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Butterflies and Hurricanes

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Everything posted by Butterflies and Hurricanes

  1. Oh French, Drama, English, Maths (I didn't have these today) Food Teh, Music <-i like music itself but not the teacher and R.S.:sleepy: Which lessons don't you like or have you carried lessons on? I do that next year.:p

  2. Hey thanks, I found it!:D It should work now yes? Sorry, I'm a bit slow today. Had the worst lessons today at school!:LOL:

  3. heh heh, that's quite hard to believe! But, hey we do find new thing out everyday;). Oh (sorry for asking you ANOTHER question) do you know how to get your signature to work on this website? I'm kinda stuck:$

  4. Hi again! Sorry for 2 posts:$, but I wanted to say thanks for the info on where to find more Muse stuff!:happy: It's working, I'm getting smarter at Muse now (not as smart as you though!:D)

  5. Hey thanks mate! I like you too!:) I think you're a nice person, and your knowledge of Muse is amazing!;)

  6. Yes, it is. Oops, I forgot about my profile picture! That was dumb! Sorry! I don't understand why, my profile picture doen't come up when I post messages. Can you help me, please?

  7. Oh you should get it, it's amazing! Get Guitar Hero 5, Matt is in it! It's so life like! (if you didn't already know) I reccomend GH: Greatest Hits and GH 5.

  8. Oh, your welcome! Well, yeah you could say that. But even though I'm new-ish, I love them! Matt's a madman but smart, Dom knows his stuff and Chris acts so cool! I love Guitar Hero, I've got most of them. Which one have you got?

  9. Cheers mate! 6 years! You're a real fan! I've got a secret about how i found Muse, but I'll tell you...I found them on Guitar Hero 3! How embarrassing! :$

  10. Your whole knowledge of them! I'm sorry that's not very clear. I'm saying you're very clever about Muse. Also, what websites/books/mags etc do you find Muse on?

  11. I agree with you orsetto. People don't like The resistance as much as the other album's...i think Resistance shows Muse grown up. Oh and the_invincible_dude you know your Muse stuff! where do you find all that stuff out?

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