it all working now. Tis pretty awesome.


    I now it's going to be the biggest relief. It's like exactly 2 months till my first exam so I've just gotta keep up with work and everything for a while. I know! I've been told that I have to put in uni preferences and stuff within 2 weeks from now. Have you figured out what you wanna do yet?


    Yep, although it's gone by quite quickly so far - hope I haven't jinxed it right now! But yeah it's sorta like the eye of the strom right before the exams:(. Haha sounds a lot like my holidays. I hope it is. We have this 4 hour speech/dinner thing with all our parents first before the proper formal/graduation when the parents leave. Umm, hoping to lol. My mum doesn't want me to and there's been talk that she might let me travel around europe and asia for a couple of weeks instead. Honestly I'd rather travel but we'll see. Are you going?

  9. I've never liked busses, trams are alright but for some reason I love trains. Yeah I know, ah well it's done so there's not point worrying about it anyway. Still I'm hoping I did well on it. Oh okay then, sounds like you're doing fine then.


    I fianlly got it to work :happy:. lol yeah same with me actually, I'm not that great figuring out how technology works.


    11 weeks left I think:D. Yeah it's sorta just hit me that I'm not gonna see a lot of people after this year which is sad, but still I'm really looking forward to uni.


    Yep back to school now though:indiff:. The holidays were actually amazing though!! How were your holidays? Haha yeah I'm so sick of high school. Graduation will be awesome:awesome:, looking forward to it but it's still ages away.

  10. Ah sounds like fun. Haha Dandenong :chuckle:, that sucks about the tram stops not working - to be honest Melbourne public transport isn't fantastic:indiff:. Ah yeah long weekend was awesome:happy:, had to study a bit but it was amazing just going out doing stuff again lol. Oh you've got your results back already, I have to wait like 2 months:rolleyes:. Sounds alright, haha I wouldn't worry about the biology too much then if it's only worth 4%.


    I knoow! I got an asus laptop this weekend. Just gotta figure out how to get it up and running and most importantly get it connected to the internet.


    Yay for 13 weeks left!! Counting them down already!!:D Ah yeah that really does suck:(. On the 14th I'm supposed to go to a compulsory school assemsbly, lol screw that I'm seeing muse!!!!!:p


    I know:( Ah well it's over now. Yep I've finished all my tests and stuff and just 2 days left till holidays! I really need the holidays to come I'm so tired. Haha yeah I get that feeling all the time, hopeing to catch up eventually. Oh awesome, our school doesn;'t have formals we just get a big graduation thingy.


    Yeah pretty much, I'm starting to understand it when my dad says 'I'm too old for this' now lol.

  11. Ooh how was Melbourne? .... Oh and how were the exams?:indiff:.


    I'm getting a new one in like a week apparently:happy:, just not sure what brand yet:erm:.


    I know, seriously though since befere the exams time seems to have gone by so quickly. Yes I am going:awesome:. It was really stupid they they didn't want to do Adelaide:noey:. I was also really annoyed by the fact that they annoucned a second date for Melborune when I was away:(. Ah well I'm just happy I finally get to see them!


    Ah they were alright ... kinda tricky which was really annoying. So much more different/harder than past exams that it pretty much threw a lot of people off:noey:. I think I did alright but I was kinda annoyed that they changed the format heaps. Maths sucks! lol I used to like it before this year but it's gotten way more difficult. I jsut had two maths tests/sacs right after the exam so it really hasn't been fun these last couple fo weeks. Ah cool, so it finally arrived :p! Yeah I've been alright - bit tired. Cannto wait for holidays in a weel:happy:. How are you?


    Ah okay, I can't be bothered posting much nowadays anyway, just perfer to read stuff that interests me etc.

  12. Ah that sucks, that's never happened to me but I can get how that must feel. I'm getting one right after my exams apparently:D, I've had this laptop for 3 years now so it's time for a change.


    Yeah exactly, apparently they'll be an announcement tommorow though:awesome::awesome:!! (Does't have hopes up at all:shifty:). Haha Neutron Star:facepalm:. Actually it's not that bad after listening to it heaps, lyrics are catchy.


