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Posts posted by Tasha_

  1. Don't get me wrong, it's not that I live in the middle of a desert or anything. :LOL: Once upon a time there was a cinema, but it got closed due to lack of interest. I like it here though, I could never go and live in a big city, I would go bonkers.


    So it's not only my country where it's bloody expensive! I spent 12 on the one with the Glasto special. :noey:




    No, I get it, it's the same thing where I live, it might be small and everything, but I love it here! Sometimes, however, I just want to leave and never come back :chuckle:


    No way! Here, everything is bloody expensive and it is going to get even worse, since the government is raising the taxes to everything...but I guess, they have to :noey:

  2. They've been doing that here with an Angela Lansbury show (don't know the english name of the show :chuckle:) and Rex, a detective dog. Every damn summer since I can remember :noey:



    I hate honey :noey:


    I don't know the first one, but I know that Rex thing, they'd been showing it here ages ago :noey:


    I don't hate it, I quite like it with my tea or yoghurt, but on it's own it's too sweet :supersad:


    Well, you're still in a better situation than me, I live in a village with approximately 550 inhabitants and the nearest cinema is half an hour drive away. :LOL:





    That is a long way, indeed! :eek: I love small villages, but there are so many things they lack.

  3. Looks like you guys have cold weather as well, it started hailing here so much that it had looked like it snowed :supersad:. I can feel fall nearing.



    Yes Inception is my new favourite film :awesome: you have to see it at least once on the big screen natasha. :)




    Already? :supersad:


    I will! I have heard so many good things about it, everyone seems to love it and I'm sure I will too :awesome:



  4. But honey is awesome! :supersad:


    Pff, stupid. :noey: I could recommend being a pirate and downloading it, but it's such an amazing movie that it's totally worth the ticket money - even four times. :LOL: Plus it's better to watch it on the big screen.



    the filename is pure truth :LOL:


    It is, but try eating a spoonful without anything else to accompany it with :noey:


    I will watch it, just don't know when :chuckle:


    Yeah, I should go to bed too, goodnight! :kiss:

  5. I've drank so much tea already, it's not really helping. :noey: Hm, maybe my onion-honey is ready... I know it must sound strange, but onion and honey are both good for you when you've caught a cold, so mixing them up actually makes a lot of sense. And the onion tastes really nice, plus the honey is turned into like a sweet&sour sauce. I actually sometimes made this as a child when I was completely healthy just so I could eat it :chuckle:


    Oh. :stunned: That explains it :LOL:




    I've never heard of that before :erm: But I remember my mother giving us a spoonful of honey everytime we had a sore throat when we were little. I didn't like it :supersad:


    Yeah, there used to be one in the nearby town, but they closed it down a couple of years ago to turn it into a nightclub :noey:



  6. My throat wants heat :supersad:


    You have so much to study that there's not even time for a quick visit to the cinema? :eek: Poor girl :(


    Why don't you make yourself a cup of tea? You'll feel better :yesey:


    I do have some time,I just don't have a cinema close to me at the moment though. :chuckle: When I'm not at the uni I live with my parents' in a village with 1000 people :stunned:



  7. Nope, not at the moment, but I woke up this morning because it sounded like someone was hurling huge tanks of water at my window. Horizontal rain! :awesome: *gets mental images of a certain scene in Inception* Strange weather, huh? :shifty:


    Ok, I should probably not try to convince myself that I'm dreaming, not even as a joke. :LOL: This might have unexpected results, especially when I'm so tired that I can barely understand what i'm writing. :chuckle:




    Υeah, very strange :stunned: Here it was a bit windy today, but it was still very hot.


    I still haven't watched it :LOL: I should, but I'm too busy studying and I haven't left the house for 3 days :supersad:



  8. Can you put on music or does it distract you? :erm:


    Anyway, it's funny and cool :happy:


    Yeah, like the other one, but it's weird for me as I finished 7th in pdt XI after "climbing" my way up :erm:



    I always have music on :D


    Well, the other one had been going for ages and many people posted, whereas it's still the start for this thread.


    I have to go now, see you :happy:



  9. I suppose, but it's weird, they rarely do it :erm:


    Writing? Oh...boring boring and more boring :LOL:


    Haven't seen that pic before! :awesome:

    wtf? I'm third poster? :stunned:




    Writing my experiment down. Boring as hell :(


    I had it in my imageshack, I think it's from the making of Hullabaloo, although I'm not sure :unsure:


    I'm second :stunned:



  10. I ripped the 2nd album, now I just have to listen to it :rolleyes:

    Yeah, I like it very much too! (note undertitle :ninja:)


    Really? I like calm and "emotional" ones, that may be a little sad, but not depressing :chuckle:


    Beat you to it ;)

    Can't we create a PAT thread in Banter? You, me and Natasha? :LOL:






    Oh, listen to it, it's great :awesome: I saw the undertitle :chuckle:


    I like those type of songs, too, but...*shrugs*


    What does PAT stand for? :unsure:

  11. and we go for the jerks :mad:


    I don't blame anyone :eyebrows:


    :awesome: Rage Sex


    :awesome: just win the lottery and you're set for life!




    Well, it's fun to perv anyway :eyebrows:


    I wish :noey:


    my friends left now, it was great :happy:

    Me and my best friend are watching TB on tv now but it's weird with their German voices :noey:


    Seems like you had a great time yesterday :happy:


    Hi all

    Pics of a luvly hairy bit of stuff from the gig last night for you :D








    Love these pics :stunned:

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