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Jedi of Cydonia

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Posts posted by Jedi of Cydonia

  1. All the Showbiz songs that have been played lived and been revived in the past few years all sound soooo much worse than they did when Muse originally played the songs live. I don't think Muse should play anymore songs of that album anymore after seeing them play these onese. Falling Down and Cave both sound so dull on piano as opposed to guitar. Muscle Museum and Uno sound okay but they are still less passionate and have less energy/spontaneity than the older live versions did.

  2. Looks like Muse is definitely bound to get booed off stage at various other summer festival gigs if their setlists look anything like this one currently does.


    EDIT: Insta photo of Matt on the piano. Probably Apocalypse Please


    Wow, that's so rude... :( I bet a majority of the audience won't care if there are only 2 "rare" songs in the setlist. I would be really happy to be at that gig myself and it just shocks me how many fans on this board would say that it's a shitty setlist when I really don't think it is.

  3. You can hear Chris' backing vocals a lot more clearly here in the live performance of it than you can in the studio recording and it's a really cool aspect to that part of the song!


  4. felt like NIN/U2/Depache Mode had a baby.



    wouldn't it be awesome if one of the tracks on the new album went full on NIN inspired rather than just a tinge? Or a Marilyn Manson inspired track would be pretty cool to see Muse do too! :D

  5. Yeah, i didn't say it doesn't sound like UD. I think structurally is more like madness, while sonically it is more like UD. But for me is like a perfect mix of both.

    Minus the things that made both songs interesting.


    Yeah I guess I do see what you're saying and that's a good point. I just feel like "a song that builds up" could be used to describe the structure of lots of Muse songs. I do see the similarity and I totally get what you're saying but I just think it's weird how Madness is the first thing that is coming to so many people's minds rather than UD or MOTP

  6. Because you can't deny the similarities

    as with Psycho sounding similar to Uprising.

    It's like, if the sound of 'Madness' was a music genre, Dead Inside would fit perfectly in it.



    - Undisclosed Desires and Dead Inside are both in C minor. Madness is in B flat major.

    - They both have a Depeche Mode vibe to them

    - They both have much more prominent multi-track/vocoder vocals than Madness does.

    - They both feature bass lines with a lot more space in between the notes than Madness' bass line has

  7. This is definitely my favourite of the new songs so far. Great groove, catchy vocal melody. Muse are much better at cheesy 80s glam pop than cheesy 80s hard rock, it would seem...



    I definitely agree with you! I really think it's the strongest of the three new songs we've heard so far. Though I wouldn't call it 80s glam pop. It reminds me more of 80s new wave/synth-pop music. They have more of a talent for emulating (while still putting their own flair on it) this style of music than some of the other styles of music they try to emulate.


    I don't understand why so many people seem to not like this song. To me it seems like it fits in really well stylistically with Map of the Problematique and Undisclosed Desires, and even to some extent, Sign o' the Times.

  8. Really makes me think Enjoy the Silence by Depeche Mode or Tainted Love by Soft Cell though with a bit more of a rock and guitar vibe than either of them. I really love how it does feel like a pop song but has a sinister and dark edge to it at the same time. It also feels a lot more cohesive as a single song than Reaper or Psycho do, maybe because it's a few minutes shorter than both of them. I'm really digging this track! :D

  9. there was a gig where a bunch of us had kazoos along. that was an amazing idea that failed :LOL:


    hahaha that's really funny. That sounds like a really fun and creative idea and if it wasn't done to be annoying I probably would have smiled and laughed at that. You agree that there is a time and place for it though, right? Would you have sang through your kazoo as loud as you could if Muse played a beautiful quiet song like Exogenesis Part 3 or Blackout?

  10. We 'took it in'/celebrated a rarity being played by having as much fun as possible with it, knowing that it might not get played again. Sort of like a 'enjoy it while you can' kind of thing. If I want to just listen to it, I'll play the studio version or watch a live video.


    Let's stop going to concerts to listen to the band, We can always listen to the recordings at home for that! Let's just divide the audience up into 4 sections (bass, guitar, drums and vocals) and we can sing from the audience all the parts that Muse is playing. Who needs the actual band on stage?!?!?

  11. Trust me, you can hear the band over the audience at most gigs. Showing appreciation for songs like The Groove is NEEDED, and it's the reason we might hear songs like it again.


    There are other ways to show appreciation of a song than singing really loudly over the entire song. Cheering and clapping at the END of the song. Or even cheering a little bit at the beginning of the song just to show recognition of it. Dancing and moving your body to the song. Singing along to the LYRICS of the song.


    Absurd, unrealistic, hypothetical situation: What would you guys think if 100 people brought oboes into the gig and played along to the entire song on them?

  12. I actually think it's great that fans immediately sang along to a riff that hadn't been played in 7 years.


    This is always worth reposting




    I would have been really frustrated being at the gig last night because I would know that would probably be my only time in my life ever seeing Muse play the Groove and it would have annoyed me that people in the audience sang so loudly over such a rarity instead of just taking it in by listening. I agree, that Uprising sing-along does seem really awesome and fun! :) But they play that song hundreds of times and IN MY OPINION it lends itself a lot better to a sing-along than The Groove does.

  13. See I have a problem with this too.

    Just because we want to hear the LIVE music and not people drowning out the instuments with lairy chanting means we should only listen to recordings?

    I go to gigs to watch and hear a performance. Songs usually always sound better live, especially when Muse do them! I think riff sing-alongs are cheesy and they grate on me, but I wouldn't tell people to stop doing them like you're telling people to get off their high horse!


    Thank you! I totally agree with all of this. I mean it's awesome when people have fun and get really into a gig with singing, chanting, dancing, etc. but in my opinion at some point it just become excessive and gets in the way of other people enjoying the music as much. I've been to concerts before where I'm standing next to a guy who is singing so loudly that I hear him singing over the actual singer the entire concert

  14. I really liked Matt playing chords instead of the main riff during the verses in The Groove. Gave the song a bit of a different dynamic.


    Yeah I thought that was a cool touch too! It reminded me of how Matt plays the chords in the verses of this performance of Dead Star

  15. Maybe it's just because I go to a lot of classical music concerts that singing along to something that is instrumental just seems really weird and out of place to me. I'm sorry if I offended anyone who is a big fan of singing along to the guitar parts in muse songs. It just grates on my nerves when I hear it and even if I find it super silly, I shouldn't judge people who enjoy it.

  16. Yeah, fuck that crowd. How dare they get into a song that hasn't been played in full since 2004.


    Riff sing alongs just seem super cheesy and weird to me in general. I mean if it's a song like KOC I guess that's okay but The Groove is just NOT a very singable riff. It seems like it was an awesome performance of the song from the band though and it must have been awesome to been there at the concert!


    Also, maybe this is an unpopular opinion but whenever I see videos of fans trying to sing along to Micro Cuts during the concert I really wish I could just tell them to shut up and let Matt sing it a billion times better than you can.

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