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Posts posted by Tasha_


    No-no, the interview was today, tomorrow I should get the results. So nervous! :supersad: It would be an amazing place to work - in the concert hall with my best guy friend. :supersad:


    Oh god no, Matt with plectrum earrings? :LOL: Yup, it was a festival gig in Estonia and most people started leaving the moment the gig ended, but then a handful of plectrums was thrown and since I was at the barrier, I managed to get two. :D




    Oh, good luck with the results! I hope you get the job, it sounds great :happy:


    No, not earrings :LOL: Just using the glow-in-the-dark plectrums to play the guitar! Lucky you :D



  2. yeah, if I can do anything besides stressing about whether I will get the job I interviewed for today or not. :chuckle:


    I've been making earrings out of random things and I found that one of the music stores sells glow-in-the-dark plectrums. So I'm making a bunch for Wembley, have already promised these to some people. And I have Scissor Sisters plectrums as well, caught two at a gig and now I'm wearing them :awesome:




    Oh, you have a job interview tomorrow? :eek: Don't worry, you'll do great :yesey:


    That sounds awesome! I hadn't heard of that before, Matt should start using them too, they would go great with his tinfoil suits :chuckle: You caught TWO plectums at the gig?



  3. :eyebrows:


    I have almost unpacked it though, there's only a horde of colourful tights and some smaller stuff in there. And I'll need warmer clothes than what I had on the June trip, since it's gonna be bloody cold. :supersad: There's 12 degrees here atm! This is almost like the beginning of winter already! :'(




    :chuckle: You better get ready.


    I suppose it will be chilly :erm: You still have time to pack though, so don't worry :happy:



  4. He'd better look shocked, his wife has to get to the gigs. :phu::chuckle:


    I will get it a few days before the gig, if it reaches my friend tomorrow. Seetickets, please don't screw this one up, I'm begging you! :supersad:




    I bet he's really looking forward to seeing you again :supersad: It must be hard for him. :chuckle:


    They'd better not :fear:



  5. Ok, this thread has gotten way too fast suddenly. :stunned: I just skipped to the last page, sorry :chuckle:


    My Wembley ticket should get to my UK friend tomorrow and I really hope it does, otherwise I'm screwed - she's going to London on Saturday and won't return to her home for months. :stunned: So yeah, if my ticket doesn't arrive tomorrow, I'm without a ticket. Fail.




    That can't be good. Even Dom has an " :eek: " expression. :chuckle:


    I hope you get it tomorrow. :happy:



  6. Yes stripper Matt :awesome:


    Yes, I really want that one. I'm kind mad at myself for not going out to look for it.


    :supersad: I want warm weather from Greece.


    :stunned: Must not think dirty thoughts.




    You should get it, if you can, I knew almost everything that was in it, but it was worth it for the photos and for the fact that it's Muse from the front cover to the back cover :awesome:


    I will send you some :supersad:


    Oh, do :eyebrows:


    Why the sad face?


    Because his skin, hair and face looked perfect in that photo :supersad:


    Hellooo PDTers!

    I'm new to this thread & thought I'd share this with you guys




    Correct me if gif's aren't allowed :$:happy:


    Hello! Welcome! Gifs are very much allowed! :yesey:


    I have no idea what this fuckery is. :mad:


    Perhaps they deleted their accounts or something? :wtf:



  7. I like that video :phu:

    I need more of stripper-Matt in my life :awesome:




    Stripper-Matt? :noey:


    Yes the september Q magazine isn't here yet. I think I'm just gonna subscribe because I can get the 100 pg Muse one for free If I do.



    Yeah and the leaves are starting to turn yellow , Oh I hate living in Canada.


    :yesey: some mighty fine looking men in that movie as well.




    Wait what ? :eek:

    ummm Oh my :$




    You mean the 100-pages NME special? :erm:


    Oh, that sucks :supersad:


    So I heard...:eyebrows:

  8. Yeah a great time. I wanna go back!! :'(


    I just went to PMT for two seconds and the first thing I see is this:





    :stunned:Keep it under control Matt for fucks sake, the amp is just an innocent helpless machine!



    Yeah, I heard someone say Dom is too sexy for everyone and everything...I suppose it´s true. :LOL:




    This pic is the death of me. *is dead*


    That's great :happy:


    Yeah, that video has been going around a lot today :chuckle: I don't want to see it again :stunned:


    He is :eyebrows:



  9. :supersad:




    Hello hello!! I´m back from my holidays! :D


    How´s everyone? I spent this totally awesome week in the beaches of the south of my country, sleeping in an apartment 10 meters from the ocean, getting a tan, melting away under 35ºC everyday, swimming in a very hot sea at 9pm, and then I come back home yesterday and it´s raining......talk about about post holiday depression...:'( Today was hot and sunny again and I went sunbathing again in my garden :LOL: What the hell is wrong with the weather?? And you girls are talking about how cold it is in your countries..:wtf:


    So, did anything interesting happen in the Muse world while I was Internetless? A certain drummer coming on stage naked maybe?:eyebrows: Some spectacular banging? No? :ninja:




    The hair :happy:


    Hey! Welcome back :happy: Sound like you had an amazing time!


    Nothing happened, unfortunately, as far as I remember except for Matt violating an amp the other day in Krakow :erm::chuckle:


    Not just the hair, everything :stunned:

  10. Me too but it's so expensive :noey:


    The stubbles :stunned: I loved those drums, glad I've seen them :happy:




    You're right, but since I'm not spending money on gig tickets, I found another way to spend money on them :awesome:


    I think those are my favourite drums :happy:


    I want magazines with them on the cover too! :fear::supersad:

    No stop tonight, see you tomorrow girls :kiss:

    And I have orange nail polish :awesome:





    Orange nail polish sounds :awesome:


    See you :kiss:

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