    Yeah it sucks, cannot wait till this first exam is over though :party:! Ahh that's awesome that you're ahead and everything, I wish I were ahead, maths is the killer for me at the moment, kinda behind in that:(. Hey June 1st is comming up atleast:D. Hopefully they don't delay it anymore. I don't wear my jumper that much, it's actually looks really badly made and not what everyone thought it would be like:vomit:. I'm good thanks:). I dunno I've been sorta happish now mixed in with anxious:erm:. Hopefully the dates are announced to tommorow though:yesey:.


    :LOL: Smithers now I see ....


    Wow congradualtions:party:, I ahven't even been here a year yet lol:$

  13. Haha nice, I've had my phone for a year or so now, the battry runs out so quickly:mad:. My laptop keeps breaking down as well at the moment maybe I should get a new one:)


    Yeah, Muse said in an interview though that they're indicating it'll be in December and not late November though but we'll see ... if they'd just announce it already:indiff:. Atleast Neutron Star comes out tommorow :happy:.


    Haha hey congrats! Oh yeah I hate that, you're right last year it wouln't have mattered or anything but it makes you really pissed off that they get the marks for doing no work at all!


    :chuckle: Ahh good times .... But yeah I kinda wish I had a big break to enjoy right about now without having to staudy for something the next week. The work load comming up to the exams is just ridiculous, you have to like juggle everything and still study for the exam in your spare time:stunned:. I know! It's actually 3 weeks now, grrr lol. Thanks for listening to my ranting lol, I'm usually a very positive person:p. So how are you? Have you gotten your jumpers yet?


    Oh and nice avater change, everybody loves Lenny :D

  14. Oh okay, iphones are awesome I wish I had one.


    Yep, it feels like I've been back at school for ages but it's only been 3 weeks:eek:. Woo :party: that's awesome:awesome:, if they do two shows in Melbourne I'll probably go to both but right now I jsut want them to announce the dates!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    Haha yeah whenever I have no idea how to answer something I usually just ramble on hoping that the teacher can follow what I'm saying so that I atleast get some marks:p. I know?! It's really weird what goes on in the mind of a teacher:wtf:.


    Ooh that's really nice, I wish I was back on camp even though I dreaded it at the time. Hope you had fun then. Ahh I can't remember it lol:embarassed:. Sorry about the late reply, schools really got me down lately. Just feeling depressed that I have so much study/work to do without having a break in between:(. I've realised I'm about a month out from my first major exam but I'm trying not to let that get to me.

  15. Ah that sucks, must be incredbily annoying to type on an ipod!


    Ehhh yeah I'm back at school now unfortunately, those holidays went by so quickly and I didn't really feel like I rested that much either:erm:. I know it'll be amazing!!!! They just released the US dates and I'm so relieved because the US dates are the days I have my exams so that means Muse won't be here during my exams:party::happy:


    It is annoying. Ah you'll probably end up doing better than you think;). Haha I get that feeling with quite a few of my teachers:chuckle:. I hate it how there are some teachers that don't like you but they act kinda phony nice to you, really annoys me, if you know what I mean lol. Yeah accounting is amazingly good for me, it's one of those subjects where I don't really have to think that hard. Haha you must be happy you dodged a bullet there!


    Dang kids lol. Lets just say it was too many! I'm over the chocolate withdrawal now thank god! Aww that sucks, hope you finsihed it and everything. So are you back at school now or still on holidays? Ahh awesome, I might go see that. Ahh nothing much, stupid school means heaps of study. We did get your yr 12 jumpers though finally:), what's up with you?

  16. They are! I feel sorta disapointed after yesterday though because we definately should have won that! I sorta perfer it if we get overlooked, being the underdog and having no pressure on us:p. Hopefully we will!!


    Yeah I just can't write neat at all haha. I write on a slant which only ever looks good if you're reading on an angle. Ah I see, I'm not a morning person either lol.

