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Miss T

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Everything posted by Miss T

  1. I have almost unpacked it though, there's only a horde of colourful tights and some smaller stuff in there. And I'll need warmer clothes than what I had on the June trip, since it's gonna be bloody cold. There's 12 degrees here atm! This is almost like the beginning of winter already! :'(
  2. Well, I'd rather hope it would be hard for me, not him (Sorry, I had to have mmy daily horrible innuendo ) I just realised that I'm going to London in nine days! I haven't unpacked my suitcase from the Milan&Paris trip yet!
  3. He'd better look shocked, his wife has to get to the gigs. I will get it a few days before the gig, if it reaches my friend tomorrow. Seetickets, please don't screw this one up, I'm begging you!
  4. Ok, this thread has gotten way too fast suddenly. I just skipped to the last page, sorry My Wembley ticket should get to my UK friend tomorrow and I really hope it does, otherwise I'm screwed - she's going to London on Saturday and won't return to her home for months. So yeah, if my ticket doesn't arrive tomorrow, I'm without a ticket. Fail.
  5. Isn't this one of the girls who was waiting on the other side of the street? If yes, then I understand why Dom is so smily, he had just been talking to us and we were standing right there
  6. Uh... no idea, I lose count of it fairly easily. I want to see it again and right now ugh, the terrible puns. Think of the poor people living in Turkey! ... ... *snort* Seriously? That's a new one!
  7. It started with my first batch of screenshots, where I put a random name (it was toothpaste ) to all of them, with numbers. After that, I started giving silly names to all of my pics and they only got worse during the parties, when I had drank something. My throat doesn't hurt anymore! But I have a runny nose and feverish feeling, so it will still take time until I'm well again. Stupid immune system, it should work better! Uh... only four. Perhaps I'll be able to hold myself back now until I can buy the DVD.
  8. I sometimes eat honey on its own when I want something sweet No talking about snow! :'( I'm basically feeding on cough drops. Haven't taken vitamins separately though, should do that. And I should take my temperature, woke up feeling like crap. Rex! I loved that show as a kid. Hey, I was the one who started with silly filenames! I hope your mum will help you out, because this movie is really worth a visit to the cinema.
  9. But honey is awesome! Pff, stupid. I could recommend being a pirate and downloading it, but it's such an amazing movie that it's totally worth the ticket money - even four times. Plus it's better to watch it on the big screen. the filename is pure truth
  10. I've drank so much tea already, it's not really helping. Hm, maybe my onion-honey is ready... I know it must sound strange, but onion and honey are both good for you when you've caught a cold, so mixing them up actually makes a lot of sense. And the onion tastes really nice, plus the honey is turned into like a sweet&sour sauce. I actually sometimes made this as a child when I was completely healthy just so I could eat it Oh. That explains it
  11. Nope, not at the moment, but I woke up this morning because it sounded like someone was hurling huge tanks of water at my window. Horizontal rain! *gets mental images of a certain scene in Inception* Strange weather, huh? Ok, I should probably not try to convince myself that I'm dreaming, not even as a joke. This might have unexpected results, especially when I'm so tired that I can barely understand what i'm writing.
  12. Whining break - my throat hurts so fucking much that I almost can't breathe without feeling intense pain Ah, I love summertime with 16 degrees and constant thunderstorms. ()
  13. I want a hot man to cuddle. It's so cold, my throat is still hurting from the freezing night temperatures I had to face yesterday when coming home and the cold damn weather is making my back hurt. Can you send me some of your hot weather, please?
  14. Ok, be ready and as soon as you have sent me a reply here, I'll release one of my tags and then you'll have to be quick to claim it. So write me something, I'll see it, release a tag and write something back and you go and take a tag. :happy:

  15. I hope that in money, not in.. uh... favours A very unfortunate misreading The caption really fits! Like if I took part in an insane girl-snogging action on the barrier. ...oh, you meant examples for the pervy tweets, didn't you
  16. Then it's fine by me The only way I'd end up on Muse's DVD is because I'd do something silly at a gig or if Kirky came and interviewed the queuers .chuckle: I could do that Very bad misreading! I knew there was something wrong, since you wouldn't tell someone to look up if she is retarded.
  17. It's gonna be... interesting If I only knew what to tweet him Quite perverted, you say? I think I like it. I haven't got the money for paying you, the bills should all be sent to Dom.
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