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Everything posted by Maa.

  1. Ohhlalaaaa:eyebrows: How come? Oh i'll be studying math all day:LOL: WHERE ART THOU?

  2. Oh andraaaaaaaaadadadadadaddadddadododadaoao!

  3. Doris doesn't appreciate the almighty way of typing- WITH CAPS!

  4. How are you? And yes i will spam your profile:lol:

  5. Caps fail strikes again!!:noey:

  6. Andraaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaadaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!

  7. WOOOOOOOOW!AWESOMESAUCE!! But you're gone:supersad: Good luck!!! I'll let you borrow my brain for tomorrow (It may cause defects in your brain due to my low IQ:ninja:)MOHAHAH:LOL:

  8. Oh andradaaaaaaaaaa!

    Im trying to post something on muslive:LOL: But I'm lost and confused:LOL:

  9. sleep well:kiss:

  10. Haha:LOL:neither would I but you could always think that!:yesey: oh I have to go now:supersad: see ya tomorrow andrada:kiss:

  11. Im teaching her how to use a softwear for bills called SPCS Administration:LOL: It's pretty advanced I get a headache from all many many numbers and small buttons:LOL: Haha screw those assholes:LOL:

    Quoting Rage against the machine "F**ck you I wont do what you tell me!":LOL:

  12. Oh that bastard!:LOL: It went awesomely good!! :LOL: Im also tired, helping mum with a thing:LOL: My day was very usual. And you? how was your day?:awesome:

  13. IVE BEEN MISSING YOU HONEY BEE!!! Hahah Van Halen...

    GAAH So am I! But im happy cause I did the physic exam today:awesome: How are you?:happy:

  14. أصصصصصصصصصصصصصصصصصصصصصصصصصصصصصصصصصصصفر:awesome:!!!!

  15. Maa.

    Hahah:LOL: Fysssiiiik! Jag gjorde det idag och det gick mycket bättre än vad jag förväntade mig:LOL:

  16. Maa.

    :eek: Orättvist:phu: Jag har proov då!:'(

    Aja, jag tror alla ensamma uppgifter skulle vilja att jag ska lösa deras problem..

    I deras värld kallas jag ju för "Dr.Phil":eyebrows:

  17. Maa.

    LET'S DO IT! Jag bränner hela mitt skåp och reser lååång lååångt borta:LOL:

  18. Maa.

    Åhh tackar!:LOL: Jag funderar på att bränna min fysikbok- har du någon bok att gå samma öde till mötes?

  19. Oh bye:kiss: see ya:supersad: thanks:happy:

  20. :LOL: Yes that looks better:LOL:

    Im glad that period is over:LOL:

  21. Oh and I used this site...If you're bored sometime and decided to make equations:LOL:


  22. Still don't understand:facepalm:

    So I did this(hence the long time):facepalm::LOL:

    We do it like this....



  23. Oh..dont understand the first thing..:facepalm: I do it according to this formula

    Edit: it doesnt show up:facepalm: 1 sec..

  24. Mår bra..har pluggat fysik hela dagen och är trött:LOL: Tog en promenad i avenyn och kom hem för en stund sen:happy:

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