  17. Apparently it's your birthday Amethyst so ...

    Happy Birthday!:party:

    I'm sure Jerry would wish you happy birthday too except he's out trying not to be funny:


    Jerry: Well, I mean birthdays are merely symbolic of how another year's gone by and how little we've grown. No matter how desperate we are that someday a better self will emerge, with each flicker of the candles on the cake we know it's not to be. That for the rest of our sad, wretched, pathetic lives, this is who we are to the bitter end. Inevitably, irrevocably. Happy birthday? No such thing.


    Lol, I hope that's not too depressing or anything, anyway have a good one!!

  18. I was there at that game where Riewoldt killed us:'(! 1954 wish I was alive to see it, hopefully this year is our year though. The NAB cup win was awesome, obviously not as good as the real thing but we rarely win anything lol. So happy about having Barry Hall! lol and win of course, if we make it we'll win ... hopefully.


    Ah that sucks, I pretty much use my laptop for everything considering my handwriting is so messy. I wish in the exams we we're allowed computers.

  19. lol. I'm a huge fan of the dogs, it'll be a dream come true if we win the premiership & I get to see Muse this year:happy:

  20. Hi. Thanks for the friendship request.

  21. Ah okay yeah fair enough then, it's not like you missed anything. Haha, so you're on holidays now then? Back to school for me in a couple of days, dreading it already:(




    :LOL: But I perfer just being awesome:). These holidays have gone by quickly, sigh ... I get the feeling that everything will go by super quickly from now on, just gotta keep up. Atleast that means Muse will arrive soon!!!:dance:


    Exactly, that's all we need consistency! Yeah I can see now that yr 11 is nothing compared to yr 12 becuase now I realise all the pressure behind all the tests and exams and everything. Umm not really sure, accounting's probably my easiest and best subject so I'll want to well. Haha that's true, that feeling of getting a good English mark is amazing considering so much work goes into it. Still must be a relief not doing it.


    Yep, I don't care how lame the commerical for it is it's still such an awesome game:awesome:. Haha oh I felt like such a kid again doing one of thsoe, they're really fun. We hid 120 odd eggs and we're missing like 20:facepalm:. We had the hunt at the park and I'm rpetty sure I saw some other kids scabbing some eggs when we weren't looking:shifty:. I'm recovering from my chocolate bigne at thee moment:vomit:, cannot even look at chocloate right now. How've you been then?

  22. Yep I'm good:). Haha I hope you enjoyed you're day off. I used to do that from time to time, it's a nice feeling to get a day off school:yesey:. It is hard to keep up with things:noey:. Ah yeah I've got a bit to do these holidays, done must of it already though:happy:. Did the second part of that term go fast? I swear the first part was slow as but the second part just went by. Good luck with all your assingmnets/work over the holidays.


    I think so ... I can't remember if it's 80% or 90% that's an A so it might be a B+ or a B. Anyway I'm incredibly happy:happy:.


    Haha yeah, lately the weather's been good. Mum's been trying to get me going out for fitness walks and stuff just to make the best out of these holidays. Usually I'd just lounge around, in otherwords being awesome:chuckle:. Yeah that's true, hopefull we'gg get them soon:yesey:. Ah sounds good then, have fun.


    I know!! I hate how teachers don't seem to communicate with each other but instead they put everything on the same week :mad:!!! Makes our lives so much more harder:(. Ah that's good then. Ehh sounds hard, I'm not looking forward to anymore maths tests. Kinda hoping this term drags out a bit because in the back of my mind I'll know that before next holiday's come along I'll have to do an acocunting exam:(. Yeah I'm doing English, it's pretty annoying. I think I've told you about the memorising of heaps of words:(. Despite all that, the actual class work is pretty bludgy, when it comes to assignments though ... :mad:


    Haha I got the new pokemon game:facepalm:, too addictive to put down suprisjngly. Haha sounds like me:chuckle:. Happy easter!:D. Funny you mention that I'm going on an easter egg hunt tommorow!!

