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Posts posted by trogette

  1. I know I joke about it a lot, but I'm not really that into staring at guy's asses. At least when I have to pay for it. :chuckle:


    Honestly, I can't imagine myself being anything short of furious staring at the bands' backs all night, or worse, having them obscured by the stage set up, which was what happened for most of the center stage gig I saw before.


    I will be fair and say it was my third gig on that tour, both the other two I was on the barrier, so it wasn't my only chance at seeing them, but actually it was a real treat to be able see Dom and Morgan's work and set-up. I was more in the corner on Chris' side, so that's definitely an arse worth seeing, and both he and Matt made sure to perform to us regularly through the set. I do think they'll be aware of the possible drawbacks of a 360 stage and work hard to ameliorate them, if that's what they're doing, but what does concern me is how it might affect the connection between them if they're constantly on the move/at opposite sides of the stage.

  2. Another small venue gig




    Cave (Guitar)

    Plug in Baby



    Stockholm Syndrome

    Hyper Music

    MK Ultra

    Supermassive Black Hole





    Time Is Running Out

    Knights of Cydonia


    Swap Bliss for MOTP and this is my actual perfect piano-less setlist :supersad:

  3. Damn, feels like it's been ages for me. Then I look at my arm and see my skin still peeling from the sunburn I got :chuckle:


    hah, my chin keeps going 'weatherbeaten' looking...


    on the way home I got Sunday Nights by Frank Turner in my head. Managed to get the album playing but didn't get home before it got to that track, boo. And yes it does feel like bloody ages ago!

  4. Hoody and purple lettering? Are you talking about the use of LOL! I was enjoying myself at the gig way too much to enjoy anything at all (apart from getting eye contact from Matt during Dead Star. :happy: Sure there were lots of people wearing hoodies, and what does it matter that someone is autistic?


    No, I was talking about the lettering on the hoodie, and it doesn't matter at all to me, except that this guy, I couldn't tell if he was actually queueing or not, and he seemed, hm, not neurotypical, in a way that some people might find creepy.

  5. Of course we listen to the band, we just join in and interact with the music that's being played. Plus, like Dee said, the more passion the fans show for songs like this, the more likely it is to stick around in some capacity.




    Maybe because everyone here is trying to get a rise out of me and posting stupid, snarky, smart-ass comments


    Oh god, it's always about you



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