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Everything posted by Maa.

  1. NOWWWWWWWW IS IT NOOW:eek: I dont get mtv2:'( But I get BBC and its always Doctor Who and Top Gear on:awesome:

  2. Forward where, you mean you work hard so he'll be proud of you?:awesome:

  3. :LOL: No I ment, that my grandma was romanian so I have the language in my blood. and the I said, naah I have Google in my blood:yesey: Oh no You can't speak Swedish:phu: Google misspelledd it for you :ohu:HAAA! Druugs:eek::eek: EEEK!:eek: DRAAAMAA!:LOL:
  4. Ohh, soo you were supposed to write there:eek: I thought it was just oraly:wtf: NAawww:kiss::supersad:

    Rest in peace.:'(

  5. Buna, am venit la bunica mea vine din România şi că nu pot avea nevoie de ea pentru a învăţa, pentru că am în sângele lor. Sau poate nu, dar am Google Translate în sânge.:eek::yesey:

  6. You thought I thought Romanian was scary, and then you said Swedish is!:fear::phu:You're dizzy 'cause your mean:phu: And how was the contest?:happy::awesome:

  7. no its scary cause its deja vu :eek:and were is the banana:fear::LOL:ill have to translate that:facepalm:

  8. :LOL: scary:eek:haha wonder were you say that?:LOL:BANANA! Where is it by the way?flambaeu:LOL:
  9. im here now mohaha:LOL:on my phone:facepalm:

  10. Honeey im hommeeee:LOL: EDIT:

    Why cant you use caps when writing I hate how it changes to small letters if you use to much. they do it to minimise the anger in the posts:noey::LOL: I WANT BIG LETTERSSSSSS


  12. good luck:kiss:How was your day?:happy:

  13. Naww, you'll do great trust me:kiss: sleep early today and dont forget to eat breakfast:happy: and before youll go in close your eyes and take some deep breaths:) dont forget to listen to b&h, knights, invincible and maybe uprising to rise like the teddy:LOL:YOU WILL BE VICTORIOUS!

  14. Andradaaa:awesome: No not another banana flambeau:eek::LOL: NONOON

  15. Yes I have but not all :LOL::facepalm:

    I posted on my profile again:facepalm::LOL:

    Have to go now see ya tomorroww:supersad::kiss:Sleep well:LOL:

  16. Fail numero 6.

  17. :eek:NÄOOOOOooo:LOL:YOur EVIL:eek:Haha I didnt cry:LOL:Maybe a little sad when Cedric died:facepalm::LOL:

  18. Your spoilerr faailed first soo I saaw it:eek: Wasn't that on the half blood prince?:facepalm::LOL::eek:

  19. :eek: Put´s that spell on you:fear::LOL: I LOVE MYSEELF TOOOOO AND YOUUU:LOL:
  20. :LOL:The only thing i recognize is Wingardium Leviosaaaaaa:facepalm::LOL:

  21. :LOL: Ehaat, Is when you fail at writing What:facepalm:'cause I'm a failior:LOL:
  22. :happy: Ehaat:LOL: Eggs at 4:LOL:
  23. HAIIAAAAA BACK AAT YOU.KARATE CHOP A BMX SEAT:LOL::eek: 70 pages:LOL:Goo eaat some :srsb33f:

  24. 4 hours:eek:I wish I had 4 hours just onne day. ONNEE DAYYY:'(:LOL::awesome:HAha LOLZ at the musegame thread:LOL:

  25. :LOL: WHy dooesnt my beef smilies work:noey:Ehaait :srsb33f:We're gonna work a little math and a little swedish I dont know, we don't even have homework to do either:facepalm: Yes Lets Bet:LOL::facepalm:I MUST DO SOMETHING FUNNY JUST BECAUSE YOU DEMAND THAT:awesome:

    We're going to a restaurant tomorrow with relatives and friends:happy:

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