  23. Hiya how are things?:). Yep on holidays now, such a relief but things have really started moving quickly already. I realised today I hadn't touched a computer since Friday which is a new for me:S, having fun none the less:LOL:. I'm so out of touch with everything Muse-related now though, I'm somewhat scared to go back into the Panda Watch thread:shocked:. So how've you been?


    AH yeah they are really handy:yesey:. Ah yeah I got it back last week, there was another part to the SAC which was much easier so that boosted my mark. I got 73% and considering I thought I failed I

    m over the moon:dance:. Haha ah that sucks for the other friend, I hate how teachers are so inconsistent with marking:noey:


    Haha ... :indiff:


    Ah yeah that was a good one:LOL:.


    It's good weather we're ahving in Melbourne right now. I woke up to pouring rain this morning and then it cleared up and was all sunny:happy:. Ah that sucks, why does it always take ages for the jumpers to arrive:wtf:. I suppose the company probably has heaps to do but still, I'm pretty sure we ordered earlier to avoid getting them late.


    Ah yeah my last two weeks were really hectic with pretty much a SAC for each topic. I got through it and I'm here now so ... yay :D. Ahh that sucks how'd you think you went? I have heaps of holiday homework, just trying to get through it all, relax, and then it starts all over again :(.


    Haha I'm doing good now, love holidays:). A couple of people turning 18 having parties this last couple of weeks which has been awesome fun. I've also been addicted to playing Pokemon (Don't judge me ... it's awesome:chuckle:) so yeah. Hoping to come back onto the boards again and get my life back on track. You got any plans for your holidays then?

  24. Hi. Sorry about the lateness of this reply - crazy hectic week as you know:(. Still got another week to go but atleast it'll be holidays then:happy:


    Wow that actually sounds painful that he has stretchmarks:shocked:


    Haha that is exactly how I feel. I write all my assignments and stuff on my giant whiteboard calender and cross of the days each day. I just look back now and be like 'whoa I had a lot of stuff to do that week' and feel really good about myself that I got through it:happy: ... but then I just look to the next week and I feel all deflated again:chuckle:. Haha fair enough. Ahh I have a really bad feeling I've failed for the first time in maths:(. It was just ridiculous and quite a lot of people said they did badly too but I'm worried. My friend says I'm always pestimistic when it comes to tests so I'm hoping he's right:confused:.


    Ah wow that was actually a good one:chuckle: how didn't i think of that. Ahh damn, I'm stuck I think you've won:(.


    Yeah that wasn't too bad, but yeah family guy is definately past it's glory days.


    Ah okay, we were supposed to get it this term but we haven't gotten them yet:(. Haha I'm getting '12 to 2' which is a little inside joke. Long story:chuckle:


    AH okay I guess they are. Yeah looking back at all the photos it was kinda awesome to see, because ti's just so freaky that something like that happens in a main city.

  25. Haha yeah same with my grade of year 12's.


    :stunned: Stretch marks? Yeah it's funny how that works out people have growth spurts really young and then a couple years later you end up taller than them:happy:


    Ahh I'm sure it's not that bad. Haha it's wierd? Lol:chuckle:. Yeah so far I've sorta been studying ahead of time so that I'm not full on stressed a couple of days before hand. It's been working so far, gott abe sure I don't go back to being lazy and all:chuckle:


    :LOL: funny you mention looking through itunes I've been doing that for the last few (Overdue was a good one). I honestly can't remember which ones we've said or not maybe I've got space dementia:p.


    :LOL: Hahah have you been watching the new family guy episodes by any chance? Lol! Hanana Banana


    Yeah it was good for a change. :LOL: yeah it's actually pretty good. So have you gotten yours yet then?


    Public holiday ftw:awesome:. I though Victoria was the only state that got labour day though. Ahhh crazy weekend, you've probably heard about the Melborune flooding and everything. God that was awesome yet bizzare at the smae time. The side of the house got flooded and the hail stones we're massive, we we're pretty much told not to go to the city. The streets we're all flooded and it looked pretty cool. Luckily no one was hurt though:)

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