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Everything posted by xxATLowxx

  1. it's a bit boring here,:stunned: all i've been doing latley is going to school and downloading music

    and i was on the swingset the other night with my cousin and i jumped off and landed in the mud :eek: in my red dom-jeans :mad::supersad::facepalm: ahh at least the stain came out! mostly :(

  2. hi, i'm fine, doing quite well :happy:

    and you? :awesome:

  3. i wish i could go . . . i didn't really like U2 and cheap tickets were sold out . . . so i didn't end up going ]:

    nice to meet you too kim :awesome: where from NC are you?

  4. ahha thank you! i'm katie! :LOL: did you go to the carter finley gig? i wish i did :(

    and all i can do is wait around till they release dates . . .

  5. hi there ^_^ had to notice that you were from nc, it's nice to see a fellow Muser in your state once in a while! how are you? :awesome:

  6. i'm alright . . .

    thanksgiving dinner at church tonight, other than that not really doing much else

  7. hello :)

    how might you be today?

  8. well that's good . . . :)

    i'm trying to keep my mind off it . . . been playing piano

    i've almost never laid a finger on a piano before and i've been trying to learn B&H, it's going good :)

  9. Alright ish I guess . . .

    my grandmother has gotten very sick over the past month and i don't think she'll make it through thanksgiving . . . and my mother's taking it very hard

    but other than that i'm feeling sort of sick still x.X

    how about youuuu? :awesome:

  10. haha, she's really good, but she doesn't like letting him out of her site for too long -.-"

  11. my brother's 18, he doesn't live at college though but he practiclly lives with his girlfrieind -.-

    anyways it was a great bonding experience XD :giggle:

  12. haha, fun, i stayed up late last night with my brother watching chick flicks cause he's cool like that :dance::chuckle:

  13. yesterday i had school . . . came home and talked to my boyfriend for hours on IM :facepalm:

    then i went to dinner with my parents and aunt then went grocery shopping with them ^_^

    today . . . i honestly don't know wha ti'm going to do; listen to music and sit by the fireplace probably

    might make plans with friends :B and what about you?

  14. i'm fine, just worn out from the week, ready to sleep late tomorrow ^.^

  15. ^_^

    how are you?

  16. ahh i'm fine, just tired and worn out from the week

    tgif ^___^

    and you?

  17. ah, lovley, i hope you survive the long wait and have a good time! :awesome:

    and i can only hope they come visit :facepalm:

  18. hmm . . . something to do with music or photography, i'm not sure

  19. hmm, we start at age 5 in kindergarden, then first grade, second grade, ect. till 12th grade

  20. :eek: i have a while . . . almost 13 sooo that's . . . 5 years left of school and however many years of college :shifty:
  21. just gotta wait till high school and college are over and done with ^_^ i've never been there but i have a friend that lives there! he saw muse the 3rd time on the 13th and seeing them the 2nd time in wembely in september :awesome: lucky him

  22. i dream of living in england when i move out . . . i probably will :)

  23. haha, map doesn't count! if you ask half the people in my state if they knew where Apex is they wouldn't know . . . so I just normally say i'm from raleigh :D closest big city

  24. hmm . . . might go play around in my friend's recording studio like a few weeks ago if the rest of the band has nothing to do but other than that i'm doing nothing, haha, i also live in a small town. apex . . . no one knows where it is :(

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