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Everything posted by Maa.

  1. And by the way, Have you listened to it:facepalm::LOL:


  2. No you're not:fear: Naaw, :supersad: Ask your parents?:awesome:

  3. Ok, I see:LOL:

    You cant send a mail...Thats a long sentence:LOL:Or whait not one, its three:eek: in blaaack:yesey::LOL::LOL:

  4. I know daauh:rolleyes: What do think Im soo noobish?:LOL: Yes I Am:noey::facepalm: That's a long title for a film:LOL:

    But If its nice why did you use "supersad"? Why?Why Yellow?WHYYY? OH WHHYYYYYY? Who are we where are wee???0EE?E??E?E WHYYYYYYYYY?WHYYYYYYYYY?WHYYYYYYYYYY???????????I'll check it up:ninja:

  5. I sent it:LOL: Mohahaha:ninja:

  6. Posted what? mp3? I can send it to your yahoo:LOL:

  7. It's on Itunes. Nah just kidding:LOL: EDIT: Im not expecting us to reach no.1 either but I think you got it:LOL:

  8. By the way, I can send It, but I need a hotmail or something like that.:LOL:

  9. :LOL: Yes, my friend was like, "Im soo depressed, Its valentines day, and Im going too sleep alone:'("

    I was like, that sounded like you wanted to get laid :LOL:. :noey: Girls, girls:noey: The thing is that shes not like that, I dont even think she has had a serious boyfriend.:noey::facepalm:

  10. :LOL: i love that channel:LOL::facepalm: I had a chill day, came home from a restaurant. They have the best turkish food. I heart Turkish food. NOMNOMNOM. Our song:LOL: Its done, well we chose the one with the least amount of laughing in:LOL::facepalm: The result is :awesome:
  11. :LOL: You're Welcome:LOL: Now spread our music, Im excpecting us to reach no.1 in the US chart this week.
  12. Did It arrive?:LOL:

  13. :LOL:LOOL whuuutttttt:LOL:THIS guy is tha shieet:LOL: OMAAGAAWDDDDDDDDD:LOL:

  14. Haha:LOL: Chris:LOL::noey: I want kidney BEAANS. For Free:yesey: Be Gay- Today.:yesey:

    EDIT: What did you search for to get this?:LOL:

  15. Ok, but I cant see your email adress. It only says email it to xxatlowxx, I cant attach mp3 here, so I need to do it from hotmail. :facepalm:

  16. Hahaa:LOL: You wish:LOL: Well in your dreams then:LOL: I would die happy if he supported muse at wembley:LOL:

  17. What Fact?:LOL: Im sssssloooooww.really sloooow sloower than this dude in the video:LOL:

    WTFTTFTFFTF?:LOL::LOL::LOL::facepalm: WHaats upp? Is this what you have on your Playlist?:LOL:

  18. I dont understand now:LOL::facepalm: Did you ask if I wanted to know your not soo yellow name?:LOL: Wow, thats awesome, instrumental awesomeness:LOL: Does it appear when Neo is training if I remember right?:facepalm:

  19. Haha, well I have it:LOL:, but I don't know how to send mp3 files here:facepalm:

  20. Nooo:shifty:hmmm. :LOL:

    Yes I have, Its reallyy catchy.:dance: Awesome lyrics also, like a story. Its the twuuth:LOL: :awesome:

  21. :LOL: Exactly what I thought fail movie is fail.:facepalm: actually we only recorded as a mp3, so the failsong can be sent to phones:LOL:
  22. YEEEEEEEEEELLLOOW:LOL: Am I annoying or what?:facepalm:

  23. Wow, that's one non boring day you have there:yesey::awesome: I still haven't watched Paranormal Activity:facepalm: My brother have seen it and said it was disappointing. Yesterday me, my sister and brother recorded ourself signing I Want It That Way by Backstreet Boys, just for fun.:facepalm: It's so hilarious 'cause non of us can sing:LOL:

  24. PHONE SPAAAAAAM:fear: well I have to leave now:supersad: see ya tomorrow:kiss:

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