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Posts posted by Tasha_

  1. thought i'd share this from last night






    Thanks for sharing :awesome:


    I know right! :awesome: I bet I´m gonna go "wooow there it´s The Edge!" like a certain someone...:LOL:




    sorry I don't have much time to quote anyone, I'm stealing Internet at the moment and I won't have any until I'm back in Canada. I will have to give you guys a recap of the gigs :yesey: I've run into a lot of musers and I met Kirk twice :)


    You met Kirk :awesome:





  2. Hello everyone!


    I haven´t posted much...



    Uni sucks really. If this semester won´t kill me I´m not sure what will. My schedule is shit...I still don´t even believe it. I have classes from 8 am till 8 pm on wednesday :eek::eek: Somebody please shoot me! :noey:

    I have this american teacher who is basically one of the most important linguist and creolist in the world but he can´t teach! He´s giving us a test on monday about stuff he didn´t explain in the two classes we had so far. Yes, classes started this week and we´re having a test already... Oh he teaches another subject course of mine. Great.


    My english teacher looks like he´s drunk all the time...lol

    At least russian classes are good fun!


    I just had an ugly fight with my mother as well about uni and various other things and I´m feeling like crap basically. Go me.


    On the other side I just had some news that I might be going to one of the super sold out U2 gigs in October in Coimbra! (city where I study)! :awesome: I´ll have confirmation on monday. It´s a funny story, my cousin is a judge and basically the police aprehended tickets being sold illegally, so now those tickets are kinda back on the market, however she obviously has acces to them first at normal price! :eyebrows:


    Sorry about rant...





    This pic is so cute. :supersad:


    Hello! That sucks about uni! :noey: U2 sounds good though :awesome:







  3. Προς το παρον, μπορει καποια στιγμη να παρεις καρτα κ να αγορασεις κατι ;)

    Χιχι τωρα περιμενω την στιγμη π θα μας ξαναβαλουν να παρω την εκδικηση μ απο τη sis μου :LOL::awesome:


    Εdit κ εγω : Aρχιζω την μουρμουρα ----> σιγουρη νικη! :happy:


    Αντε βαλε τα δυνατά σου :D


    Ναι ίσως καποια στιγμή! :happy:

  4. Eυχαριστουμε που επικοινωνησες μαζι τους :kiss:


    Τιποτα! Εγω χαρηκα που θα μας ξαναβαλουν μέσα και ας μην εχω σκοπο να αγορασω τίποτα :awesome:


    Edit: Μας εβαλαν ήδη!!!

  5. Good for you :happy: Suggest me a good Radiohead song ;)


    No...and if they do, the section is empty :indiff:


    :stunned::stunned: Matt


    They have many good songs :awesome: I warn you that some are rather weird and maybe a bit depressing, but I love them.





    That's too bad. Maybe you could order them? :erm:


    I love that pic :stunned:




    I made it one month ago I think...:D:D In the second picture Dom looks sooooo idnhfuwegrliu:stongue:


    They both look so good :stunned:

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