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Everything posted by Maa.

  1. YEEES!:aweosome: What invitation?:LOL::facepalm:

  2. :LOL: Yaaaaaaaaaay a muser weddiiiiiing!:awesome:
  3. Oh Andrada, I never thought you would say that.:kiss: I do! I do! I want to marry you!:awesome:

  4. SKFHLAFH!:LOL: I dont get this last fm shit:LOL:

  5. Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!you left:LOL:

  6. :wtf:You wanna fuck yourself?.. o k e y:stunned:BAHAHAHA:LOL: Evolve into what?:LOL:That sounds dirty:LOL::ninja:

  7. I DONT WANNA THINK! Its too tricky. Tell me Tell me Mum teeeelll mee! GAahjgsj give me a cluee! NOOWWWOWOWOW!

  8. Yes you are......No you're notMOHAOAHOAHOAHaOAH!

    :eek: It was about you and me?:D

    I dont know........:eek:



  9. We should what?:ninja:.............

  10. Its supposed to be in CAPS cause I was yelling that out! But mr.Caps Lock doesn't like when I raise my voice at innocent children!

  11. No you wont! Get back sistah!!!*slaapp*

  12. You're always posting before:fear::LOL: OK master I will......


    ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................For now...MOHHAHA


  13. Oh we also have exams soon. Im not worrying now cause we have chemistry, physics and swedish coming up before the national math tests. Im pretty confident with them, but Im nervous about the math test because we have Math A and B in one week.:LOL: Oh well, I wish it goes down well:LOL:

  14. OMG it sickens me now:LOL: 870 posts in one day!:eek:? HATAHATASDODA:LOL: They're fucking 31 years old! 20 years older than everyone there!:LOL: No wonder they never visit the forum:LOL:

  15. The sun was shining so bright and beautiful today. And I didn't even get to see it. We were moving stuff up and down from and to the attic the whole day.:noey::LOL: and you Master?:awesome:

  16. and I also want to say this:


    GOD! What's wrong with all the pornogenickjbkdha threads?:LOL: Seriously if you check the new pmt there's a spoiler on the first post! I had a :vomit: reaction:stunned: I mean all those threads in general are :vomit: I can believe I used to post a little there:stunned::facepalm::fear::LOL:



  17. You're not?:supersad: Neither am I :LOL:

    YES! it's el foot!:eek: NOOOOOOOOOOOOooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!:stunned:

  18. I've been missing you tooo:supersad:YOU'RE SOO SOOOLIID!:LOL: How are you?


  19. Get a life capsfail!:rolleyes:

  20. Yelllllllllllloooooooooooooooooooooooooooow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  21. QUEEEN!:LOL:

    I watched 20 minutes of a episode last night, I thinks it's good!:ninja::LOL:

    Why is this a crisis in your eyes?!

  22. So let mercy come aand wash away WHAT I'VE DONEE!

    Do you know the serie True blood?:shifty::ninja:

    Oh and also:


  23. I Can't get it riiight, geet it right, since I met YOU!

    sound promising!:phu: We'll see:shifty:

    And also:


  24. :LOL: You misspelled that!MOHAHAHAAH:phu:

    This means nothing to me, 'cause you are nothing to me.And it means nothing to me, that you blew this away.:phu: HAAH not flowerssss:eek::LOL: Something else:yesey:

  25. MOHAHA yes we have:LOL::shifty: 4 IN THA MORNING?:eek: We should have a smilie with eyes that pop out:yesey::LOL: Yes monsieur.!

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